7 research outputs found

    Threat or Opportunity? - Examining Social Bots in Social Media Crisis Communication

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    Crisis situations are characterised by their sudden occurrence and an unclear information situation. In that context, social media platforms have become a highly utilised resource for collective information gathering to fill these gaps. However, there are indications that not only humans, but also social bots are active on these platforms during crisis situations. Although identifying the impact of social bots during extreme events seems to be a highly relevant topic, research remains sparse. To fill this research gap, we started a bigger project in analysing the influence of social bots during crisis situations. As a part of this project, we initially conducted a case study on the Manchester Bombing 2017 and analysed the social bot activity. Our results indicate that mainly benign bots are active during crisis situations. While the quantity of the bot accounts is rather low, their tweet activity indicates a high influence

    ‘Conspiracy Machines’ - The Role of Social Bots during the COVID-19 ‘Infodemic’

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    The omnipresent COVID-19 pandemic gave rise to a parallel spreading of misinformation, also referred to as an ‘Infodemic’. Consequently, social media have become targets for the application of social bots, that is, algorithms that mimic human behaviour. Their ability to exert influence on social media can be exploited by amplifying misinformation, rumours, or conspiracy theories which might be harmful to society and the mastery of the pandemic. By applying social bot detection and content analysis techniques, this study aims to determine the extent to which social bots interfere with COVID19 discussions on Twitter. A total of 78 presumptive bots were detected within a sample of 542,345 users. The analysis revealed that bot-like users who disseminate misinformation, at the same time, intersperse news from renowned sources. The findings of this research provide implications for improved bot detection and managing potential threats through social bots during ongoing and future crises

    Ecosystem of Social Media Listening Practices for Crisis Management

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    Author's accepted manuscriptThe benefits of using social media data as a source of information are recognized by both practice and research in crisis management. However, the existing understanding on the matter is fragmented, it oscillates between techno-determinisms and socio-determinisms, which does not provide a holistic picture. In this paper we argue that to better adapt social media data use practices, an ecosystem perspective is needed. In doing so, we conducted a systematic literature review and identified the various entities and their interrelationships that configure the practices of social media listening for crisis management. Then, we summarize our findings by proposing a conceptual ecosystem of practice. Finally, we suggest its implications for future research and practice.acceptedVersio

    Digital Facilitation Assistance for Collaborative, Creative Design Processes

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    People focus more and more on creating innovations collaboratively. Digital assistants (DAs) can accelerate such collaborative, creative design processes by supporting people in their work. Especially in the context of design, such as design thinking, moderators that facilitate collaborative, creative workshops can benefit from the support for their teams and themselves in the form of a DA. Based on interviews with experienced workshop facilitators from research and practice, we discuss implications for the design and usage of DAs in collaborative, creative design processes. We identify 16 distinct capabilities of DAs for task, process and interaction facilitation to guide design research and practitioners’ endeavors toward helpful automated DT facilitation support. Moreover, we outline a research agenda to foster future research on this young research area

    GenAI-powered Social Bots for Crisis Communication: A Systematic Literature Review

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    Climate change causes ever more natural hazards. In such crisis situations, individuals seek for information about the situations constantly. Due to its ever-growing relevancy in the everyday life, social media are increasingly used to seek and discuss crisis-related information. Social media platforms offer the possibility to deploy social bots (i.e., automated user accounts) that are partly credited to be used for malicious purposes but also considered useful by emergency management agencies (EMAs) to disseminate situational updates and information. Many tasks for which EMAs employ social bots rely on the publication of information in textual form. Recent advancements of generative artificial intelligence (GenAI) offer means to generate texts, images, and videos automatically. Therefore, we explore how social bots can benefit from GenAI in crisis communication. To this end, we conduct a systematic literature review and offer a research agenda to guide future endeavours

    A Process Evaluation of Intelligence Gathering Using Social Media for Emergency Management Organizations in California

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    When responding to an emergency, correct and timely information is often the difference between a successful response and a potential disaster. The information that emergency managers in California receive from the public often dictates how agencies respond to emergencies. The emergence of social media has presented several benefits to emergency managers regarding intelligence gathering during the emergency response process. Simultaneously, the emergence of social media has raised several concerns for the stakeholders involved. One major issue involves inaccurate information circulating on social media platforms during ongoing disasters. If emergency managers cannot discern incorrect information from correct information, disaster response may be less effective. Rumors and misinformation tend to circulate before, during, and after emergencies. Although incorrect information circulating on social media cannot be stopped in totality, emergency managers can use cutting-edge technology and strategies to discern and counteract false information. New technologies and intelligence gathering tools can be used as a source of intelligence to relay lifesaving information to the public. Past negative examples of inaccurate information on social media influencing stakeholder decision-making raise the focus of this research: How can emergency management agencies in California leverage the flow of valid information on social media during crisis conditions