120 research outputs found

    General Centrality in a hypergraph

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    The goal of this paper is to present a centrality measurement for the nodes of a hypergraph, by using existing literature which extends eigenvector centrality from a graph to a hypergraph, and literature which give a general centrality measurement for a graph. We will use this measurement to say more about the number of communications in a hypergraph, to implement a learning mechanism, and to construct certain networks.Comment: 16 page

    Functional centrality in graphs

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    In this paper we introduce the functional centrality as a generalization of the subgraph centrality. We propose a general method for characterizing nodes in the graph according to the number of closed walks starting and ending at the node. Closed walks are appropriately weighted according to the topological features that we need to measure

    Uplifting edges in higher order networks: spectral centralities for non-uniform hypergraphs

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    Spectral analysis of networks states that many structural properties of graphs, such as centrality of their nodes, are given in terms of their adjacency matrices. The natural extension of such spectral analysis to higher order networks is strongly limited by the fact that a given hypergraph could have several different adjacency hypermatrices, hence the results obtained so far are mainly restricted to the class of uniform hypergraphs, which leaves many real systems unattended. A new method for analysing non-linear eigenvector-like centrality measures of non-uniform hypergraphs is presented in this paper that could be useful for studying properties of H\mathcal{H}-eigenvectors and Z\mathcal{Z}-eigenvectors in the non-uniform case. In order to do so, a new operation - the uplift\textit{uplift} - is introduced, incorporating auxiliary nodes in the hypergraph to allow for a uniform-like analysis. We later argue why this is a mathematically sound operation, and we furthermore use it to classify a whole family of hypergraphs with unique Perron-like Z\mathcal{Z}-eigenvectors. We supplement the theoretical analysis with several examples and numerical simulations on synthetic and real datasets.Comment: 28 pages, 6 figure

    Ranking sets of morbidities using hypergraph centrality

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    Multi-morbidity, the health state of having two or more concurrent chronic conditions, is becoming more common as populations age, but is poorly understood. Identifying and understanding commonly occurring sets of diseases is important to inform clinical decisions to improve patient services and outcomes. Network analysis has been previously used to investigate multi-morbidity, but a classic application only allows for information on binary sets of diseases to contribute to the graph. We propose the use of hypergraphs, which allows for the incorporation of data on people with any number of conditions, and also allows us to obtain a quantitative understanding of the centrality, a measure of how well connected items in the network are to each other, of both single diseases and sets of conditions. Using this framework we illustrate its application with the set of conditions described in the Charlson morbidity index using data extracted from routinely collected population-scale, patient level electronic health records (EHR) for a cohort of adults in Wales, UK. Stroke and diabetes were found to be the most central single conditions. Sets of diseases featuring diabetes; diabetes with Chronic Pulmonary Disease, Renal Disease, Congestive Heart Failure and Cancer were the most central pairs of diseases. We investigated the differences between results obtained from the hypergraph and a classic binary graph and found that the cen-trality of diseases such as paraplegia, which are connected strongly to a single other disease is exaggerated in binary graphs compared to hypergraphs. The measure of centrality is derived from the weighting metrics calculated for disease sets and further investigation is needed to better understand the effect of the metric used in identifying the clinical significance and ranked centrality of grouped diseases. These initial results indicate that hypergraphs can be used as a valuable tool for analysing previously poorly understood relationships and in-formation available in EHR data

    Vector Centrality in Hypergraphs

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    Identifying the most influential nodes in networked systems is of vital importance to optimize their function and control. Several scalar metrics have been proposed to that effect, but the recent shift in focus towards network structures which go beyond a simple collection of dyadic interactions has rendered them void of performance guarantees. We here introduce a new measure of node's centrality, which is no longer a scalar value, but a vector with dimension one lower than the highest order of interaction in a hypergraph. Such a vectorial measure is linked to the eigenvector centrality for networks containing only dyadic interactions, but it has a significant added value in all other situations where interactions occur at higher-orders. In particular, it is able to unveil different roles which may be played by the same node at different orders of interactions -- information that is otherwise impossible to retrieve by single scalar measures. We demonstrate the efficacy of our measure with applications to synthetic networks and to three real world hypergraphs, and compare our results with those obtained by applying other scalar measures of centrality proposed in the literature.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figure

    Unleashing the power of communication: exploring the dynamics of slack channel networks and project success

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    Treballs finals del Màster de Fonaments de Ciència de Dades, Facultat de matemàtiques, Universitat de Barcelona. Curs: 2022-2023. Tutor: Albert Díaz GuileraCommunication is at the center of any human organisation. In this thesis I analyse the communication patterns of employees from a company called Superside by extracting data from Slack, their communication platform, and analysing it as a network. I find that the distribution of users among channels is optimal when looked at from the perspective of robustness. Additionally I analyse the participation of users in conversations and find that the network they form is a scale-free network, which makes the company weaker to targeted attacks (loosing central employees). In that same line I perform an experiment in order to find out the network related metric to look at when performing layoffs, which turns out to be Betweeness Centrality. Finally I dig into performance and I find indication that projects assigned to overworked employees tend to be delivered late, moreover, I show that the Project Manager’s centrality in the projects plays a significant role on the project being delivered late or on time
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