1 research outputs found

    The Strategic Games Matrix As A Framework For Intelligent Autonomous Agents Hierarchical Control Strategies Modeling

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    This paper presents a framework for strategy formulation in multilevel multiple-agent control system architectures based on the Strategic Games Matrix (SGM), having game theory and control systems theory as basic concepts and models. New methodologies for analysis and for design of hierarchical control architectures with multiple intelligent autonomous agents, based on the SGM concept, are applied. Illustrative hierarchical control applications to system architectures analysis and synthesis based on the SGM are presented.SPSMC184189Alpcan, T., Basar, T., A game-theoretic framework for congestion control in general topology networks (2002) Proc. 41st IEEE CDC, , Las Vegas, NevadaAlpcan, T., Başar, T., A game theoretic analysis of intrusion detection in access control systems (2004) Proc. 43rd IEEE CDC, , Atlantis, Paradise Islands, BahamasBaşar, T., Olsder, G.J., Dynamic non-cooperative game theory (1999) Series in Classics in Applied Mathematics, , Philadelphia, PA: SIAMBohacek, S., Hespanha, J.P., Obraczka, K., Saddle policies for secure routing in communication networks (2002) Proc. 41st IEEE CDC, , Las Vegas, NevadaBottura, C.P., Costa, E.A., Business strategy formulation modeling via hierarchical dynamic game (2004) Proc. CS1MTA International Conference, , Cherbourgh, FranceBrandenburger, A.M., Nalebuff, B.J., The right game: Use of game theory to shape strategy (1995) Harvard Business Review, pp. 57-81Bryson Jr., A.E., Ho, Y.C., (1975) Applied optimal control, , Washington, DC: HemisphereCastañón, D.A., Pachter, M., Chandler, P.R., A game of deception (2004) Proc. 43rd IEEE, CDC, , Atlantis,Paradise Islands, BahamasCosta, F.J.T., Bottura, C.P., Parallel optimal hierarchical control using a MIMD architecture (1990) Proc. 29th IEEE CDC, , HonoluluCosta, F.J.T., Bottura, C.P., Hierarchical multidecision making on a computer network with distributed coordination and control (1991) Proc. 39th Annual Allerton Conference on Communication Control and Computing, pp. 703-704. , Urbana, IL, ppCosta F̊., J. T., 1992. Proposta para computação assíncrona paralela e distribuída de estruturas especiais de jogos dinâmicos, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Elétrica, Tese de Doutorado, Campinas, SP, BrazilCosta, E. A., Bottura, C. P., 2006. The Strategic Games Matrix (SGM) as a new tool for strategic management via game theory, Sistemas & Gestao, 1 (1) pp. 17-41. (in http://www.latec.com.br/sg/arevista/ Volumel/Numero 1/Vl-l-index.htm)Cruz Jr., J.B., Leader-follower strategies for multilevel systems (1978) IEEE Trans, on Automatic Control, AC-23 (2), pp. 244-255Dimarogonas, D.V., Kyriakopoulus, K.J., A feedback stabilization and collision avoidance scheme for multiple independent nonholonomic non-point agents (2005) Proc. 2005 IEEE Int. Symposium on Intelligent Control, , Limassol, CyprusHaimes, Y.Y., Li, D., Hierarchical multiobjective analysis for large-scale systems: Review and current status (1988) Automatica, 24 (1), pp. 53-69Liu, Y., Galati, D.G., Simaan, M.A., A game theoretic approach to team dynamics and tactics in mixed initiative control of automa-teams (2004) Proc. 43rd IEEE CDC, , Atlantis, Paradise Islands, BahamasRahimi-Kian, A., Tabarraei, H., Sadeghi, B., Reinforcement learning based supplier-agents for electricity markets (2005) Proc. 2005 IEEE Int. Symposium on Intelligent Control, , Limassol, CyprusSchelling, T.C., (1960) The strategy of conflict, , New York, NY: Harvard University PressShao, J., Xie, G., Yu, J., Wang, L., Leader-following formation control of multiple mobile robots (2005) Proc. 2005 IEEE Int. Symposium on Intelligent Control, , Limassol, CyprusShi, H., Wang, L.T., Chu, T., Coordination of multiple dynamic agents with asymmetric interactions (2005) Proc. 2005 IEEE Int. Symposium on Intelligent Control, , Limassol, Cypru