1,902,298 research outputs found

    A Theory of the Casimir Effect for Compact Regions

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    We develop a mathematically precise framework for the Casimir effect. Our working hypothesis, verified in the case of parallel plates, is that only the regularization-independent Ramanujan sum of a given asymptotic series contributes to the Casimir pressure. As an illustration, we treat two cases: parallel plates, identifying a previous cutoff free version (by G. Scharf and W. W.) as a special case, and the sphere.We finally discuss the open problem of the Casimir force for the cube. We propose an Ansatz for the exterior force and argue why it may provide the exact solution, as well as an explanation of the repulsive sign of the force.Comment: version published, 23 page

    Random sets and exact confidence regions

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    An important problem in statistics is the construction of confidence regions for unknown parameters. In most cases, asymptotic distribution theory is used to construct confidence regions, so any coverage probability claims only hold approximately, for large samples. This paper describes a new approach, using random sets, which allows users to construct exact confidence regions without appeal to asymptotic theory. In particular, if the user-specified random set satisfies a certain validity property, confidence regions obtained by thresholding the induced data-dependent plausibility function are shown to have the desired coverage probability.Comment: 14 pages, 2 figure


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    The paper gives a critical assessment of the theses of UNWTO that tourism is an effective means of developing whole regions especially difficult aeries such as mountain regions. Growth Pole Theory and Economic Base Theory are used as methodological base.Regional development, Growth Pole Theory, Economic Base Theory, Tourism

    Heterotic String Field Theory

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    We construct the Neveu-Schwarz sector of heterotic string field theory using the large Hilbert space of the superghosts and the multi-string products of bosonic closed string field theory. No picture-changing operators are required as in Wess-Zumino-Witten-like open superstring field theory. The action exhibits a novel kind of nonpolynomiality: in addition to terms necessary to cover missing regions of moduli spaces, new terms arise from the boundary of the missing regions and its subspaces. We determine the action up to quintic order and a subset of terms to all orders.Comment: 15 pages, no figures, LaTeX2e; v2: minor cosmetic change

    Collective Correlations of Brodmann Areas fMRI Study with RMT-Denoising

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    We study collective behavior of Brodmann regions of human cerebral cortex using functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) and Random Matrix Theory (RMT). The raw fMRI data is mapped onto the cortex regions corresponding to the Brodmann areas with the aid of the Talairach coordinates. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) of the Pearson correlation matrix for 41 different Brodmann regions is carried out to determine their collective activity in the idle state and in the active state stimulated by tapping. The collective brain activity is identified through the statistical analysis of the eigenvectors to the largest eigenvalues of the Pearson correlation matrix. The leading eigenvectors have a large participation ratio. This indicates that several Broadmann regions collectively give rise to the brain activity associated with these eigenvectors. We apply random matrix theory to interpret the underlying multivariate data

    The Black Hole Interior and a Curious Sum Rule

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    We analyze the Euclidean geometry near non-extremal NS5-branes in string theory, including regions beyond the horizon and beyond the singularity of the black brane. The various regions have an exact description in string theory, in terms of cigar, trumpet and negative level minimal model conformal field theories. We study the worldsheet elliptic genera of these three superconformal theories, and show that their sum vanishes. We speculate on the significance of this curious sum rule for black hole physics.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figure

    The Shift of the Baryon Acoustic Oscillation Scale: A Simple Physical Picture

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    A shift of the baryon acoustic oscillation (BAO) scale to smaller values than predicted by linear theory was observed in simulations. In this paper, we try to provide an intuitive physical understanding of why this shift occurs, explaining in more pedagogical detail earlier perturbation theory calculations. We find that the shift is mainly due to the following physical effect. A measurement of the BAO scale is more sensitive to regions with long wavelength overdensities than underdensities, because (due to non-linear growth and bias) these overdense regions contain larger fluctuations and more tracers and hence contribute more to the total correlation function. In overdense regions the BAO scale shrinks because such regions locally behave as positively curved closed universes, and hence a smaller scale than predicted by linear theory is measured in the total correlation function. Other effects which also contribute to the shift are briefly discussed. We provide approximate analytic expressions for the non-linear shift including a brief discussion of biased tracers and explain why reconstruction should entirely reverse the shift. Our expressions and findings are in agreement with simulation results, and confirm that non-linear shifts should not be problematic for next-generation BAO measurements.Comment: 10 pages, replaced with version accepted by Phys. Rev.

    Baryon Configurations in the UV and IR Regions of Type 0 String Theory

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    The Type 0 string theory is considered as a dual model of a non-supersymmetric gauge theory. A background geometry with N electric D3-branes is calculated in UV/IR regions. In this paper, we study a D5-brane around N D3-branes from the D5-brane world volume action as in the Type IIB case, and we obtain some baryon configurations at UV/IR regions.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figures, harvmac+epsf, some errata correcte
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