18 research outputs found

    Extracted BERT Model Leaks More Information than You Think!

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    The collection and availability of big data, combined with advances in pre-trained models (e.g. BERT), have revolutionized the predictive performance of natural language processing tasks. This allows corporations to provide machine learning as a service (MLaaS) by encapsulating fine-tuned BERT-based models as APIs. Due to significant commercial interest, there has been a surge of attempts to steal remote services via model extraction. Although previous works have made progress in defending against model extraction attacks, there has been little discussion on their performance in preventing privacy leakage. This work bridges this gap by launching an attribute inference attack against the extracted BERT model. Our extensive experiments reveal that model extraction can cause severe privacy leakage even when victim models are facilitated with advanced defensive strategies

    Model Stealing Attack against Multi-Exit Networks

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    Compared to traditional neural networks with a single exit, a multi-exit network has multiple exits that allow for early output from intermediate layers of the model, thus bringing significant improvement in computational efficiency while maintaining similar recognition accuracy. When attempting to steal such valuable models using traditional model stealing attacks, we found that conventional methods can only steal the model's classification function while failing to capture its output strategy. This results in a significant decrease in computational efficiency for the stolen substitute model, thereby losing the advantages of multi-exit networks.In this paper, we propose the first model stealing attack to extract both the model function and output strategy. We employ bayesian changepoint detection to analyze the target model's output strategy and use performance loss and strategy loss to guide the training of the substitute model. Furthermore, we designed a novel output strategy search algorithm that can find the optimal output strategy to maximize the consistency between the victim model and the substitute model's outputs. Through experiments on multiple mainstream multi-exit networks and benchmark datasets, we thoroughly demonstrates the effectiveness of our method

    BERT & Family Eat Word Salad: Experiments with Text Understanding

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    In this paper, we study the response of large models from the BERT family to incoherent inputs that should confuse any model that claims to understand natural language. We define simple heuristics to construct such examples. Our experiments show that state-of-the-art models consistently fail to recognize them as ill-formed, and instead produce high confidence predictions on them. As a consequence of this phenomenon, models trained on sentences with randomly permuted word order perform close to state-of-the-art models. To alleviate these issues, we show that if models are explicitly trained to recognize invalid inputs, they can be robust to such attacks without a drop in performance.Comment: Accepted at AAAI 2021, Camera Ready Versio

    FDINet: Protecting against DNN Model Extraction via Feature Distortion Index

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    Machine Learning as a Service (MLaaS) platforms have gained popularity due to their accessibility, cost-efficiency, scalability, and rapid development capabilities. However, recent research has highlighted the vulnerability of cloud-based models in MLaaS to model extraction attacks. In this paper, we introduce FDINET, a novel defense mechanism that leverages the feature distribution of deep neural network (DNN) models. Concretely, by analyzing the feature distribution from the adversary's queries, we reveal that the feature distribution of these queries deviates from that of the model's training set. Based on this key observation, we propose Feature Distortion Index (FDI), a metric designed to quantitatively measure the feature distribution deviation of received queries. The proposed FDINET utilizes FDI to train a binary detector and exploits FDI similarity to identify colluding adversaries from distributed extraction attacks. We conduct extensive experiments to evaluate FDINET against six state-of-the-art extraction attacks on four benchmark datasets and four popular model architectures. Empirical results demonstrate the following findings FDINET proves to be highly effective in detecting model extraction, achieving a 100% detection accuracy on DFME and DaST. FDINET is highly efficient, using just 50 queries to raise an extraction alarm with an average confidence of 96.08% for GTSRB. FDINET exhibits the capability to identify colluding adversaries with an accuracy exceeding 91%. Additionally, it demonstrates the ability to detect two types of adaptive attacks.Comment: 13 pages, 7 figure

    MEA-Defender: A Robust Watermark against Model Extraction Attack

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    Recently, numerous highly-valuable Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) have been trained using deep learning algorithms. To protect the Intellectual Property (IP) of the original owners over such DNN models, backdoor-based watermarks have been extensively studied. However, most of such watermarks fail upon model extraction attack, which utilizes input samples to query the target model and obtains the corresponding outputs, thus training a substitute model using such input-output pairs. In this paper, we propose a novel watermark to protect IP of DNN models against model extraction, named MEA-Defender. In particular, we obtain the watermark by combining two samples from two source classes in the input domain and design a watermark loss function that makes the output domain of the watermark within that of the main task samples. Since both the input domain and the output domain of our watermark are indispensable parts of those of the main task samples, the watermark will be extracted into the stolen model along with the main task during model extraction. We conduct extensive experiments on four model extraction attacks, using five datasets and six models trained based on supervised learning and self-supervised learning algorithms. The experimental results demonstrate that MEA-Defender is highly robust against different model extraction attacks, and various watermark removal/detection approaches.Comment: To Appear in IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy 2024 (IEEE S&P 2024), MAY 20-23, 2024, SAN FRANCISCO, CA, US