6 research outputs found

    Independent publishers and social networks in the 21st century: the balance of power in the transatlantic Spanish-language book market

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    The present paper uses Twitter to analyze the current state of the worldwide, Spanish-language, independent publishing market. The main purposes are to determine whether certain Latin American Spanish-language independent publishers function as gatekeepers of World Literature and to analyze the geopolitical structure of this global market, addressing both the Europe-America dialectic and neocolonial practices. After selecting the sample of publishers, we conducted a search for their Twitter profiles and located 131; we then downloaded data from the corresponding Twitter APIs. Finally, we applied social network analysis to study the presence of and interaction between our sample of independent publishers on this social media. Our results provide data-based evidence supporting the hypothesis of some literary critics who suggest that in Latin America, certain publishers act as gatekeepers to the mainstream book market. Therefore, Twitter could be considered a valid source of information to address the independent book market in Spanish. By extension, this approach could be applied to other cultural industries in which small and medium-sized agents develop a digital presence in social media. This paper combines social network analysis and literary criticism to provide new evidence about the Spanish-language book market. It helps validate the aforementioned hypothesis, proposed by literary critics, and opens up new paths along which to pursue an interpretative, comparative analysis

    A hagyományos demográfiai alapú választói klaszterezés alternatív megközelítése

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    A tanulmány a hagyományos, demográfiai alapú klaszterezés mellett a kommunikációscsatornapreferencia – bizalmi/hitelesség alapú – csoportosítási lehetőségét vizsgálja. Az egyéni országgyűlési választókörzetek demográfiai adatai alapján korrelációs és klaszteranalízist alkalmaztunk, amely segítségével sikerült a választókörzeteket több csoportba sorolni. Több olyan változót azonosítottunk, amelyek felhasználásával – szerény lehetőségeinknek megfelelően – igyekszünk részben megmagyarázni a 2022 április 3-i országgyűlési választás eredményeit, az ellenzéki összefogás, illetve a Fidesz–KDNP eredményeire fókuszálva. Magyarázóerejük alapján elsődleges és másodlagos változókat azonosítottunk. A kapott eredmények tapasztalatai segítségével egy alternatív megközelítést alkalmaztunk. A 465 elemű primer kvantitatív kutatás során a válaszadók tájékozódási szokásainak – a különböző kommunikációs csatornákról érkező információk iránti bizalmuknak – megfelelően alakítottunk ki csoportokat, és vizsgáltuk, hogy e kommunikációs preferenciáknak milyen hatásuk van összességében 7 párt megítélésére, 3 szabadságjog alapján. Ily módon sikerült a demográfiai adatokból 6 választókörzet-típust definiálni, a kommunikációs szokásoknak megfelelően pedig 3 jól elkülönülő, eltérő csatornabizalommal és pártmegítéléssel rendelkező választói csoportot kialakítani

    Polarization and acculturation in US Election 2016 outcomes – Can twitter analytics predict changes in voting preferences

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    Elections are among the most critical events in a national calendar. During elections, candidates increasingly use social media platforms to engage voters. Using the 2016 US presidential election as a case study, we looked at the use of Twitter by political campaigns and examined how the drivers of voter behaviour were reflected in Twitter. Social media analytics have been used to derive insights related to theoretical frameworks within political science. Using social media analytics, we investigated whether the nature of social media discussions have an impact on voting behaviour during an election, through acculturation of ideologies and polarization of voter preferences. Our findings indicate that discussions on Twitter could have polarized users significantly. Reasons behind such polarization were explored using Newman and Sheth's model of voter's choice behaviour. Geographical analysis of tweets, users, and campaigns suggests acculturation of ideologies among voting groups. Finally, network analysis among voters indicates that polarization may have occurred due to differences between the respective online campaigns. This study thus provides important and highly relevant insights into voter behaviour for the future management and governance of successful political campaigns.Green Open Access added to TU Delft Institutional Repository ‘You share, we take care!’ – Taverne project https://www.openaccess.nl/en/you-share-we-take-care Otherwise as indicated in the copyright section: the publisher is the copyright holder of this work and the author uses the Dutch legislation to make this work public.Information and Communication Technolog

    The relationship between online campaigning and political involvement

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    Purpose-The purpose of this paper is to examine the causal relationship between interactive and personal campaigning on social media and political involvement, and the mechanisms that explain the effects. Specifically, this study examines whether personal and interactive communication on Twitter increases political involvement among citizens through social presence and perceived expertise. Design/methodology/approach-An experimental design-a 2 (low vs high interactivity) × 3 (depersonalized vs individualized vs privatized communication) between-subjects design-is used. Findings-The findings show that interactive communication leads to a stronger sense of social presence and source expertise, which positively affect involvement. The effects of personal campaigning differ. Individualized communication positively affects involvement via source expertise. Interestingly, privatized communication positively affects involvement via social presence, but negatively via source expertise. Originality/value-Although a growing body of work examines the political consequences of social media, there is still very little understanding why social media affect citizens. The current study fills this void by investigating how the use of social media affects political involvement among citizens

    The relationship between online campaigning and political involvement

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    Purpose-The purpose of this paper is to examine the causal relationship between interactive and personal campaigning on social media and political involvement, and the mechanisms that explain the effects. Specifically, this study examines whether personal and interactive communication on Twitter increases political involvement among citizens through social presence and perceived expertise. Design/methodology/approach-An experimental design-a 2 (low vs high interactivity) × 3 (depersonalized vs individualized vs privatized communication) between-subjects design-is used. Findings-The findings show that interactive communication leads to a stronger sense of social presence and source expertise, which positively affect involvement. The effects of personal campaigning differ. Individualized communication positively affects involvement via source expertise. Interestingly, privatized communication positively affects involvement via social presence, but negatively via source expertise. Originality/value-Although a growing body of work examines the political consequences of social media, there is still very little understanding why social media affect citizens. The current study fills this void by investigating how the use of social media affects political involvement among citizens