7,978 research outputs found

    Decomposable Theories

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    We present in this paper a general algorithm for solving first-order formulas in particular theories called "decomposable theories". First of all, using special quantifiers, we give a formal characterization of decomposable theories and show some of their properties. Then, we present a general algorithm for solving first-order formulas in any decomposable theory "T". The algorithm is given in the form of five rewriting rules. It transforms a first-order formula "P", which can possibly contain free variables, into a conjunction "Q" of solved formulas easily transformable into a Boolean combination of existentially quantified conjunctions of atomic formulas. In particular, if "P" has no free variables then "Q" is either the formula "true" or "false". The correctness of our algorithm proves the completeness of the decomposable theories. Finally, we show that the theory "Tr" of finite or infinite trees is a decomposable theory and give some benchmarks realized by an implementation of our algorithm, solving formulas on two-partner games in "Tr" with more than 160 nested alternated quantifiers

    The Connectivity of Boolean Satisfiability: Dichotomies for Formulas and Circuits

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    For Boolean satisfiability problems, the structure of the solution space is characterized by the solution graph, where the vertices are the solutions, and two solutions are connected iff they differ in exactly one variable. In 2006, Gopalan et al. studied connectivity properties of the solution graph and related complexity issues for CSPs, motivated mainly by research on satisfiability algorithms and the satisfiability threshold. They proved dichotomies for the diameter of connected components and for the complexity of the st-connectivity question, and conjectured a trichotomy for the connectivity question. Recently, we were able to establish the trichotomy [arXiv:1312.4524]. Here, we consider connectivity issues of satisfiability problems defined by Boolean circuits and propositional formulas that use gates, resp. connectives, from a fixed set of Boolean functions. We obtain dichotomies for the diameter and the two connectivity problems: on one side, the diameter is linear in the number of variables, and both problems are in P, while on the other side, the diameter can be exponential, and the problems are PSPACE-complete. For partially quantified formulas, we show an analogous dichotomy.Comment: 20 pages, several improvement

    Invariant Synthesis for Incomplete Verification Engines

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    We propose a framework for synthesizing inductive invariants for incomplete verification engines, which soundly reduce logical problems in undecidable theories to decidable theories. Our framework is based on the counter-example guided inductive synthesis principle (CEGIS) and allows verification engines to communicate non-provability information to guide invariant synthesis. We show precisely how the verification engine can compute such non-provability information and how to build effective learning algorithms when invariants are expressed as Boolean combinations of a fixed set of predicates. Moreover, we evaluate our framework in two verification settings, one in which verification engines need to handle quantified formulas and one in which verification engines have to reason about heap properties expressed in an expressive but undecidable separation logic. Our experiments show that our invariant synthesis framework based on non-provability information can both effectively synthesize inductive invariants and adequately strengthen contracts across a large suite of programs

    Message passing for quantified Boolean formulas

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    We introduce two types of message passing algorithms for quantified Boolean formulas (QBF). The first type is a message passing based heuristics that can prove unsatisfiability of the QBF by assigning the universal variables in such a way that the remaining formula is unsatisfiable. In the second type, we use message passing to guide branching heuristics of a Davis-Putnam Logemann-Loveland (DPLL) complete solver. Numerical experiments show that on random QBFs our branching heuristics gives robust exponential efficiency gain with respect to the state-of-art solvers. We also manage to solve some previously unsolved benchmarks from the QBFLIB library. Apart from this our study sheds light on using message passing in small systems and as subroutines in complete solvers.Comment: 14 pages, 7 figure

    The First-Order Theory of Sets with Cardinality Constraints is Decidable

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    We show that the decidability of the first-order theory of the language that combines Boolean algebras of sets of uninterpreted elements with Presburger arithmetic operations. We thereby disprove a recent conjecture that this theory is undecidable. Our language allows relating the cardinalities of sets to the values of integer variables, and can distinguish finite and infinite sets. We use quantifier elimination to show the decidability and obtain an elementary upper bound on the complexity. Precise program analyses can use our decidability result to verify representation invariants of data structures that use an integer field to represent the number of stored elements.Comment: 18 page
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