4 research outputs found

    Assessing Creativity: A Test for Drawing Production using Digital Art Tools The concept, application and assessment of digital art teaching as a means of enhancing creative proficiency

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    This paper describes the Test for Creative Thinking - Drawing Production (TCT-DP), including its design, concept and mode of assessment, and the practical consequences of its application in a specific context. The test was used to evaluate the performance of groups of students as part of a case study exploring the use of digital art tools for drawing in a junior school. The students used specific digital art software via both computers and tablets, and also drew manually using a variety of devices. TCP-DP evaluates drawing production by means of a set of 14 criteria. At the same time, this study used the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) theory to assess the ease of use and usefulness of the digital tools. The test was trialled with students aged 9-10 years in different ability groups. There were no significant differences in performance between male and female participants. Details of various related studies, together with data concerning the reliability and validity of the TCT-DP test, are also provided. The study finds that motivation is an important factor in improving young people’s artistic ability

    Assessing Creativity: A Test for Drawing Production using Digital Art Tools

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    This paper describes the Test for Creative Thinking - Drawing Production (TCT-DP), including its design, concept and mode of assessment, and the practical consequences of its application in a specific context. The test was used to evaluate the performance of groups of students as part of a case study exploring the use of digital art tools for drawing in a junior school. The students used specific digital art software via both computers and tablets, and also drew manually using a variety of devices. TCP-DP evaluates drawing production by means of a set of 14 criteria. At the same time, this study used the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) theory to assess the ease of use and usefulness of the digital tools. The test was trialled with students aged 9-10 years in different ability groups. There were no significant differences in performance between male and female participants. Details of various related studies, together with data concerning the reliability and validity of the TCT-DP test, are also provided. The study finds that motivation is an important factor in improving young people’s artistic ability

    A digitĂĄlis mĂ©diumok integrĂĄlĂĄsi lehetƑsĂ©gei a rajz Ă©s vizuĂĄlis nevelĂ©sben - nemzetközi kitekintĂ©s

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    Az elektronikus mĂ©dia vilĂĄgĂĄnak vĂĄltozĂĄsa hatĂĄssal van az oktatĂĄsban lĂ©trejövƑ vĂĄltozĂĄsokra, Ă©s ez alĂłl nem kivĂ©tel az iskolai vizuĂĄlis mƱvĂ©szeti nevelĂ©s terĂŒlete sem. Ám a vĂ©lemĂ©nyek a mai napig megoszlani lĂĄtszanak azzal kapcsolatban, hogy milyen mĂłdon lehet, illetve hogy egyĂĄltalĂĄn be kell-e emelni a digitĂĄlis mĂ©diumokat a vizuĂĄlis mƱvĂ©szeti oktatĂĄsba. Az ĂșjmĂ©dia ĂĄthidalja a teret Ă©s idƑt, Ă©s lehetƑvĂ© teszi a kulturĂĄlis közelsĂ©get a földrajzi tĂĄvolsĂĄg ellenĂ©re. A mai Ășgynevezett informĂĄciĂłs tĂĄrsadalom kĂ©pes az informĂĄciĂł gyors terjesztĂ©sĂ©re: az ĂŒzenet gyorsan Ă©s egyszerre több helyen elĂ©rhetƑ lesz. RögzĂ­thetjĂŒk, tĂĄrolhatjuk, mĂłdosĂ­thatjuk tetszĂ©s szerint. A Photoshop kĂ©pszerkesztƑ program ma mĂĄr az amatƑrök Ă©s a mĂ©diamƱvĂ©szeti szakmĂĄkban dolgozĂłk szĂĄmĂĄra egyarĂĄnt nĂ©lkĂŒlözhetetlen eszközzĂ© vĂĄlt (Manovich, 2001), egyben az ĂșjmĂ©diĂĄval kapcsolatos kreativitĂĄs tipikus eszköze lett. Ahhoz, hogy a kĂŒlönbözƑ technolĂłgiĂĄkat integrĂĄlni tudjĂĄk, a jelenlegi Ă©s leendƑ tanĂĄroknak is meg kell tanulniuk a digitĂĄlis eszközök hasznĂĄlatĂĄt, el kell merĂŒlniĂŒk a digitĂĄlis technolĂłgiĂĄban Ă©s az online mĂ©diumok vilĂĄgĂĄban. Ez pedig tervezĂ©st, stratĂ©giakialakĂ­tĂĄst Ă©s szerkezetĂĄtalakĂ­tĂĄst, valamint Ășj pedagĂłgiai mĂłdszerek megismerĂ©sĂ©t jelenti. Ám a digitĂĄlis mĂ©diumok mƱvĂ©szeti oktatĂĄsba valĂł bevonĂĄsĂĄt több tĂ©nyezƑ is gĂĄtolja. A technolĂłgia ismeretĂ©nek hiĂĄnyĂĄn tĂșl ehhez az is hozzĂĄjĂĄrul, hogy bĂĄr a tanĂĄrok egy rĂ©sze elfogadta a digitĂĄlis mƱvĂ©szetet mint mƱvĂ©szeti ĂĄgat, legtöbbjĂŒk ezt a mĂ©diumot mĂ©gis csak eszköznek tekinti, Ă©s eszközkĂ©nt is hasznĂĄlja. Vagyis a rajzolĂĄs-festĂ©s-szobrĂĄszat hagyomĂĄnyos modelljĂ©tƑl el kell mozdulni egy Ășj, befogadĂłbb szemlĂ©let felĂ©, ahol mĂĄr nem egy mĂ©diumhoz tartozĂłnak tekintik a vizuĂĄlis mƱvĂ©szetet. A bemutatott kĂ©t esettanulmĂĄny a rajzoktatĂĄs Ă©s a digitĂĄlis technolĂłgia kapcsolatĂĄnak kĂ©t egymĂĄstĂłl teljesen eltĂ©rƑ pĂ©ldĂĄjĂĄt mutatja be: az elsƑben tudatosan nem emelik be az IKT-t a mƱvĂ©szet ĂłrĂĄba, a mĂĄsodikban pedig a manuĂĄlis Ă©s digitĂĄlis mĂ©diumok folyamatos hasznĂĄlata, azok kombinĂĄciĂłja termĂ©szetesnek szĂĄmĂ­t az iskolĂĄban. ÖsszegzĂ©skĂ©nt elmondhatjuk, hogy mivel a technolĂłgia rĂ©szben ĂșjradefiniĂĄlja magĂĄt a vizuĂĄlis mƱvĂ©szetet is, informatika specifikus mƱvĂ©szeti kĂ©pzĂ©sre is szĂŒksĂ©g van ahhoz, hogy ki tudjuk aknĂĄzni a technolĂłgia ĂĄltal rendelkezĂ©sĂŒnkre ĂĄllĂł lehetƑsĂ©geket

    Exploring the Efficacy of the Helen B. Landgarten Art Therapy Clinic’s Transition to Telehealth During COVID-19

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    This research qualitatively explores the impacts of the Helen B. Landgarten Art therapy Clinic’s transition to art therapy telehealth services during the COVID-19 pandemic. The purpose of this research was to explore the efficacy of interventions and the clinical themes that emerged as a result of telehealth art therapy services delivered to marginalized communities through the Helen B. Landgarten Art Therapy Clinic. Data that was collected includes anonymous surveys from administrators, teachers, and caregivers of those receiving services and facilitators of services, semi-structured interviews with administrators, teachers, and caregivers of those receiving services, as well as a focus group with facilitators of services. Through the analysis of data several findings suggest that art therapy telehealth can provide a safe space for engagement in mental health and be more accessible to marginalized communities. These findings potentially open new doors for further inquiry into art therapy telehealth