14 research outputs found

    Finding Significant Fourier Coefficients: Clarifications, Simplifications, Applications and Limitations

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    Ideas from Fourier analysis have been used in cryptography for the last three decades. Akavia, Goldwasser and Safra unified some of these ideas to give a complete algorithm that finds significant Fourier coefficients of functions on any finite abelian group. Their algorithm stimulated a lot of interest in the cryptography community, especially in the context of `bit security'. This manuscript attempts to be a friendly and comprehensive guide to the tools and results in this field. The intended readership is cryptographers who have heard about these tools and seek an understanding of their mechanics and their usefulness and limitations. A compact overview of the algorithm is presented with emphasis on the ideas behind it. We show how these ideas can be extended to a `modulus-switching' variant of the algorithm. We survey some applications of this algorithm, and explain that several results should be taken in the right context. In particular, we point out that some of the most important bit security problems are still open. Our original contributions include: a discussion of the limitations on the usefulness of these tools; an answer to an open question about the modular inversion hidden number problem

    Bit Security of the Hyperelliptic Curves Diffie-Hellman Problem

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    The Diffie-Hellman problem as a cryptographic primitive plays an important role in modern cryptology. The Bit Security or Hard-Core Bits of Diffie-Hellman problem in arbitrary finite cyclic group is a long-standing open problem in cryptography. Until now, only few groups have been studied. Hyperelliptic curve cryptography is an alternative to elliptic curve cryptography. Due to the recent cryptanalytic results that the best known algorithms to attack hyperelliptic curve cryptosystems of genus g<3g<3 are the generic methods and the recent implementation results that hyperelliptic curve cryptography in genus 2 has the potential to be competitive with its elliptic curve cryptography counterpart. In this paper, we generalize Boneh and Shparlinksi\u27s method and result about elliptic curve to the case of Jacobians of hyperelliptic curves. We prove that the least significant bit of each coordinate of hyperelliptic curves Diffie-Hellman secret value in genus 2 is hard as the entire Diffie-Hellman value, and then we also show that any bit is hard as the entire Diffie-Hellman value. Finally, we extend our techniques and results to hyperelliptic curves of any genus

    The Security of All Private-key Bits in Isogeny-based Schemes

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    We study the computational hardness of recovering single bits of the private key in the supersingular isogeny Diffie--Hellman (SIDH) key exchange and similar schemes. Our objective is to give a polynomial-time reduction between the problem of computing the private key in SIDH to the problem of computing any of its bits. The parties in the SIDH protocol work over elliptic curve torsion groups of different order NN. Our results depend on the parity of NN. Our main result shows that if NN is odd, then each of the top and lower O(log⁥log⁥N)O(\log\log N) bits of the private key is as hard to compute, with any noticeable advantage, as the entire key. A similar, but conditional, result holds for each of the middle bits. This condition can be checked, and heuristically holds almost always. The case of even NN is a bit more challenging. We give several results, one of which is similar to the result for an odd NN, under the assumption that one always succeeds to recover the designated bit. To achieve these results we extend the solution to the chosen-multiplier hidden number problem, for domains of a prime-power order, by studying the Fourier coefficients of single-bit functions over these domains

    Cryptographic Extraction and Key Derivation: The HKDF Scheme

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    In spite of the central role of key derivation functions (KDF) in applied cryptography, there has been little formal work addressing the design and analysis of general multi-purpose KDFs. In practice, most KDFs (including those widely standardized) follow ad-hoc approaches that treat cryptographic hash functions as perfectly random functions. In this paper we close some gaps between theory and practice by contributing to the study and engineering of KDFs in several ways. We provide detailed rationale for the design of KDFs based on the extract-then-expand approach; we present the first general and rigorous definition of KDFs and their security which we base on the notion of computational extractors; we specify a concrete fully practical KDF based on the HMAC construction; and we provide an analysis of this construction based on the extraction and pseudorandom properties of HMAC. The resultant KDF design can support a large variety of KDF applications under suitable assumptions on the underlying hash function; particular attention and effort is devoted to minimizing these assumptions as much as possible for each usage scenario. Beyond the theoretical interest in modeling KDFs, this work is intended to address two important and timely needs of cryptographic applications: (i) providing a single hash-based KDF design that can be standardized for use in multiple and diverse applications, and (ii) providing a conservative, yet efficient, design that exercises much care in the way it utilizes a cryptographic hash function. (The HMAC-based scheme presented here, named HKDF, is being standardized by the IETF.

    From discrete-log to lattices: maybe the real lessons were our broken schemes along the way?

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    In the fall of 2018, a professor became obsessed with conspiracy theories of deeper connections between discrete-log based cryptography and lattice based cryptography. That obsession metastasized and spread to some of the students in the professor\u27s cryptography course through a cryptanalysis challenge that was set as a class competition. The students and the professor continued travelling further down the rabbit hole, refusing to stop when the semester was over. Refusing to stop even as some of the students graduated, and really refusing to stop even now, but pausing long enough to write up this chronicle of their exploits

    The Security of all RSA and Discrete Log Bits

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    Abstract We study the security of individual bits in an RSA encrypted message EN (x). We show that given EN(x), predicting any single bit in x with only a non-negligible advantage over the trivial guessing strategy, is (through a polynomial time reduction) as hard as breaking RSA. Moreover, we prove that blocks of O(log log N) bits of x are computationally indistinguishable from random bits. The results carry over to the Rabin encryption scheme. Considering the discrete exponentiation function gx modulo p, with probability 1- o(1) over random choices of the prime p, the analog results are demonstrated. Finally, we prove that the bits of ax + b modulo p give hard core predicates for any one-way function f. 1 Introduction What is to be meant by a secure cryptosystem? There are rigorously definednotions, given by Goldwasser and Micali [14], such as semantic security; &amp;quot;whatever can be computed efficiently from the cryptotext should also be computablewithout it&amp;quot;. Obtaining semantic security requires rather elaborate constructions, and we cannot in general hope to achieve this by simply applying a natu-ral one-way function. In fact, any deterministic, public-key crypto system must leak some information. It is therefore important also to analyze the securityof specific information concerning the plaintext. We here study the question of given the encrypted message E(x), is it feasible to predict even a single bitof x? Now, &amp;quot;feasible &amp;quot; refers to the existence of probabilistic, polynomial timealgorithms, and we cannot exclude the possibility of &amp;quot;guessing &amp;quot; a bit o