4,066 research outputs found

    Human factors considerations for the use of color in display systems

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    Identified and assessed are those human factor considerations impacting an operator's ability to perform when information is displayed in color as contrasted to monochrome (black and white only). The findings provide valuable guidelines for the assessment of the advantages (and disadvantages) of using a color display system. The use of color provides an additional sensory channel (color perception) which is not available with black and white. The degree to which one can exploit the use of this channel is highly dependent on available display technology, mission information display requirements, and acceptable operational modes

    Approaching Visual Search in Photo-Realistic Scenes

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    Visual search is extended from the domain of polygonal figures presented on a uniform background to scenes in which search is for a photo-realistic object in a dense, naturalistic background. Scene generation for these displays relies on a powerful solid modeling program to define the three dimensional forms, surface properties, relative positions, and illumination of the objects and a rendering program to produce an image. Search in the presented experiments is for a rock with specific properties among other, similar rocks, although the method described can be generalized to other situations. Using this technique we explore the effects of illumination and shadows in aiding search for a rock in front of and closer to the viewer than other rocks in the scene. For these scenes, shadows of two different contrast levels can significantly deet·ease reaction times for displays in which target rocks are similar to distractor rocks. However, when the target rock is itself easily distinguishable from dis tractors on the basis of form, the presence or absence of shadows has no discernible effect. To relate our findings to those for earlier polygonal displays, we simplified the non-shadow displays so that only boundary information remained. For these simpler displays, search slopes (the reaction time as a function of the number of distractors) were significantly faster, indicating that the more complex photo-realistic objects require more time to process for visual search. In contrast with several previous experiments involving polygonal figures, we found no evidence for an effect of illumination direction on search times

    A Neural Model of Surface Perception: Lightness, Anchoring, and Filling-in

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    This article develops a neural model of how the visual system processes natural images under variable illumination conditions to generate surface lightness percepts. Previous models have clarified how the brain can compute the relative contrast of images from variably illuminate scenes. How the brain determines an absolute lightness scale that "anchors" percepts of surface lightness to us the full dynamic range of neurons remains an unsolved problem. Lightness anchoring properties include articulation, insulation, configuration, and are effects. The model quantatively simulates these and other lightness data such as discounting the illuminant, the double brilliant illusion, lightness constancy and contrast, Mondrian contrast constancy, and the Craik-O'Brien-Cornsweet illusion. The model also clarifies the functional significance for lightness perception of anatomical and neurophysiological data, including gain control at retinal photoreceptors, and spatioal contrast adaptation at the negative feedback circuit between the inner segment of photoreceptors and interacting horizontal cells. The model retina can hereby adjust its sensitivity to input intensities ranging from dim moonlight to dazzling sunlight. A later model cortical processing stages, boundary representations gate the filling-in of surface lightness via long-range horizontal connections. Variants of this filling-in mechanism run 100-1000 times faster than diffusion mechanisms of previous biological filling-in models, and shows how filling-in can occur at realistic speeds. A new anchoring mechanism called the Blurred-Highest-Luminance-As-White (BHLAW) rule helps simulate how surface lightness becomes sensitive to the spatial scale of objects in a scene. The model is also able to process natural images under variable lighting conditions.Air Force Office of Scientific Research (F49620-01-1-0397); Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency and the Office of Naval Research (N00014-95-1-0409); Office of Naval Research (N00014-01-1-0624

    Human Factors Compatibility Concerns in the Selection of Display Technologies for Computer and Data Terminals

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    Human factors considerations are often overlooked in the selection of electronic computer displays. When cost is used as the only determining factor, the resulting product may not be commercially successful because of an inadequate display. To help avoid this situation, designers and users should be aware of the various factors involved in proper display selection. These factors were developed by a synthesis of existing scientific and industrial literature on the subject and are explained in this paper. The first factor is a basic knowledge of the structure, characteristics, and function of the human visual system. The theory of sight, anatomy of the eye, visual perception, and photometric and nonphotometric parameters are covered. The human factors elements of visual response comprise the second factor. The adverse effects of display use as well as ergonomic standards, fonts, color, modes, and the use of status indicators are discussed. The last factor concerns displays. The various available and projected technologies along with comparisons, and applications are presented. Display evaluation criteria are listed to provide guidelines for proper selection

    Perception of Lighting and Reflectance in Real and Synthetic Stimuli

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    The human visual system estimates the proportion of light reflected off of a surface despite variable lighting in a scene, a phenomenon known as lightness constancy. Classically, lightness constancy has been explained as a 'discounting' of the lighting intensity (Helmholtz, 1866), and this continues to be a common view today (e.g., Brainard & Maloney, 2011). However, Logvinenko and Maloney (2006) have made a radically different claim that the human visual system does not have any perceptual access to an estimation of lightness. The experiments described in Chapter 2 use a novel experimental paradigm to test this new theory proposed by Logvinenko and Maloney. We provide evidence against Logvinenko and Maloney's theory of lightness perception while adding to existing evidence that the visual system has good lightness constancy. In Chapter 3, we manipulate screen colour and texture cues to test the realism of computer-generated stimuli. We find that by matching the chromaticity of an LCD screen to the surrounding lighting and using a realistic texture, LCD screens can be made to appear similar to physical paper. Finally, Chapter 4 is an extension of the ideas from Chapter 3, in which the knowledge about how to adjust color and texture cues on an LCD monitor is applied to a lightness matching task. Here, the LCD screen is a small part of a larger physical setup. Additionally, levels of lightness constancy are compared across physical and simulated surfaces in the same novel experimental paradigm in Chapters 2 and 4. We find that physical and simulated surfaced elicit different levels of lightness constancy on the same task

    The Search for the Opto-Kinetic Cervical Reflex and Reduced Roll Reversals in Pilots Viewing a 3-D Perspective Display

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    Pilots using conventional instrumentation can suffer spatial disorientation (SD) when unexpectedly forced to transition from visual flight to instrument flight during roll maneuvers. This simulator study was conducted to see if a 3-D perspective display could prevent this form of spatial disorientation by eliciting the opto-kinetic cervical reflex (OKCR), an instinctive postural response that humans use to maintain awareness of their spatial orientation. The current research found evidence of the OKCR in pilots viewing both a 3-D perspective display and an electronic attitude indicator. Pilots viewing a standard moving-horizon attitude indicator produced little or no OKCR response. However, pilots still showed some indication of SD during transitions from visual flight to instrument flight while using the 3-D perspective display

    3D computational modeling and perceptual analysis of kinetic depth effects

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    Humans have the ability to perceive kinetic depth effects, i.e., to perceived 3D shapes from 2D projections of rotating 3D objects. This process is based on a variety of visual cues such as lighting and shading effects. However, when such cues are weak or missing, perception can become faulty, as demonstrated by the famous silhouette illusion example of the spinning dancer. Inspired by this, we establish objective and subjective evaluation models of rotated 3D objects by taking their projected 2D images as input. We investigate five different cues: ambient luminance, shading, rotation speed, perspective, and color difference between the objects and background. In the objective evaluation model, we first apply 3D reconstruction algorithms to obtain an objective reconstruction quality metric, and then use quadratic stepwise regression analysis to determine weights of depth cues to represent the reconstruction quality. In the subjective evaluation model, we use a comprehensive user study to reveal correlations with reaction time and accuracy, rotation speed, and perspective. The two evaluation models are generally consistent, and potentially of benefit to inter-disciplinary research into visual perception and 3D reconstruction
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