9,219 research outputs found

    Optimization in Knowledge-Intensive Crowdsourcing

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    We present SmartCrowd, a framework for optimizing collaborative knowledge-intensive crowdsourcing. SmartCrowd distinguishes itself by accounting for human factors in the process of assigning tasks to workers. Human factors designate workers' expertise in different skills, their expected minimum wage, and their availability. In SmartCrowd, we formulate task assignment as an optimization problem, and rely on pre-indexing workers and maintaining the indexes adaptively, in such a way that the task assignment process gets optimized both qualitatively, and computation time-wise. We present rigorous theoretical analyses of the optimization problem and propose optimal and approximation algorithms. We finally perform extensive performance and quality experiments using real and synthetic data to demonstrate that adaptive indexing in SmartCrowd is necessary to achieve efficient high quality task assignment.Comment: 12 page

    Optimal Inference in Crowdsourced Classification via Belief Propagation

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    Crowdsourcing systems are popular for solving large-scale labelling tasks with low-paid workers. We study the problem of recovering the true labels from the possibly erroneous crowdsourced labels under the popular Dawid-Skene model. To address this inference problem, several algorithms have recently been proposed, but the best known guarantee is still significantly larger than the fundamental limit. We close this gap by introducing a tighter lower bound on the fundamental limit and proving that Belief Propagation (BP) exactly matches this lower bound. The guaranteed optimality of BP is the strongest in the sense that it is information-theoretically impossible for any other algorithm to correctly label a larger fraction of the tasks. Experimental results suggest that BP is close to optimal for all regimes considered and improves upon competing state-of-the-art algorithms.Comment: This article is partially based on preliminary results published in the proceeding of the 33rd International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML 2016

    Iterative Bayesian Learning for Crowdsourced Regression

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    Crowdsourcing platforms emerged as popular venues for purchasing human intelligence at low cost for large volume of tasks. As many low-paid workers are prone to give noisy answers, a common practice is to add redundancy by assigning multiple workers to each task and then simply average out these answers. However, to fully harness the wisdom of the crowd, one needs to learn the heterogeneous quality of each worker. We resolve this fundamental challenge in crowdsourced regression tasks, i.e., the answer takes continuous labels, where identifying good or bad workers becomes much more non-trivial compared to a classification setting of discrete labels. In particular, we introduce a Bayesian iterative scheme and show that it provably achieves the optimal mean squared error. Our evaluations on synthetic and real-world datasets support our theoretical results and show the superiority of the proposed scheme

    Geometric reasoning via internet crowdsourcing

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    The ability to interpret and reason about shapes is a peculiarly human capability that has proven difficult to reproduce algorithmically. So despite the fact that geometric modeling technology has made significant advances in the representation, display and modification of shapes, there have only been incremental advances in geometric reasoning. For example, although today's CAD systems can confidently identify isolated cylindrical holes, they struggle with more ambiguous tasks such as the identification of partial symmetries or similarities in arbitrary geometries. Even well defined problems such as 2D shape nesting or 3D packing generally resist elegant solution and rely instead on brute force explorations of a subset of the many possible solutions. Identifying economic ways to solving such problems would result in significant productivity gains across a wide range of industrial applications. The authors hypothesize that Internet Crowdsourcing might provide a pragmatic way of removing many geometric reasoning bottlenecks.This paper reports the results of experiments conducted with Amazon's mTurk site and designed to determine the feasibility of using Internet Crowdsourcing to carry out geometric reasoning tasks as well as establish some benchmark data for the quality, speed and costs of using this approach.After describing the general architecture and terminology of the mTurk Crowdsourcing system, the paper details the implementation and results of the following three investigations; 1) the identification of "Canonical" viewpoints for individual shapes, 2) the quantification of "similarity" relationships with-in collections of 3D models and 3) the efficient packing of 2D Strips into rectangular areas. The paper concludes with a discussion of the possibilities and limitations of the approach