10 research outputs found

    Propagation acceleration in reaction diffusion equations with anomalous diffusions

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    In this paper, we are interested in the properties of solution of the nonlocal equation {ut+(Δ)su=f(u),t>0, xRu(0,x)=u0(x),xR\begin{cases}u_t+(-\Delta)^su=f(u),\quad t>0, \ x\in\mathbb{R}\\ u(0,x)=u_0(x),\quad x\in\mathbb{R}\end{cases} where 0u0<10\le u_0<1 is a Heaviside type function, Δs\Delta^s stands for the fractional Laplacian with s(0,1)s\in (0,1), and fC([0,1],R+)f\in C([0,1],\mathbb{R}^+) is a non negative nonlinearity such that f(0)=f(1)=0f(0)=f(1)=0 and f(1)<0f'(1)<0. In this context, it is known that the solution u(t,s)u(t,s) converges locally uniformly to 1 and our aim here is to understand how fast this invasion process occur. When ff is a Fisher-KPP type nonlinearity and s(0,1)s \in (0,1), it is known that the level set of the solution u(t,x)u(t,x) moves at an exponential speed whereas when ff is of ignition type and s(12,1)s\in \left(\frac{1}{2},1\right) then the level set of the solution moves at a constant speed. In this article, for general monostable nonlinearities ff and any s(0,1)s\in (0,1) we derive generic estimates on the position of the level sets of the solution u(t,x)u(t,x) which then enable us to describe more precisely the behaviour of this invasion process. In particular, we obtain a algebraic generic upper bound on the "speed" of level set highlighting the delicate interplay of ss and ff in the existence of an exponential acceleration process. When s(0,12]s\in\left (0,\frac{1}{2}\right] and ff is of ignition type, we also complete the known description of the behaviour of uu and give a precise asymptotic of the speed of the level set in this context. Notably, we prove that the level sets accelerate when s(0,12)s\in\left(0,\frac{1}{2}\right) and that in the critical case s=12s=\frac{1}{2} although no travelling front can exist, the level sets still move asymptotically at a constant speed. These new results are in sharp contrast with the bistable situation where no such acceleration may occur, highlighting therefore the qualitative difference between the two type of nonlinearities

    Dynamics of concentration in a population structured by age and a phenotypic trait with mutations. Convergence of the corrector

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    We study an equation structured by age and a phenotypic trait describing the growth process of a population subject to aging, competition between individuals, and mutations. This leads to a renewal equation which occurs in many evolutionary biology problems. We aim to describe precisely the asymp-totic behavior of the solution, to infer properties that illustrate the concentration and adaptive dynamics of such a population. This work is a continuation of [38] where the case without mutations is considered. When mutations are taken into account, it is necessary to control the corrector which is the main novelty of the present paper. Our approach consists in defining, by the Hopf transform, a Hamilton-Jacobi equation with an effective Hamiltonian as in homogenization problems. Its solution carries the singular part of the limiting density (typically Dirac masses) and the corrector defines the weights. The main new result of this paper is to prove that the corrector is uniformly bounded, using only the global Lipschitz and semi-convexity estimates for the viscosity solution of the Hamilton-Jacobi equation. We also establish the limiting equation satisfied by the corrector. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first example where such bounds can be proved in such a context

    Thin front limit of an integro–differential Fisher–KPP equation with fat–tailed kernels

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    We study the asymptotic behavior of solutions to a monostable integro-differential Fisher-KPP equation , that is where the standard Laplacian is replaced by a convolution term, when the dispersal kernel is fat-tailed. We focus on two different regimes. Firstly, we study the long time/long range scaling limit by introducing a relevant rescaling in space and time and prove a sharp bound on the (super-linear) spreading rate in the Hamilton-Jacobi sense by means of sub-and super-solutions. Secondly, we investigate a long time/small mutation regime for which, after identifying a relevant rescaling for the size of mutations, we derive a Hamilton-Jacobi limit

    Propagation and reaction–diffusion models with free boundaries

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    In this short survey, we describe some recent developments on the modeling of propagation by reaction-differential equations with free boundaries, which involve local as well as nonlocal diffusion. After the pioneering works of Fisher, Kolmogorov–Petrovski–Piskunov (KPP) and Skellam, the use of reaction–diffusion equations to model propagation and spreading speed has been widely accepted, with remarkable progresses achieved in several directions, notably on propagation in heterogeneous media, models for interacting species including epidemic spreading, and propagation in shifting environment caused by climate change, to mention but a few. Such models involving a free boundary to represent the spreading front have been studied only recently, but fast progress has been made. Here, we will concentrate on these free boundary models, starting with those where spatial dispersal is represented by local diffusion. These include the Fisher–KPP model with free boundary and related problems, where both the one space dimension and high space dimension cases will be examined; they also include some two species population models with free boundaries, where we will show how the long-time dynamics of some competition models can be fully determined. We then consider the nonlocal Fisher–KPP model with free boundary, where the diffusion operator Δu is replaced by a nonlocal one involving a kernel function. We will show how a new phenomenon, known as accelerated spreading, can happen to such a model. After that, we will look at some epidemic models with nonlocal diffusion and free boundaries, and show how the long-time dynamics can be rather fully described. Some remarks and comments are made at the end of each section, where related problems and open questions will be briefly discussed

    A Rabies Model with Distributed Latent Period and Territorial and Diffusing Rabid Foxes

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    abstract: Rabies is an infectious viral disease. It is usually fatal if a victim reaches the rabid stage, which starts after the appearance of disease symptoms. The disease virus attacks the central nervous system, and then it migrates from peripheral nerves to the spinal cord and brain. At the time when the rabies virus reaches the brain, the incubation period is over and the symptoms of clinical disease appear on the victim. From the brain, the virus travels via nerves to the salivary glands and saliva. A mathematical model is developed for the spread of rabies in a spatially distributed fox population to model the spread of the rabies epizootic through middle Europe that occurred in the second half of the 20th century. The model considers both territorial and wandering rabid foxes and includes a latent period for the infection. Since the model assumes these two kinds of rabid foxes, it is a system of both partial differential and integral equations (with integration over space and, occasionally, also over time). To study the spreading speeds of the rabies epidemic, the model is reduced to a scalar Volterra-Hammerstein integral equation, and space-time Laplace transform of the integral equation is used to derive implicit formulas for the spreading speed. The spreading speeds are discussed and implicit formulas are given for latent periods of fixed length, exponentially distributed length, Gamma distributed length, and log-normally distributed length. A number of analytic and numerical results are shown pertaining to the spreading speeds. Further, a numerical algorithm is described for the simulation of the spread of rabies in a spatially distributed fox population on a bounded domain with Dirichlet boundary conditions. I propose the following methods for the numerical approximation of solutions. The partial differential and integral equations are discretized in the space variable by central differences of second order and by the composite trapezoidal rule. Next, the ordinary or delay differential equations that are obtained this way are discretized in time by explicit continuous Runge-Kutta methods of fourth order for ordinary and delay differential systems. My particular interest is in how the partition of rabid foxes into territorial and diffusing rabid foxes influences the spreading speed, a question that can be answered by purely analytic means only for small basic reproduction numbers. I will restrict the numerical analysis to latent periods of fixed length and to exponentially distributed latent periods. The results of the numerical calculations are compared for latent periods of fixed and exponentially distributed length and for various proportions of territorial and wandering rabid foxes. The speeds of spread observed in the simulations are compared to spreading speeds obtained by numerically solving the analytic formulas and to observed speeds of epizootic frontlines in the European rabies outbreak 1940 to 1980.Dissertation/ThesisDoctoral Dissertation Applied Mathematics 201