18 research outputs found

    Factors Contributing to the Information Technology Vendor–Client Relationship

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    This paper examines the relationship between IT vendors and the clients who use their products and services. The last fifteen years have seen a large increase in the amount of spending on purchased software as opposed to internally developed software. The dynamic of these relationships has not been a focus of current IS research and, as such, remains largely unexplored. The paper identifies the factors that influence the success of information tech-nology vendor–client relationships. Qualitative interview data is analyzed using grounded theory to create a list of factors that describe both good and bad relationships as perceived by experienced IT professionals. Using these factors, a model of information technology vendor–client relationships is presented. Future research directions are suggested as well as implications for research and practice

    Does Organizational Culture Capability and Relationship Building Capability expediate Supply Chain Operational Performance? Evidence from Indonesia

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    The current study considered the effect of organization culture capability and relationship building capability on supply chain operational performance with the mediating role of supply chain technology adoption. This study focused on the Indonesian supply chain companies. Data were collected from the employees of supply chain companies. Questionnaires were distributed with the help of area cluster sampling techniques and 7-point Likert scale was preferred. Total 350 questionnaires were distributed with the help of email. Data were analysed with the help of Partial Least Square (PLS). Results of the study investigated that organization culture capability and relationship building capability both have an important contribution in supply chain operational performance through supply chain technology adoption. Moreover, supply chain technology adoption playing a mediating role. Thus, majorly this study contributed by highlighting the mediating role of supply chain technology adoption


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    Information technology outsourcing relationships between clients and suppliers are generally embedded into formal contracts. The empirical literature on contracting usually assumes that contractual completeness is difficult to achieve due to the transaction costs of describing—or of even foreseeing—the possible states of nature in advance. Little research has been done on the on-going set of processes during the life of the client/supplier relationship in the post phase of the contract where unforeseen contingencies and events emerge. Hence, a process improvement framework for studying IT outsourcing relationships is needed to provide more detailed metrics for assessing and managing the maturity level of IT outsourcing relationships. The purpose of this paper is to develop and validate an evolutionary process improvement model to manage relationships between clients and suppliers in the context of information technology outsourcing. We call this model the Capability Maturity Model of Information Technology Outsourcing Relationships (CMMITOR). The model presents the key elements of maturity in IT outsourcing relationships from an ad hoc stage, immature relationship management processes to highly mature and disciplined ones. The preliminary results show that the process-view of IT relationships is suited for this purpose. Key process areas were identified and refined through a card sorting procedure. The validation of the resultant model is underway through a field study of ten IT outsourcing relationships. Implications for research and practice are discussed

    Global Supply Chain Capabilities in Malaysian Textile and Apparel Industry

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    In todays dynamic business environment, the competition is no more between firms; however, between supply chains to gain competitive advantages. This leads to global supply chain. In the global supply chains, the potential of global supply chain capabilities for growth is very promising. Despite the incredible expansion of the industry, particularly Malaysian textile and apparel supply chain, there has been relatively a handful academic study that looked specifically in the area of global supply chain capabilities and performance. This resulting in very little attention has been paid to the power of global supply chain capabilities by researchers and practitioners. This study is derived from the concept of resource based view in supply chain management. This study aims to investigate the relationship between global supply chain capabilities and supply chain performance in Malaysian textile and apparel industry. By thorough reviewing the supply chain management literatures, this study found that there is a relationship between global supply chain capabilities, namely relational capability, technological capability, and organizational culture capability, and supply chain performance. From the underpinning theory and thorough literature review of the study area, this study provides a unique theoretical framework intended to aid researchers and practitioners to develop a more comprehensive understanding of the linkages between global supply chain capabilities and supply chain performance


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    Enterprise-level packaged software is gaining in importance across organizations. Increasingly, organizations decide to purchase packaged software solutions. However, the acquisition of these software packages is carried out in risky and complex acquisition projects. Implementing the right governance structures and procedures can help to avoid errors and problems in this phase, which could severely impact implementation and usage of the procured systems in the future. The current body of knowledge on software acquisition governance is scarce, scattered, and in need of integration. Therefore, this study endeavors to perform a structured literature review which assesses the current state-of-the-art in software acquisition, focusing on IT governance-related aspects. Three main topics are identified and elaborated: the selection of software, the software acquisition process, and influncing factors. Based on these extant findings, this study integrates and synthesizes the separate research streams through the conceptual lens of IT governance. This literature review can help decision makers in organizations with optimizing their software procurement processes, governance, and behaviors and builds a foundation for further research on this increasingly relevant topic

    Critical Issues of IT Outsourcing Vendors in India

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    Global outsourcing of IT and IT-enabled services (ITES) has now become an accepted corporate strategy of a vast majority of firms around the world. The functions being offshored have increased in scope and magnitude and have climbed the value chain ladder. However, the literature has overwhelmingly focused on client-centric issues to the neglect of vendor concerns. There is a rich tradition of ranking critical issues confronting Information Systems executives, and some studies have even explored critical issues of outsourcing clients. These rankings have significant implications for both researchers and practitioners. Our study focuses on the nascent area of IT outsourcing vendors. We examine the issues from the standpoint of IT outsourcing vendors in India, currently the primary destination for IT offshoring. The results suggest that for the Indian vendors, the most critical issues are not related to cultural, language, and time-zone differences as suggested in many writings. Rather, the most critical concerns are issues dealing with work arrangements and relationships with the client, and issues related to the client’s organizational readiness for offshoring. Clearly the understanding of such issues is important to the vendors, but also to the clients in order to maintain an effective dyadic relationship

    Critical Issues of IT Outsourcing Vendors in India

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    Global outsourcing of IT and IT-enabled services (ITES) has now become an accepted corporate strategy of a vast majority of firms around the world. The functions being offshored have increased in scope and magnitude and have climbed the value chain ladder. However, the literature has overwhelmingly focused on client-centric issues to the neglect of vendor concerns. There is a rich tradition of ranking critical issues confronting Information Systems executives, and some studies have even explored critical issues of outsourcing clients. These rankings have significant implications for both researchers and practitioners. Our study focuses on the nascent area of IT outsourcing vendors. We examine the issues from the standpoint of IT outsourcing vendors in India, currently the primary destination for IT offshoring. The results suggest that for the Indian vendors, the most critical issues are not related to cultural, language, and time-zone differences as suggested in many writings. Rather, the most critical concerns are issues dealing with work arrangements and relationships with the client, and issues related to the client’s organizational readiness for offshoring. Clearly the understanding of such issues is important to the vendors, but also to the clients in order to maintain an effective dyadic relationship

    Critical Issues in EHR Implementation: Provider and Vendor Perspectives

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    Stakeholders, both internal and external, can have differing and sometimes conflicting perspectives and priorities even though each has a vested interest in organizational success. Using the lens of stakeholder theory, we examine the differing views of stakeholders (namely, medical providers and vendors) in the implementation of electronic health record (EHR) systems. The implementation process itself can be broken down into three phases: pre-implementation, during implementation, and post-implementation. After determining a comprehensive set of seventeen key issues relevant to each phase, we discovered that there are significant differences in the perceptions of EHR vendors and their customers in terms of which issues in each phase of an EHR implementation are most important. These findings indicate that vendors tend to underestimate the role of nursing staff and that providers tend to underestimate the role of security. Both groups, however, agree that physician support throughout the implementation is essential for success

    Global supply chain capabilities in Malaysian textile and apparel industry

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    In today’s dynamic business environment, the competition is no more between firms; however, between supply chains to gain competitive advantages. This leads to global supply chain. In the global supply chains, the potential of global supply chain capabilities for growth is very promising. Despite the incredible expansion of the industry, particularly Malaysian textile and apparel supply chain, there has been relatively a handful academic study that looked specifically in the area of global supply chain capabilities and performance. This resulting in very little attention has been paid to the power of global supply chain capabilities by researchers and practitioners. This study is derived from the concept of resource based view in supply chain management. This study aims to investigate the relationship between global supply chain capabilities and supply chain performance in Malaysian textile and apparel industry. By thorough reviewing the supply chain management literature s, this study found that there is a relationship between global supply chain capabilities, namely relational capability, technological capability, and organizational culture capability, and supply chain performance. From the underpinning theory and thorough literature review of the study area, this study provides a unique theoretical framework intended to aid researchers and practitioners to develop a more comprehensive understanding of the linkages between global supply chain capabilities and supply chain performance