42 research outputs found

    Approximate performance analysis of generalized join the shortest queue routing

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    In this paper we propose a highly accurate approximate performance analysis of a heterogeneous server system with a processor sharing service discipline and a general job-size distribution under a generalized join the shortest queue (GJSQ) routing protocol. The GJSQ routing protocol is a natural extension of the well-known join the shortest queue routing policy that takes into account the non-identical service rates in addition to the number of jobs at each server. The performance metrics that are of interest here are the equilibrium distribution and the mean and standard deviation of the number of jobs at each server. We show that the latter metrics are near-insensitive to the job-size distribution using simulation experiments. By applying a single queue approximation we model each server as a single server queue with a state-dependent arrival process, independent of other servers in the system, and derive the distribution of the number of jobs at the server. These state-dependent arrival rates are intended to capture the inherent correlation between servers in the original system and behave in a rather atypical way.Comment: 16 pages, 5 figures -- version 2 incorporates minor textual change

    Separation of timescales in a two-layered network

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    We investigate a computer network consisting of two layers occurring in, for example, application servers. The first layer incorporates the arrival of jobs at a network of multi-server nodes, which we model as a many-server Jackson network. At the second layer, active servers at these nodes act now as customers who are served by a common CPU. Our main result shows a separation of time scales in heavy traffic: the main source of randomness occurs at the (aggregate) CPU layer; the interactions between different types of nodes at the other layer is shown to converge to a fixed point at a faster time scale; this also yields a state-space collapse property. Apart from these fundamental insights, we also obtain an explicit approximation for the joint law of the number of jobs in the system, which is provably accurate for heavily loaded systems and performs numerically well for moderately loaded systems. The obtained results for the model under consideration can be applied to thread-pool dimensioning in application servers, while the technique seems applicable to other layered systems too.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figures, 1 table, ITC 24 (2012

    Self-* overload control for distributed web systems

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    Unexpected increases in demand and most of all flash crowds are considered the bane of every web application as they may cause intolerable delays or even service unavailability. Proper quality of service policies must guarantee rapid reactivity and responsiveness even in such critical situations. Previous solutions fail to meet common performance requirements when the system has to face sudden and unpredictable surges of traffic. Indeed they often rely on a proper setting of key parameters which requires laborious manual tuning, preventing a fast adaptation of the control policies. We contribute an original Self-* Overload Control (SOC) policy. This allows the system to self-configure a dynamic constraint on the rate of admitted sessions in order to respect service level agreements and maximize the resource utilization at the same time. Our policy does not require any prior information on the incoming traffic or manual configuration of key parameters. We ran extensive simulations under a wide range of operating conditions, showing that SOC rapidly adapts to time varying traffic and self-optimizes the resource utilization. It admits as many new sessions as possible in observance of the agreements, even under intense workload variations. We compared our algorithm to previously proposed approaches highlighting a more stable behavior and a better performance.Comment: The full version of this paper, titled "Self-* through self-learning: overload control for distributed web systems", has been published on Computer Networks, Elsevier. The simulator used for the evaluation of the proposed algorithm is available for download at the address: http://www.dsi.uniroma1.it/~novella/qos_web

    Towards Autonomic Service Provisioning Systems

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    This paper discusses our experience in building SPIRE, an autonomic system for service provision. The architecture consists of a set of hosted Web Services subject to QoS constraints, and a certain number of servers used to run session-based traffic. Customers pay for having their jobs run, but require in turn certain quality guarantees: there are different SLAs specifying charges for running jobs and penalties for failing to meet promised performance metrics. The system is driven by an utility function, aiming at optimizing the average earned revenue per unit time. Demand and performance statistics are collected, while traffic parameters are estimated in order to make dynamic decisions concerning server allocation and admission control. Different utility functions are introduced and a number of experiments aiming at testing their performance are discussed. Results show that revenues can be dramatically improved by imposing suitable conditions for accepting incoming traffic; the proposed system performs well under different traffic settings, and it successfully adapts to changes in the operating environment.Comment: 11 pages, 9 Figures, http://www.wipo.int/pctdb/en/wo.jsp?WO=201002636

    An architecture of internet based data processing based on multicast and anycast protocols

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    Most of the current web-based application systems suffer from poor performance and costly heterogeneous accessing. Distributed or replicated strategies can alleviate the problem in some degree, but there are still some problems of the distributed or replicated model, such as data synchronization, load balance, and so on.&nbsp; In this paper, we propose a novel architecture for Internet-based data processing system based on multicast and anycast protocols. The proposed architecture breaks the functionalities of existing data processing system, in particular, the database functionality, into several agents. These agents communicate with each other using multicast and anycast mechanisms. We show that the proposed architecture provides better scalability, robustness, automatic load balance, and performance than the current distributed architecture of Internet-based dataprocessing.<br /

    Patia: Adaptive distributed webserver (A position paper)

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    This paper introduces the Patia Adaptive Webserver architecture, which is distributed and consists of semi-autonomous agents called FLYs. The FLY carries with it the set of rules and adaptivity policies required to deliver the data to the requesting client. Where a change in the FLY’s external environment could affect performance, it is the FLY’s responsibility to change the method of delivery (or the actual object being delivered). It is our conjecture that the success of today’s multimedia websites in terms of performance lies in the architecture of the underlying servers and their ability to adapt to changes in demand and resource availability, as well as their ability to scale. We believe that the distributed and autonomous nature of this system are key factors in achieving this.


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    ABSTRACT The increasing quantity of information to be processed and store in a data center and cloud also, th

    Методи оптимізації розподілу навантаження

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    Considered most widespread methods of load distribution for the WEB-server, which enhance their performance and productivity and ensure their continuous operationРассмотрены наиболее распространенные методы распределения нагрузки для WEB-сервере, которые повышают их быстродействие и производительность и обеспечивают их непрерывную работуРозглянуто найбільш розповсюдженні методи розподілу навантаження для WEB-сервері, які  підвищують їх швидкодію та продуктивність і забезпечують їх безперервну робот