217,778 research outputs found

    The scientific influence of nations on global scientific and technological development

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    Determining how scientific achievements influence the subsequent process of knowledge creation is a fundamental step in order to build a unified ecosystem for studying the dynamics of innovation and competitiveness. Relying separately on data about scientific production on one side, through bibliometric indicators, and about technological advancements on the other side, through patents statistics, gives only a limited insight on the key interplay between science and technology which, as a matter of fact, move forward together within the innovation space. In this paper, using citation data of both research papers and patents, we quantify the direct influence of the scientific outputs of nations on further advancements in science and on the introduction of new technologies. Our analysis highlights the presence of geo-cultural clusters of nations with similar innovation system features, and unveils the heterogeneous coupled dynamics of scientific and technological advancements. This study represents a step forward in the buildup of an inclusive framework for knowledge creation and innovation

    Large Projects in Astronomy: An Indian Endeavour

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    Policy Brief on "Large Projects in Astronomy: An Indian Endeavour", distilled from the corresponding panel that was part of the discussions during S20 Policy Webinar on Astroinformatics for Sustainable Development held on 6-7 July 2023. Cutting-edge astronomy initiatives often entail substantial investment and require a high level of expertise. Even the most technologically advanced nations recognize the value of establishing international partnerships to secure both financial resources and talent for these ambitious endeavours as they hold immense promise for catalysing transformative scientific discoveries, driving technological innovation, provide training opportunities for the next generation of scientists and engineers, and expanding our understanding of the cosmos that surrounds us. Crucially, large-scale multilateral collaborations serve as powerful agents for promoting unity and peace among the global population. Participants from various nations share a vested interest in the success of these projects and the wealth of knowledge they yield, fostering a sense of common purpose and shared goals. By utilizing astroinformatics capabilities, these initiatives are not merely enhancing our comprehension of the universe but are also actively contributing to the attainment of sustainable development objectives. In this discussion, we delve into the challenges faced, and prospects for substantial astronomical undertakings. Additionally, we present recommendations aimed at guaranteeing their effectiveness and optimizing their influence on both scientific advancement and society. The policy webinar took place during the G20 presidency in India (2023). A summary based on the seven panels can be found here: arxiv:2401.04623.Comment: 4 pages. The panel videos including keynotes and the white papers are available on the S20 site at: https://s20india.org/science-policy-webinar-astroinformatics-for-sustainable-development

    Bioethics: Reincarnation of Natural Philosophy in Modern Science

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    The theory of evolution of complex and comprising of human systems and algorithm for its constructing are the synthesis of evolutionary epistemology, philosophical anthropology and concrete scientific empirical basis in modern (transdisciplinary) science. «Trans-disciplinary» in the context is interpreted as a completely new epistemological situation, which is fraught with the initiation of a civilizational crisis. Philosophy and ideology of technogenic civilization is based on the possibility of unambiguous demarcation of public value and descriptive scientific discourses (1), and the object and subject of the cognitive process (2). Both of these attributes are no longer valid. For mass, everyday consciousness and institutional philosophical tradition it is intuitively obvious that having the ability to control the evolutionary process, Homo sapiens came close to the borders of their own biological and cultural identity. The spontaneous coevolutionary process of interaction between the «subject» (rational living organisms) and the «object» (material world), is the teleological trend of the movement towards the complete rationalization of the World as It Is, its merger with the World of Due. The stratification of the global evolutionary process into selective and semantic (teleological) coevolutionary and therefore ontologically inseparable components follows. With the entry of anthropogenic civilization into the stage of the information society, firsty, the post-academic phase of the historical evolution of scientific rationality began, the attributes of which are the specific methodology of scientific knowledge, scientific ethos and ontology. Bioethics as a phenomenon of intellectual culture represents a natural philosophical core of modern post- academic (human-dimensional) science, in which the ethical neutrality of scientific theory principle is inapplicable, and elements of public-axiological and scientific-descriptive discourses are integrated into a single logic construction. As result, hermeneutics precedes epistemology not only methodologically, but also meaningfully, and natural philosophy is regaining the status of the backbone of the theory of evolution – in an explicit for

    Technology geography: a new area of scientific inquiry

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    Operations management, international management, public policy and\ud economic geography are four scientific areas, which come together in the study of\ud international technology transfer. This paper shows how each of these four areas has its\ud own central issues but also have specific parts that are relevant for research on\ud international technology transfer. It is essential for companies to thoroughly understand\ud the issues of productivity of production technologies employed by them, and for\ud international companies the relationship of productivity of a specific production line and\ud the environment in which this production line operates. Simultaneously, it is essential for\ud governments to understand the productivity of its work force and therefore to understand\ud the relationship of its country characteristics and the productivity of specific industries (or\ud production technologies). A recommendation is made to add a new focus to the research\ud on international technology transfer called: Technology Geography. Its primary purpose is\ud to investigate the linkages between technology and its location, and its consequences for\ud technology transfer and international production operations

    Global Governance and Technology

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    human development, technology

    Systems of innovation are systems of mediation: a discussion of the critical role of science communication in innovation and knowledge-based development

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    This discussion paper highlights the critical role of science communication, not as an 'add-on' topic to bring about the acceptance of science, but as a process which guides the processes of innovation and knowledge-based development. It argues that people do not passively adopt science for homogeneous activities; rather, scientific knowledge and technologies are adapted to the everyday lives of very different communities and vice versa. If one wishes to design processes to support and respond to innovation and knowledge based-development without excluding certain groups of people, it is not enough to say that science is applied in society, nor that technologies impact on society. Rather, what needs to be recognised is that it is through the efforts of science communication activities that scientific knowledge and technologies are made meaningful to the everyday lives of very different communities. It is therefore through the support of science communication activities that socio-economic and political systems may give rise to, and may be influenced by, the patterns of use and adaptation of technologies by different communities of interest. The paper ends with a discussion of the policy objectives of the Office of Science and Technology (OST) and the Department for International Development (DFID) in the UK, and the kinds of science communication policies that might fulfil those objectives

    Exploring International Legal Governance of Global Solar Fuels

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    This paper critically examines the role of international law in establishing the appropriate governance framework for enhanced global collaboration on solar fuels. It will particularly evaluate the right to enjoy the benefit of scientific progress and it

    The Challenge to U.S. Leadership in High-Technology Industries (Can the United States Maintain Its Lead? Should It Try?)

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    The United States emerged from World War II as the acknowledged global leader in basic science and its industrial application. While U.S. science has been able to maintain that preeminence in most areas, the nation's technological lead has met increasingly formidable challenges from abroad. Although the evidence on recent U.S. performance is mixed, other nations, and especially Japan, have clearly gained ground in high-technology production and trade. The future of U.S. high-technology production has thus emerged as a major focus of public policy. This paper reviews the recent performance of U.S. high-techology industries, examines possible motives underlying government policies to promote high-technology production, and offers some guidelines for evaluating the outcomes of alternative policy regimes.

    New horizons shaping science, technology and innovation diplomacy: the case of Latin America and the Caribbean and the European Union. EL-CSID Working Paper Issue 2018/20 • August 2018

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    Europe and the world face a moment of transformation. The global financial crisis wiped out years of economic and social progress, exposed structural weaknesses in world economies and emphasised the importance of the real economies and strong industries. Modernisation and digitalisation of the industrial base together with the promotion of a competitive framework for industry through research, technology and innovation are drivers for recovery. Innovation, and particularly open innovation, is a key factor of global competitiveness. The European Commission (EC) addresses international cooperation policy in a wider framework and adapts to the evolving needs of partner countries at different stages of development (EC, 2018a). Latin America and the Caribbean countries’ (LAC) and the European Union’s (EU) cooperation on science, technology and innovation has a long history based on cultural roots and common concerns. They share a strategic bi-regional partnership, which was launched in 1999 and stepped up significantly in recent years. The two regions co-operate closely at international level across a broad range of issues and maintain an intensive political dialogue at all levels. EU-LAC relationships are moving from a traditional cooperation model towards a learning model, where sharing experiences and learning from innovations appear to be decisive (OECD, 2014). This paper focuses on the challenges that innovation nowadays poses to international relations and diplomacy. It is based on the evidence gained by the research team from participation in several EULAC projects, especially the ELAN Network project coordinated by TECNALIA, the INNOVACT project as well as other projects and activities