5 research outputs found


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    Subag Umum Kepegawaian dan Perlengkapan (UKP) FMIPA UNY merupakan sub bagian yang melayani umum kepegawaian dan perlengkapan perkuliahan. Peminjaman ruang di UKP masih menggunakan metode manual, sehingga perlu dikembangkan Aplikasi Peminjaman Ruang berbasis website yang mampu memberikan kemudahan dalam proses peminjaman ruang dan penyajian laporan dengan baik. Pengembangan Aplikasi Peminjaman Ruang menggunakan model perancangan Waterfall yang terdiri atas tahap analisis, perancangan, implementasi, dan pengujian aplikasi. Perangkat lunak yang membantu pengembangan menggunakan framework Codeigniter dengan bahasa pemrograman PHP dan Database Management System (DBMS) MySQL. Pengujian aplikasi dilakukan menggunakan pengujian Betha. Pengujian Betha merupakan pengujian yang dilakukan secara objektif. Pengembangan Aplikasi Peminjaman Ruang menggunakan dua jenis hak akses, yaitu Admin dan Peminjam dengan melibatkan prosedur peminjaman ruang. Berdasarkan pengujian aplikaplikasi yang telah dilakukan, aplikasi memenuhi kebutuhan user dengan skor 3,75, penyajian aplikasi baik dengan skor 3,77, aplikasi mempermudah peminjaman ruang dengan skor 3,57, aplikasi dapat menyajikan laporan peminjaman dengan skor 4,3, dan aplikasi mudah untuk dimodifikasi dengan skor 3,7. Total skor hasil terletak di rentang skor 2,7

    Usefulness model for the redesign of Graduate’s Student Management Information System

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    Postgraduate Student Management Information System (PSMI) is developed for managing the academic matters of postgraduate students, such as registration, appointment of supervisor, proposal defence, appointment of examiners and managing oral defence examination. The system which is known as SMASH was developed in the Faculty of Information Science and Technology, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia to facilitate the task of the Graduate Management Unit. However, SMASH is rarely used due to usability problems. Among the problems are, the administrative staffs are not aware of the graduate programs applications which are made through SMASH. There is a lack of functionality especially on the menu and the design of the interface. SMASH provides functionality that is limited to only download the application form. This paper discusses the usefulness model development that can be used as a guideline to improve the system. The usefulness model is developed by adapting IS0 9241 and ISO 9126 usability standards. This study employs User-Centered Design method which involves students and faculty administrative staffs. This study starts by identifying the usability problems through Heuristic Evaluation and analysing the user requirements through the system analysis and interview. The preliminary study discovers that there is a need for improvement in the interface design and the functionality of the system to meet user requirements. The user requirement analysis and the proposed improvement serves as the basis in redesigning the system prototype. The usefulness model is then verified by 30 respondents through survey