60,428 research outputs found

    The Resistance of PRESENT-80 Against Related-Key Differential Attacks

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    We examine the security of the 64-bit lightweight block cipher PRESENT-80 against related-key differential attacks. With a computer search we are able to prove that no related-key differential characteristic exists with probability higher than 2642^{-64} for the full-round PRESENT-80. To overcome the exponential (in the state and key sizes) computational complexity we use truncated differences, however as the key schedule is not nibble oriented, we switch to actual differences and apply early abort techniques to prune the tree-based search. With a new method called extended split approach we are able to make the whole search feasible and we implement and run it in real time. Our approach targets the PRESENT-80 cipher however, with small modifications can be reused for other lightweight ciphers as well

    KLEIN: A New Family of Lightweight Block Ciphers

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    Resource-efficient cryptographic primitives become fundamental for realizing both security and efficiency in embedded systems like RFID tags and sensor nodes. Among those primitives, lightweight block cipher plays a major role as a building block for security protocols. In this paper, we describe a new family of lightweight block ciphers named KLEIN, which is designed for resource-constrained devices such as wireless sensors and RFID tags. Compared to the related proposals, KLEIN has advantage in the software performance on legacy sensor platforms, while in the same time its hardware implementation can also be compact