12,610 research outputs found

    Decentralized Cooperative Planning for Automated Vehicles with Hierarchical Monte Carlo Tree Search

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    Today's automated vehicles lack the ability to cooperate implicitly with others. This work presents a Monte Carlo Tree Search (MCTS) based approach for decentralized cooperative planning using macro-actions for automated vehicles in heterogeneous environments. Based on cooperative modeling of other agents and Decoupled-UCT (a variant of MCTS), the algorithm evaluates the state-action-values of each agent in a cooperative and decentralized manner, explicitly modeling the interdependence of actions between traffic participants. Macro-actions allow for temporal extension over multiple time steps and increase the effective search depth requiring fewer iterations to plan over longer horizons. Without predefined policies for macro-actions, the algorithm simultaneously learns policies over and within macro-actions. The proposed method is evaluated under several conflict scenarios, showing that the algorithm can achieve effective cooperative planning with learned macro-actions in heterogeneous environments

    Model Learning for Look-ahead Exploration in Continuous Control

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    We propose an exploration method that incorporates look-ahead search over basic learnt skills and their dynamics, and use it for reinforcement learning (RL) of manipulation policies . Our skills are multi-goal policies learned in isolation in simpler environments using existing multigoal RL formulations, analogous to options or macroactions. Coarse skill dynamics, i.e., the state transition caused by a (complete) skill execution, are learnt and are unrolled forward during lookahead search. Policy search benefits from temporal abstraction during exploration, though itself operates over low-level primitive actions, and thus the resulting policies does not suffer from suboptimality and inflexibility caused by coarse skill chaining. We show that the proposed exploration strategy results in effective learning of complex manipulation policies faster than current state-of-the-art RL methods, and converges to better policies than methods that use options or parametrized skills as building blocks of the policy itself, as opposed to guiding exploration. We show that the proposed exploration strategy results in effective learning of complex manipulation policies faster than current state-of-the-art RL methods, and converges to better policies than methods that use options or parameterized skills as building blocks of the policy itself, as opposed to guiding exploration.Comment: This is a pre-print of our paper which is accepted in AAAI 201

    Crossmodal Attentive Skill Learner

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    This paper presents the Crossmodal Attentive Skill Learner (CASL), integrated with the recently-introduced Asynchronous Advantage Option-Critic (A2OC) architecture [Harb et al., 2017] to enable hierarchical reinforcement learning across multiple sensory inputs. We provide concrete examples where the approach not only improves performance in a single task, but accelerates transfer to new tasks. We demonstrate the attention mechanism anticipates and identifies useful latent features, while filtering irrelevant sensor modalities during execution. We modify the Arcade Learning Environment [Bellemare et al., 2013] to support audio queries, and conduct evaluations of crossmodal learning in the Atari 2600 game Amidar. Finally, building on the recent work of Babaeizadeh et al. [2017], we open-source a fast hybrid CPU-GPU implementation of CASL.Comment: International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS) 2018, NIPS 2017 Deep Reinforcement Learning Symposiu

    SDRL: Interpretable and Data-efficient Deep Reinforcement Learning Leveraging Symbolic Planning

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    Deep reinforcement learning (DRL) has gained great success by learning directly from high-dimensional sensory inputs, yet is notorious for the lack of interpretability. Interpretability of the subtasks is critical in hierarchical decision-making as it increases the transparency of black-box-style DRL approach and helps the RL practitioners to understand the high-level behavior of the system better. In this paper, we introduce symbolic planning into DRL and propose a framework of Symbolic Deep Reinforcement Learning (SDRL) that can handle both high-dimensional sensory inputs and symbolic planning. The task-level interpretability is enabled by relating symbolic actions to options.This framework features a planner -- controller -- meta-controller architecture, which takes charge of subtask scheduling, data-driven subtask learning, and subtask evaluation, respectively. The three components cross-fertilize each other and eventually converge to an optimal symbolic plan along with the learned subtasks, bringing together the advantages of long-term planning capability with symbolic knowledge and end-to-end reinforcement learning directly from a high-dimensional sensory input. Experimental results validate the interpretability of subtasks, along with improved data efficiency compared with state-of-the-art approaches