1,658 research outputs found

    Towards a better approximation for sparsest cut?

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    We give a new (1+ϵ)(1+\epsilon)-approximation for sparsest cut problem on graphs where small sets expand significantly more than the sparsest cut (sets of size n/rn/r expand by a factor lognlogr\sqrt{\log n\log r} bigger, for some small rr; this condition holds for many natural graph families). We give two different algorithms. One involves Guruswami-Sinop rounding on the level-rr Lasserre relaxation. The other is combinatorial and involves a new notion called {\em Small Set Expander Flows} (inspired by the {\em expander flows} of ARV) which we show exists in the input graph. Both algorithms run in time 2O(r)poly(n)2^{O(r)} \mathrm{poly}(n). We also show similar approximation algorithms in graphs with genus gg with an analogous local expansion condition. This is the first algorithm we know of that achieves (1+ϵ)(1+\epsilon)-approximation on such general family of graphs

    Waiting Time Distribution for the Emergence of Superpatterns

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    Consider a sequence X_1, X_2,... of i.i.d. uniform random variables taking values in the alphabet set {1,2,...,d}. A k-superpattern is a realization of X_1,...,X_t that contains, as an embedded subsequence, each of the non-order-isomorphic subpatterns of length k. We focus on the non-trivial case of d=k=3 and study the waiting time distribution of tau=inf{t>=7: X_1,...,X_t is a superpattern}Comment: 17 page

    Tableau sequences, open diagrams, and Baxter families

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    Walks on Young's lattice of integer partitions encode many objects of algebraic and combinatorial interest. Chen et al. established connections between such walks and arc diagrams. We show that walks that start at \varnothing, end at a row shape, and only visit partitions of bounded height are in bijection with a new type of arc diagram -- open diagrams. Remarkably two subclasses of open diagrams are equinumerous with well known objects: standard Young tableaux of bounded height, and Baxter permutations. We give an explicit combinatorial bijection in the former case.Comment: 20 pages; Text overlap with arXiv:1411.6606. This is the full version of that extended abstract. Conjectures from that work are proved in this wor