23 research outputs found

    A Revisit to Quadratic Programming with One Inequality Quadratic Constraint via Matrix Pencil

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    The quadratic programming over one inequality quadratic constraint (QP1QC) is a very special case of quadratically constrained quadratic programming (QCQP) and attracted much attention since early 1990's. It is now understood that, under the primal Slater condition, (QP1QC) has a tight SDP relaxation (PSDP). The optimal solution to (QP1QC), if exists, can be obtained by a matrix rank one decomposition of the optimal matrix X? to (PSDP). In this paper, we pay a revisit to (QP1QC) by analyzing the associated matrix pencil of two symmetric real matrices A and B, the former matrix of which defines the quadratic term of the objective function whereas the latter for the constraint. We focus on the \undesired" (QP1QC) problems which are often ignored in typical literature: either there exists no Slater point, or (QP1QC) is unbounded below, or (QP1QC) is bounded below but unattainable. Our analysis is conducted with the help of the matrix pencil, not only for checking whether the undesired cases do happen, but also for an alternative way to compute the optimal solution in comparison with the usual SDP/rank-one-decomposition procedure.Comment: 22 pages, 0 figure

    Accelerating the LSTRS Algorithm

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    In a recent paper [Rojas, Santos, Sorensen: ACM ToMS 34 (2008), Article 11] an efficient method for solvingthe Large-Scale Trust-Region Subproblem was suggested which is based on recasting it in terms of a parameter dependent eigenvalue problem and adjusting the parameter iteratively. The essential work at each iteration is the solution of an eigenvalue problem for the smallest eigenvalue of the Hessian matrix (or two smallest eigenvalues in the potential hard case) and associated eigenvector(s). Replacing the implicitly restarted Lanczos method in the original paper with the Nonlinear Arnoldi method makes it possible to recycle most of the work from previous iterations which can substantially accelerate LSTRS

    RSS-Based Sensor Localization in the Presence of Unknown Channel Parameters

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    This correspondence studies the received signal strength-based localization problem when the transmit power or path-loss exponent is unknown. The corresponding maximum-likelihood estimator (MLE) poses a difficult nonconvex optimization problem. To avoid the difficulty in solving the MLE, we use suitable approximations and formulate the localization problem as a general trust region subproblem, which can be solved exactly under mild conditions. Simulation results show a promising performance for the proposed methods, which also have reasonable complexities compared to existing approaches