7 research outputs found

    Tracing Internet Path Transparency

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    This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement No 688421, and was supported by the Swiss State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation (SERI) under contract number 15.0268. The opinions expressed and arguments employed reflect only the authors’ views. The European Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of that information. Further, the opinions expressed and arguments employed herein do not necessarily reflect the official views of the Swiss Government.Peer reviewedPublisher PD


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    The lack of specialized experts in diagnosing network faults, inconsistencies of diagnose results and professional opinions, time-consuming and growing complexity of this task; has motivated the dewlopment of our c\utomated Network Fault Diagnostic System. This system aims to serve as an intelligent diai-,'llOStic system that will be able to produce fast, accurate, user-friendly and appropriate suggestions that will assist normal network users and administrators respectively. To ensure the realistic and successful development of the system, we adopt Extreme Programming methodology. l\lany efforts have been paid to implement a novel and efficient solution to precisely diagnose problems and in timely manner. The methodology has e\·oh-ed from rule-based systems through case-based systems to more recent model-based systems. Our project is designed upon case-based diagnostic approach as it suggests the use of previously experienced, concrete problem or cases instead of rules or modelling yueries evaluation. We propose a system that will provide reactive response on-demand in term of error messages based on inaccessible URL input entered by user. 'I he system will then diagnose the problems based on the formulated inference table that is comprised of pre-defined failure cases and test cases which will be developed via user-defined functions and general network probing tools. hom there, we expect the output to be returned in command line error mess;tges. To measure the success of the system, four Key Performance Indicators (KPI) hm-e been identified as evaluation metrics which are cm·erage, accuracy, time and response. Hence, unit testing, integration testing and usability test will be conducted to obtain the assessment results. We claim that the system could initiate an extensible framework for network services that act as a community support tooL However, at present we narrow down our focus on Web Set\~ce application but by all means encouraging and welcoming the extension to other network services or adding in new test cases as future development for the benefit of all network users

    In search of alterity: on Google, neutrality, and otherness

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    Discourses on network neutrality have often, if not always, been introduced without any more in-depth evaluation of their normative bearings. This article pursues such an evaluative approach against a specific empirical backdrop. It inquires into that which has been the archetypal voice in network neutrality discourses: Google’s. In doing so, the article reveals as much about Google’s views on network neutrality as it does about the normative context and regulatory implications of Google’s own activities. Drawing on policy propositions formally put forward by Google, the article demonstrates that Google’s support for network neutrality relates to a broader normative culture that Google’s propositions advance. Such is a culture in which Google’s possibilities of reasoning and acting upon its reasons assume a degree of priority in relation to those of other actors in the information environment. The article demonstrates that the method of such a culture is the nullification, neutralization of equal possibilities of reasoning and action by other actors but Google. It explains the incoherence of Google’s overall approach and refutes the idea that other actors – here ISPs – should be treated more detrimentally than Google due to their being an Internet bottleneck in a way that Google arguably is not. Discussing the normative contours of Google’s influence, the article points at the limitations of existing theories about the regulation of “search” and suggests an alternative theoretical model that focuses on search from a broader perspective within the regulation of the information environment. In the model proposed, neutrality does not play any role – reason and alterity do.postprin

    Digital economy and international taxation : the digital revolution and its impact on the discourse of international tax law

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    Tese (doutorado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Direito, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Direito, 2021.Os impactos do processo de digitalização da economia sobre a tributação se tornaram o principal tema do direito tributário internacional nos últimos anos, provocando diversas reações entre os atores deste campo. A OCDE se converteu no principal foro de debate, fazendo com que órgãos governamentais, contribuintes e a academia passassem a gravitar ao redor dos textos que a organização vem produzindo. Entretanto, este debate tem se modificado constantemente, assu- mindo novas linguagens e adotando perspectivas distintas. De um debate jurídico formal preo- cupado em caracterizar pagamentos para fins de aplicação de tratados tributários internacionais, a discussão migrou para uma perspectiva econômica envolvendo substância. Por fim, o debate sobre a economia digital assumiu uma conotação política evidente, redundando em uma redis- cussão do próprio campo tributário internacional. O objetivo desta tese é compreender como e porque a digitalização da economia conseguiu impactar os fundamentos que sustentam o campo tributário internacional. Para alcançar seu objetivo, a tese adota uma perspectiva jurídica, realista e discursiva, compreendendo o direito tributário internacional como um campo formado a partir de eventos historicamente identificáveis. Nesse caso, enquanto fenômeno social, a tributação internacional é o objeto central de um projeto que se manifesta tanto no plano institucional quanto intelectual. Por sua vez, a digitalização da economia resulta de uma revolução tecnológica caracterizada pela centralidade da fenomenologia informacional. Esta centralidade é responsável por um processo de transformação social que afeta não apenas o plano institucional do campo tributário, mas sua própria dimensão intelectual. Neste cenário, os atores do campo percebem sua incapacidade de lidar com a nova realidade digital a partir das ferramentas conceituais fornecidas pelo discurso jurídico tributário. O resultado é um giro paradigmático com o potencial de afetar não apenas a prática social do campo, mas seu próprio sentido dentro de um projeto intelectual de construção da dimensão humana.The impacts of the economy’s digitalisation process on taxation have become the central theme of international tax law in recent years, causing several reactions among actors in this field. The OECD has become the main forum for debate, causing government bodies, taxpayers, and academia to gravitate around the organisation’s texts. Nonetheless, the digital economy tax debate has constantly changed, taking on new languages and adopting different perspectives. From a formal legal discussion concerned with characterising payments to apply international tax treaties, the debate moved to an economic perspective involving substance. Finally, it took on a manifest political connotation, resulting in a re-discussion of the international tax field itself. This thesis aims to understand how and why the digitalisation of the economy managed to im- pact the fundamentals that support the international tax field. The work adopts a legal, realistic, and discursive perspective to achieve its objective, un- derstanding international tax law as a field formed from historically identifiable events. In this case, while a social phenomenon, international taxation is the central object of a project that manifests itself both in the institutional and intellectual plane. In turn, the digitalisation of the economy results from a technological revolution characterised by the centrality of informational phenomenology. Such centrality is responsible for a social transformation process affecting the tax field’s institutional and intellectual dimensions. In this scenario, actors in the field perceive their inability to deal with the new digital reality from the conceptual tools provided by the tax legal discourse. The result is a paradigm shift with the potential to affect not only the field’s so- cial practice but its very significance within an intellectual project for constructing the human dimension

    La conquista silenciosa del ciberespacio : Creative commons y el diseño de entornos digitales como nuevo arte regulativo en Internet

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    The silent conquest of cyberspace explores one of the strongest tendencies in the government of our societies: the change in the regulatory paradigm that emerges from the heterogeneous field of regulations in the Internet. This work analyzes the political struggles, tensions and strategies that face the openness and the freedom, with the enclosure and the control exerted over the upper layers of the Internet. This work is not intended to discard traditional or evident politics, yet it focuses on the deep technical mediations that silently regulate spaces and behaviors. In addition, it describes the emergence of a new regulative art that, articulating different regulators, creates and designs the cyberspace as well as regulating it; it shows how this regulative art, unlike the reactive juridical regulation, is grounded on open and proactive strategies born in laboratories with the purpose of governing the tension between the design of new digital environment and the (re)design that users, ultimately, achieve thanks to the symmetrical architecture of the Internet. Finally, this work auscultate Creative Commons Laboratory, a neo-governmental-organization that, through the new regulatory art, struggles for creativity, diversity and freedom regarding digital environmentalism in the upper levels of the Internet