66 research outputs found

    A parallel Euler approach for large-scale biological sequence assembly

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    Biological sequence assembly is an essential step for sequencing the genomes of organisms. Sequence assembly is very computing intensive especially for the large-scale sequence assembly. Parallel computing is an effective way to reduce the computing time and support the assembly for large amount of biological fragments. Euler sequence assembly algorithm is an innovative algorithm proposed recently. The advantage of this algorithm is that its computing complexity is polynomial and it provides a better solution to the notorious &ldquo;repeat&rdquo; problem. This paper introduces the parallelization of the Euler sequence assembly algorithm. All the Genome fragments generated by whole genome shotgun (WGS) will be assembled as a whole rather than dividing them into groups which may incurs errors due to the inaccurate group partition. The implemented system can be run on supercomputers, network of workstations or even network of PC computers. The experimental results have demonstrated the performance of our system.<br /

    The multifaceted and ever-changing directions of information security - Australia get ready!

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    In recent years, we have witnessed many information security developmental trends. As a consequence, the dimensions of information security - once single disciplinary area - have become multifaceted and convoluted. This paper aims to (1) recapitulate these key developments: (2) argue that the emergence of many complex information security dimensions are the result of \u27constant change agents\u27 (CCAs); (3) discuss the implications on Australia\u27s society, i. e. government, companies and individuals; and (4) propose key consideration areas and possible solutions thereof. We hope that the discussion presented here will position Australia to make better aligned information security and strategic plans, such as choosing appropriate investments and adopting effective solutions to strengthen and secure Australia\u27s national information security posture. <br /

    Employing wikis for online collaboration in the e-learning environment: case study

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    This paper examines the various ways in which students reflect on their very recent experiences in collaborating in an online e-learning environment. Wikis, fully editable Websites, are easily accessible, require no software and allow its contributors, in these case students, to feel a sense of responsibility and ownership. Wikis are everywhere, but, unfortunately, the online literature has not yet begun to focus enough on wikis (Mattison 2003). Whereas students are used to the WebCT based university Elearning environment, Deakin Studies Online (DSO), this case study, completed in Nov 2004, was conducted to test the wiki platform as a means of online collaboration in the tertiary education environment. A full analysis of the results is presented, as are recommendations for improving the platform in an effort to employ wikis and utilize them to their full and absolute potential. <br /

    A defense system against DDoS attacks by large-scale IP traceback

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    In this paper, we present a new approach, called Flexible Deterministic Packet Marking (FDPM), to perform a large-scale IP traceback to defend against Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks. In a DDoS attack the victim host or network is usually attacked by a large number of spoofed IP packets coming from multiple sources. IP traceback is the ability to trace the IP packets to their sources without relying on the source address field of the IP header. FDPM provides many flexible features to trace the IP packets and can obtain better tracing capability than current IP traceback mechanisms, such as Probabilistic Packet Marking (PPM), and Deterministic Packet Marking (DPM). The flexibilities of FDPM are in two ways, one is that it can adjust the length of marking field according to the network protocols deployed; the other is that it can adjust the marking rate according to the load of participating routers. The implementation and evaluation demonstrates that the FDPM needs moderately only a small number of packets to complete the traceback process; and can successfully perform a large-scale IP traceback, for example, trace up to 110,000 sources in a single incident response. It has a built-in overload prevention mechanism, therefore this scheme can perform a good traceback process even it is heavily loaded.<br /

    SW @ SPAIN

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    Executive Summary: This report provides information about the current state of the art in Semantic Web research in Spain. The contents of this report are mainly based on the information that was gathered during the workshop "Ontologías y Web Semántica 2005", which was held in Santiago de Compostela in November 2005, and the contributions that members from most of the research groups working in Semantic-Webrelated areas in Spain have provided. The field of Semantic Web is quite widespread in Spain, with important groups developing methods, techniques and tools to support different areas: Ontological Engineering, semantic extraction and annotation from heterogeneous sources, semantic search engines, personalisation and Semantic Web Services

    Ontology-based Knowledge Representation for Protein Data

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    The advances in information and communication technologies coupled with increased knowledge about genes and proteins have opened new perspectives for study of protein complexes. There is a growing need to integrate the knowledge about various protein complexes for effective disease prevention mechanisms, individualized medicines and treatments and other accepts of healthcare. In this paper we propose a protein ontology that handles the following computational challenges in the area proteomics and systems biology in general: (1) it provides more accurate interpretations and associations as conclusions are based on data and semantics. (2) It makes it possible to study relationships among proteins, protein folding, behaviour of protein under various environments, and most importantly cellular function of protein. This protein ontology is a unified terminology description integrating various protein database schemas and provides a easier way to predict and understand proteins

    SPAD: a distributed middleware architecture for QoS enhanced alternate path discovery

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    In the next generation Internet, the network will evolve from a plain communication medium into one that provides endless services to the users. These services will be composed of multiple cooperative distributed application elements. We name these services overlay applications. The cooperative application elements within an overlay application will build a dynamic communication mesh, namely an overlay association. The Quality of Service (QoS) perceived by the users of an overlay application greatly depends on the QoS experienced on the communication paths of the corresponding overlay association. In this paper, we present SPAD (Super-Peer Alternate path Discovery), a distributed middleware architecture that aims at providing enhanced QoS between end-points within an overlay association. To achieve this goal, SPAD provides a complete scheme to discover and utilize composite alternate end-to end paths with better QoS than the path given by the default IP routing mechanisms

    Applying fair intelligent congestion control in a hybrid QoS architecture for wireless environment

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    This simple and scalable Differentiated Services (DiffServ) QoS control model is acceptable for the core of the network. However, more explicit and stringent admission and reservation based QoS mechanisms are required in the wireless access segment of the network, where available resources are severely limited and the degree of traffic aggregation is not significant, thus rendering the DiffServ principles less effective. In this paper we present a suitable hybrid QoS architecture framework to address the problem. At the wireless access end, the local QoS mechanism is designed in the context of IEEE 802.11 WLAN with 802.11e QoS extensions. At the edge and over the DiffServ domain, the Fair Intelligent Congestion Control (FICC) algorithm is applied to provide fairness among traffic aggregates and control congestion at the bottleneck interface between the wireless link and the network core.<br /
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