7,442 research outputs found

    United States Research of the Law of the Communist-Ruled States of Europe

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    The legal system of the Soviet Union, developed after the 1917 October Revolution, was introduced, with some variations, in several European, Asian, and Latin American states during the last years of World War II. These states have been characterized, both officially and unofficially, as Soviet-type republics, People\u27s republics, Socialist republics, and Communist states. Their legal systems, although patterned after the Soviet Union legal system, developed in different directions. Today, the various legal systems of these republics are clearly distinguishable; however, one common feature is present: the states are ruled by one Communist party to the exclusion of other parties

    A case study of an institution of higher education in Bulgaria: the transition from communism to democracy

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    Bulgarians use the term The Changes to represent the event in 1989 of the displacement of communism by democracy and the consequences which followed. The purpose of this qualitative case study was to develop an organized body of information to understand the progress and the problems of Bulgaria\u27s oldest institution of higher education, Sofia University, in transition from communism to democracy. The researcher interviewed administrators, teachers, student services personnel, and students at Sofia University and people from government and society in general. Transcripts of interviews were examined using QST NUD*IST 4 text analysis software. Texts of the interviews were coded into the database according to the Original Categories of inquiry basic to the definition of an institution of higher education: contexts, mission, access, governance and structure, function and resources. Cross-categories were coded as they emerged and interacted with the Original Categories giving rise to a two-dimensional weaving metaphor for the presentation of the data. The Emergent Cross-Categories were: accountability, public information, and public relations; change; collectivism and individualism; internationalization; quality and autonomy; suspicion of corruption; inefficiency and bureaucracy; and money

    A case study of an institution of higher education in Bulgaria: the transition from communism to democracy

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    Bulgarians use the term The Changes to represent the event in 1989 of the displacement of communism by democracy and the consequences which followed. The purpose of this qualitative case study was to develop an organized body of information to understand the progress and the problems of Bulgaria\u27s oldest institution of higher education, Sofia University, in transition from communism to democracy. The researcher interviewed administrators, teachers, student services personnel, and students at Sofia University and people from government and society in general. Transcripts of interviews were examined using QST NUD*IST 4 text analysis software. Texts of the interviews were coded into the database according to the Original Categories of inquiry basic to the definition of an institution of higher education: contexts, mission, access, governance and structure, function and resources. Cross-categories were coded as they emerged and interacted with the Original Categories giving rise to a two-dimensional weaving metaphor for the presentation of the data. The Emergent Cross-Categories were: accountability, public information, and public relations; change; collectivism and individualism; internationalization; quality and autonomy; suspicion of corruption; inefficiency and bureaucracy; and money

    Special Libraries, August 1976

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    Volume 67, Issue 8https://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/sla_sl_1976/1006/thumbnail.jp

    Second annual progress report

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    Влияние рекрутинга иностранных преподавателей на высшее образование в Западном Китае

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    The paper deals with the impact of foreign academics' recruitment on higher education institutions in western China in terms of teaching, learning and research aspects. Peculiarities of the higher education in western provinces are presented as well as the details on foreign lecturers' recruitment as one of the tools of the internationalization process. The employment of foreigners at Chinese universities might entail specific challenges in academic and administrative perspectives which are also analyzed in the present paper.Стаття присвячена дослідженню впливу рекрутингу іноземних науковців на вищі навчальні заклади Західного Китаю з точки зору викладання, навчання та досліджень. Представлені особливості вищої освіти в західних регіонах, а також детальна інформація про підбір іноземних викладачів як одного з інструментів процесу інтернаціоналізації. Працевлаштування іноземців у китайських університетах може спричинити певні проблеми в академічній та адміністративній перспективах, які також проаналізовані в даній статті.В статье рассматривается влияние привлечения иностранных ученых на высшие учебные заведения в Западном Китае с точки зрения преподавания, обучения и исследований. Представлены особенности высшего образования в западных провинциях, а также подробная информация о наборе иностранных лекторов в качестве одного из инструментов процесса интернационализации. Занятость иностранцев в китайских университетах может повлечь за собой определенные проблемы с академической и административной перспективах, которые также анализируются в данной статье

    Changing times, changing lives: the construction and deconstruction of youth in East and West Europe

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    'Diese Studie analysiert die Lage der Jugend in Osteuropa einerseits und in Westeuropa andererseits. Sie stützt sich auf Jugend-Theorien und empirische Daten von beiden Hälften Europas mit der Hauptperspektive, daraus internationale Vergleiche abzuleiten. Die Studie beginnt mit der Darstellung der zentralen Theorien über 'Jugend' in unterschiedlichen systemischen und historischen Kontexten. Die Untersuchung stellt die These auf, daß Jugend als Alterskategorie ein Ergebnis des Prozesses der europäischen Modernisierung darstellt, welcher die Konstruktion des Konzeptes 'Jugend' bewirkte. Dessen ungeachtet haben aktuelle Trends wie die Flexibilisierung des Arbeitsmarktes, die Ausweitung des Bildungssektors und der Anstieg von Jugendarbeitslosigkeit dazu beigetragen, die Periode der 'Jugend' zu verlängern. Wir sprechen von den 'postmodernen Tendenzen' der Dekonstruktion von Jugend als einer Alterskategorie. Dennoch konnten wir Beispiele sowohl für Prozesse der Modernisierung als auch der Postmodernisierung im Bereich der Jugendforschung aufzeigen. Die Studie befaßt sich mit den Themenbereichen der historischen Jugendbewegungen, mit Bildung, Beschäftigung und Arbeitsmarkt, mit dem Zusammenhang von Jugend, von Familien, mit Lebenszyklen, mit Fragen der Jugendkultur und mit dem Wechselspiel von Jugend und Politik.' (Autorenreferat)'This report considers the situation of young people in Eastern and Western Europe. It draws upon theories of youth and data about them from both halves of Europe in order to draw comparisons. The report begins by considering the main theories of youth in each context. The report argues that youth as an age category is a product of processes of European modernization which have served to construct youth. However, recent trends such as flexibilisation in the labour market, the expansion of education and rising youth unemployment have helped to extend the period of youth and could be described as postmodernising tendencies: they deconstruct youth as an age category. However, the authors are able to point examples of both tendencies in contemporary European societies. The report covers the field of the historical youth movements, education and work, family lifecourse, youth cultures and young people in politics.' (author's abstract)

    Assessing the influence of R&D institutions by mapping international scientific networks: the case of INESC Porto

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    Although scientometric and bibliometric studies embrace a much wider perspective of the linkages/networks of R&D institutions than standard economic studies, to the best of our knowledge, these studies have not yet made use of scientometric tools to analyse the influence and impact of R&D institutions. Moreover, the international perspective has so far been neglected both in standard and bibliometric studies. Based on networks of 1239 foreign co-authorships and 13035 foreign citation linkages, we demonstrate that INESC Porto international influence has considerably expanded since 2003, a year that coincided with the implementation of an internal policy of granting monetary prizes to publications in scientific international journals. In terms of co-authorship, the network of INESC Porto more than duplicated (13 countries in the initial period to 27 in 2004-07). In terms of citations, INESC Porto’s network encompassed almost 40 countries during the whole period (1996-2007). Its more prolific units (optoelectronics, energy and multimedia) presented a rather distinct pattern both in terms of size and evolution of the corresponding network boundaries. The network size of foreign co-authorships was not much different between the three units by the beginning of the 2000s (around 10 countries) but it evolved quite distinctly. The most remarkable pattern was registered by the multimedia (UTM) unit, whose network size rose exponentially to 21 countries in 2004-07. This contrasted with the decline (down to 8 countries) of the energy (USE) unit. The citation network of the optoelectronic unit (UOSE) was by far the largest, until 2003, involving 34 distinct countries, which contrasted with the size of USE (12 countries) and UTM (1 country). But again, after 2003, the size of the citation network of USE and UTM converged spectacularly to that of UOSE’s, reaching in the last period 21 and 16, respectively. The influence of INESC Porto reaches all five continents, especially when we consider citation networks. Indeed, excluding the citations from authors affiliated in Portuguese institutions, those that most cite INESC Porto’s (and UOSE’s) works are affiliated in institutions located in China, the UK and the US. The scientific works produced by USE influences mostly authors affiliated in institutions located in India, China and Spain, whereas for UTM the corresponding countries are the US, Germany and Italy. We infer from the evidence analysed that not only did the boundaries of INESC Porto’s scientific network substantially enlarge in the period of analysis (1996-2007) but its ‘quality’ also evidenced a positive evolution, with authors affiliated in institutions located in the scientific frontier countries citing works of INESC Porto (and its units).Bibliometrics, Knowledge networks; R&D Institutions

    World Health Statistics 2017: Monitoring Health for the SDGs

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    The World Health Statistics series is WHO's annual compilation of health statistics for its 194 Member States. World Health Statistics 2017 compiles data on 21 health-related Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) targets, with 35 indicators, as well as data on life expectancy. This edition also includes, for the first time, success stories from several countries that are making progress towards the health-related SDG targets

    Assessing the influence of R&D institutions by mapping international scientific networks: the case of INESC Porto

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    Although scientometric and bibliometric studies embrace a much wider perspective of the linkages/networks of R&D institutions than standard economic studies, to the best of our knowledge, these studies have not yet made use of scientometric tools to analyse the influence and impact of R&D institutions. Moreover, the international perspective has so far been neglected both in standard and bibliometric studies. Based on networks of 1239 foreign co-authorships and 13035 foreign citation linkages, we demonstrate that INESC Porto international influence has considerably expanded since 2003, a year that coincided with the implementation of an internal policy of granting monetary prizes to publications in scientific international journals. In terms of co-authorship, the network of INESC Porto more than duplicated (13 countries in the initial period to 27 in 2004-07). In terms of citations, INESC Porto’s network encompassed almost 40 countries during the whole period (1996-2007). Its more prolific units (optoelectronics, energy and multimedia) presented a rather distinct pattern both in terms of size and evolution of the corresponding network boundaries. The network size of foreign co-authorships was not much different between the three units by the beginning of the 2000s (around 10 countries) but it evolved quite distinctly. The most remarkable pattern was registered by the multimedia (UTM) unit, whose network size rose exponentially to 21 countries in 2004-07. This contrasted with the decline (down to 8 countries) of the energy (USE) unit. The citation network of the optoelectronic unit (UOSE) was by far the largest, until 2003, involving 34 distinct countries, which contrasted with the size of USE (12 countries) and UTM (1 country). But again, after 2003, the size of the citation network of USE and UTM converged spectacularly to that of UOSE’s, reaching in the last period 21 and 16, respectively. The influence of INESC Porto reaches all five continents, especially when we consider citation networks. Indeed, excluding the citations from authors affiliated in Portuguese institutions, those that most cite INESC Porto’s (and UOSE’s) works are affiliated in institutions located in China, the UK and the US. The scientific works produced by USE influences mostly authors affiliated in institutions located in India, China and Spain, whereas for UTM the corresponding countries are the US, Germany and Italy. We infer from the evidence analysed that not only did the boundaries of INESC Porto’s scientific network substantially enlarge in the period of analysis (1996-2007) but its ‘quality’ also evidenced a positive evolution, with authors affiliated in institutions located in the scientific frontier countries citing works of INESC Porto (and its units). Length: 64 pagesBibliometrics, Knowledge networks; R&D Institutions