128 research outputs found

    The use of discriminative belief tracking in POMDP-based dialogue systems

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    Statistical spoken dialogue systems based on Partially Ob-servable Markov Decision Processes (POMDPs) have been shown to be more robust to speech recognition errors by main-taining a belief distribution over multiple dialogue states and making policy decisions based on the entire distribution rather than the single most likely hypothesis. To date most POMDP-based systems have used generative trackers. However, con-cerns about modelling accuracy have created interest in dis-criminative methods, and recent results from the second Dia-log State Tracking Challenge (DSTC2) have shown that dis-criminative trackers can significantly outperform generative models in terms of tracking accuracy. The aim of this pa-per is to investigate the extent to which these improvements translate into improved task completion rates when incorpo-rated into a spoken dialogue system. To do this, the Recur-rent Neural Network (RNN) tracker described by Henderson et al in DSTC2 was integrated into the Cambridge statistical dialogue system and compared with the existing generative Bayesian network tracker. Using a Gaussian Process (GP) based policy, the experimental results indicate that the system using the RNN tracker performs significantly better than the system with the original Bayesian network tracker. Index Terms — dialogue management, spoken dialogue systems, recurrent neural networks, belief tracking, POMDP 1

    An End-to-End Trainable Neural Network Model with Belief Tracking for Task-Oriented Dialog

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    We present a novel end-to-end trainable neural network model for task-oriented dialog systems. The model is able to track dialog state, issue API calls to knowledge base (KB), and incorporate structured KB query results into system responses to successfully complete task-oriented dialogs. The proposed model produces well-structured system responses by jointly learning belief tracking and KB result processing conditioning on the dialog history. We evaluate the model in a restaurant search domain using a dataset that is converted from the second Dialog State Tracking Challenge (DSTC2) corpus. Experiment results show that the proposed model can robustly track dialog state given the dialog history. Moreover, our model demonstrates promising results in producing appropriate system responses, outperforming prior end-to-end trainable neural network models using per-response accuracy evaluation metrics.Comment: Published at Interspeech 201

    The Dialog State Tracking Challenge Series: A Review

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    In a spoken dialog system, dialog state tracking refers to the task of correctly inferring the state of the conversation -- such as the user's goal -- given all of the dialog history up to that turn.  Dialog state tracking is crucial to the success of a dialog system, yet until recently there were no common resources, hampering progress.  The Dialog State Tracking Challenge series of 3 tasks introduced the first shared testbed and evaluation metrics for dialog state tracking, and has underpinned three key advances in dialog state tracking: the move from generative to discriminative models; the adoption of discriminative sequential techniques; and the incorporation of the speech recognition results directly into the dialog state tracker.  This paper reviews this research area, covering both the challenge tasks themselves and summarizing the work they have enabled

    Improving generalisation to new speakers in spoken dialogue state tracking

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    Users with disabilities can greatly benefit from personalised voice-enabled environmental-control interfaces, but for users with speech impairments (e.g. dysarthria) poor ASR performance poses a challenge to successful dialogue. Statistical dialogue management has shown resilience against high ASR error rates, hence making it useful to improve the performance of these interfaces. However, little research was devoted to dialogue management personalisation to specific users so far. Recently, data driven discriminative models have been shown to yield the best performance in dialogue state tracking (the inference of the user goal from the dialogue history). However, due to the unique characteristics of each speaker, training a system for a new user when user specific data is not available can be challenging due to the mismatch between training and working conditions. This work investigates two methods to improve the performance with new speakers of a LSTM-based personalised state tracker: The use of speaker specific acoustic and ASRrelated features; and dropout regularisation. It is shown that in an environmental control system for dysarthric speakers, the combination of both techniques yields improvements of 3.5% absolute in state tracking accuracy. Further analysis explores the effect of using different amounts of speaker specific data to train the tracking system

    Spectral decomposition method of dialog state tracking via collective matrix factorization

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    The task of dialog management is commonly decomposed into two sequential subtasks: dialog state tracking and dialog policy learning. In an end-to-end dialog system, the aim of dialog state tracking is to accurately estimate the true dialog state from noisy observations produced by the speech recognition and the natural language understanding modules. The state tracking task is primarily meant to support a dialog policy. From a probabilistic perspective, this is achieved by maintaining a posterior distribution over hidden dialog states composed of a set of context dependent variables. Once a dialog policy is learned, it strives to select an optimal dialog act given the estimated dialog state and a defined reward function. This paper introduces a novel method of dialog state tracking based on a bilinear algebric decomposition model that provides an efficient inference schema through collective matrix factorization. We evaluate the proposed approach on the second Dialog State Tracking Challenge (DSTC-2) dataset and we show that the proposed tracker gives encouraging results compared to the state-of-the-art trackers that participated in this standard benchmark. Finally, we show that the prediction schema is computationally efficient in comparison to the previous approaches
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