20 research outputs found

    Classification of Moduli Spaces of Arrangements of 9 Projective Lines

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    In this paper, we present a proof that the list of the classification of arrangements of 9 lines by Nazir and Yoshinaga is complete.Comment: Changed notations in the definition of moduli space to improve clarity. Results unchange

    Improvement of inequalities for the (r,q)(r,q)-structures and some geometrical connections

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    summary:The main results are the inequalities (1) and (6) for the minimal number of (r,q)(r,q)-structure classes,which improve the ones from [3], and also some geometrical connections, especially the inequality (13)

    Lines, Circles, Planes and Spheres

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    Let SS be a set of nn points in R3\mathbb{R}^3, no three collinear and not all coplanar. If at most n−kn-k are coplanar and nn is sufficiently large, the total number of planes determined is at least 1+k(n−k2)−(k2)(n−k2)1 + k \binom{n-k}{2}-\binom{k}{2}(\frac{n-k}{2}). For similar conditions and sufficiently large nn, (inspired by the work of P. D. T. A. Elliott in \cite{Ell67}) we also show that the number of spheres determined by nn points is at least 1+(n−13)−t3orchard(n−1)1+\binom{n-1}{3}-t_3^{orchard}(n-1), and this bound is best possible under its hypothesis. (By t3orchard(n)t_3^{orchard}(n), we are denoting the maximum number of three-point lines attainable by a configuration of nn points, no four collinear, in the plane, i.e., the classic Orchard Problem.) New lower bounds are also given for both lines and circles.Comment: 37 page

    A generalisation of Sylvester's problem to higher dimensions

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    In this article we consider SS to be a set of points in dd-space with the property that any dd points of SS span a hyperplane and not all the points of SS are contained in a hyperplane. The aim of this article is to introduce the function ed(n)e_d(n), which denotes the minimal number of hyperplanes meeting SS in precisely dd points, minimising over all such sets of points SS with ∣S∣=n|S|=n.Postprint (published version