4 research outputs found

    The Sound of Photographic Image

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    This text presents three works produced in the period 1998–2004 that are based on the sonification of photographic images. Two of the works, 9m14s Over Vietnam, and Bondage.rmx, were compositions for recorded CD release, while the third, Bondage, was an interactive installation. All three utilized similar processes to translate visual information to sound, and to allow musical composition with imagery

    Real-time hallucination simulation and sonification through user-led development of an iPad augmented reality performance

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    The simulation of visual hallucinations has multiple applications. The authors present a new approach to hallucination simulation, initially developed for a performance, that proved to have uses for individuals suffering from certain types of hallucinations. The system, originally developed with a focus on the visual symptoms of palinopsia experienced by the lead author, allows real-time visual expression using augmented reality via an iPad. It also allows the hallucinations to be converted into sound through visuals sonification. Although no formal experimentation was conducted, the authors report on a number of unsolicited informal responses to the simulator from palinopsia sufferers and the Palinopsia Foundation

    BioMuse to Bondage: Corporeal Interaction in Performance and Exhibition

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    This chapter looks at technologies of biosensing and techniques of sonification that invoke physicalization of sound to create a sense of intimacy in musical performance and gallery exhibition. By comparing the dynamic across stage and gallery settings, we will see how the corporeal activation of sound can become a key not just to decode experimental performance, but as an entry point to possible intimate spaces created by digital interaction. We will draw upon notions of physicalization, enaction, and embodiment to describe how a visceral, nearly carnal situation can be created in technology mediated work