79 research outputs found

    Auto-Grading for 3D Modeling Assignments in MOOCs

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    Bottlenecks such as the latency in correcting assignments and providing a grade for Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) could impact the levels of interest among learners. In this proposal for an auto-grading system, we present a method to simplify grading for an online course that focuses on 3D Modeling, thus addressing a critical component of the MOOC ecosystem that affects. Our approach involves a live auto-grader that is capable of attaching descriptive labels to assignments which will be deployed for evaluating submissions. This paper presents a brief overview of this auto-grading system and the reasoning behind its inception. Preliminary internal tests show that our system presents results comparable to human graders

    Investigating Factors That Predict Progress High Achieving Engineering Students Make Towards Desired Outcomes of College

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    In an effort to increase the retention and progress undergraduate engineering students are making towards the desired outcome of college, researchers have been investigating what factors influence the academic achievement of students. The desired outcomes of college in this study include intellectual and scholarly development, workforce preparedness, advance in general knowledge, personal development, and scientific and technological skill development. While some studies have shown evidence that students’ engagement and learning skills are important predictors, others have suggested that educational policies, background, and demography of students are significantly associated with students’ academic achievement. In this study, predictive modeling of parents’ educational background, scholarships, motivation, use of campus facilities, and course learning on progress students made on the overall desired outcome of college was conducted. The outcome of this study shows that only motivation and course learning are significant predictors of overall progress high achieving engineering students made toward the desired outcome of collegeKeywords: Desired Outcome of College, Motivation, Course Learning, Parents\u27 Educational Level, High Achieving Engineering Student

    The MOOC and learning analytics innovation cycle (MOLAC): a reflective summary of ongoing research and its challenges.

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    This article describes the MOOCS and Learning Analytics framework (MOLAC). Based on a brief review of ongoing challenges in the field, the article develops a vision for the future use of MOOCs and Learning Analytics to foster educational innovation

    Pengembangan Model Bisnis MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) untuk Mendukung Kinerja Dyandra Academy

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    Dyandra Academy sebagai inovasi dari Kompas Gramedia Group merupakan mengembangkan model bisnis pendidikan yang beririsan dengan industri MICE. Bernaung di dalam Dyandra Promosindo yang diuntungkan dengan memiliki proses bisnis yang luas, proposisi nilai, dan jaringan nilai, Dyandra Academy mencoba merumuskan penerapan MOOC. Publikasi ini menjabarkan proses perencanaan, penilaian dan review dimaksudkan untuk mendukung implementasi model bisnis. Dalam publikasi ini, metrik utama didukung dengan mengukur indeks kepuasan. Hasil daripada implementasi memaparkan indeks kepuasaan yang dilakukan terhadap 102 partisipan pengguna MOOC dengan nilai rata-rata indeks berada di atas 3,8 dari skala 5. Hal ini menjelaskan bahwa model bisnis untuk implementasi MOOC memiliki dampak positif terhadap pembelajaran jarak jauh yang aplikatif dan penunjang kinerja Dyandra Academy. Publikasi ini bermanfaat sebagai bukti manfaat penerapan MOOC bagi para pemangku kepentingan

    The Effect of Using Interactive Electronic Module with Contextual Approach on Students Learning Motivation on Conductor and Insulator Materials

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    This study aims to develop an interactive electronic module product with a contextual approach and determine the effect of its use on students' learning motivation on conductor and insulator material. This study uses the R&D method with a 4D model. The research instrument is a questionnaire. The product was tested for feasibility, material validity, readability test, and measurement of student's learning motivation. The research subjects were seventh-grade students of MTsN 8 Banyuwangi and 5 validators. Data were analyzed qualitatively. The results of the study are the average product score is 3.9 with very good criteria and the percentage of 98% is very feasible, the validity of the material with a score of 3.8 with very good criteria and the percentage of 95% is very valid, the readability test obtained a score of 3 with very good criteria and percentage of 75% and learning motivation of students obtained a score of 3 and a percentage of 100% with high criteria. It can be concluded that the contextual approach interactive electronic module affects students' learning motivation on conductor and insulator materialPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan produk modul elektronika interaktif dengan pendekatan kontekstual dan mengetahui pengaruh penggunaannya terhadap motivasi belajar siswa pada materi konduktor dan isolator. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode R&D dengan model 4D yaitu Define, Design, Develop, dan Dissemination. Instrumen penelitian berupa kuesioner. Produk diuji kelayakan, validitas materi, uji keterbacaan, dan pengukuran motivasi belajar siswa. Subyek penelitian adalah siswa kelas VII MTsN 8 Banyuwangi dan 5 orang validator. Data dianalisis secara kualitatif. Hasil penelitian rata-rata skor produk 3,9 dengan kriteria sangat baik dan persentase 98% sangat layak, validitas materi dengan skor 3,8 dengan kriteria sangat baik dan persentase 95% sangat valid, tes keterbacaan memperoleh skor 3 dengan kriteria sangat baik dan persentase 75% dan motivasi belajar siswa memperoleh skor 3 dan persentase 100% dengan kriteria tinggi. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa modul elektronik interaktif pendekatan kontekstual berpengaruh terhadap motivasi belajar siswa pada materi konduktor dan isolator. Rekomendasi untuk penelitian selanjutnya dapat dikembangkan lagi dan dapat digunakan sebagai media pendukung dalam pembelajaran
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