481 research outputs found

    Enumerating pattern avoidance for affine permutations

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    In this paper we study pattern avoidance for affine permutations. In particular, we show that for a given pattern p, there are only finitely many affine permutations in S~n\widetilde{S}_n that avoid p if and only if p avoids the pattern 321. We then count the number of affine permutations that avoid a given pattern p for each p in S_3, as well as give some conjectures for the patterns in S_4.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figures; fixed typos and proof of Proposition

    Tamari Lattices for Parabolic Quotients of the Symmetric Group

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    International audienceWe present a generalization of the Tamari lattice to parabolic quotients of the symmetric group. More precisely, we generalize the notions of 231-avoiding permutations, noncrossing set partitions, and nonnesting set partitions to parabolic quotients, and show bijectively that these sets are equinumerous. Furthermore, the restriction of weak order on the parabolic quotient to the parabolic 231-avoiding permutations is a lattice quotient. Lastly, we suggest how to extend these constructions to all Coxeter groups.Nous présentons une généralisation du treillis de Tamari aux quotients paraboliques du groupe symétrique. Plus précisément, nous généralisons les notions de permutations qui évitent le motif 231, les partitions non-croisées, et les partitions non-emboîtées aux quotients paraboliques, et nous montrons de façon bijective que ces ensembles sont équipotents. En restreignant l’ordre faible du quotient parabolique aux permutations paraboliques qui évitent le motif 231, on obtient un quotient de treillis d’ordre faible. Enfin, nous suggérons comment étendre ces constructions à tous les groupes de Coxeter

    Mask formulas for cograssmannian Kazhdan-Lusztig polynomials

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    We give two contructions of sets of masks on cograssmannian permutations that can be used in Deodhar's formula for Kazhdan-Lusztig basis elements of the Iwahori-Hecke algebra. The constructions are respectively based on a formula of Lascoux-Schutzenberger and its geometric interpretation by Zelevinsky. The first construction relies on a basis of the Hecke algebra constructed from principal lower order ideals in Bruhat order and a translation of this basis into sets of masks. The second construction relies on an interpretation of masks as cells of the Bott-Samelson resolution. These constructions give distinct answers to a question of Deodhar.Comment: 43 page
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