23 research outputs found

    A Study on Replay Attack and Anti-Spoofing for Automatic Speaker Verification

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    For practical automatic speaker verification (ASV) systems, replay attack poses a true risk. By replaying a pre-recorded speech signal of the genuine speaker, ASV systems tend to be easily fooled. An effective replay detection method is therefore highly desirable. In this study, we investigate a major difficulty in replay detection: the over-fitting problem caused by variability factors in speech signal. An F-ratio probing tool is proposed and three variability factors are investigated using this tool: speaker identity, speech content and playback & recording device. The analysis shows that device is the most influential factor that contributes the highest over-fitting risk. A frequency warping approach is studied to alleviate the over-fitting problem, as verified on the ASV-spoof 2017 database

    Investigation of Frame Alignments for GMM-based Digit-prompted Speaker Verification

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    Frame alignments can be computed by different methods in GMM-based speaker verification. By incorporating a phonetic Gaussian mixture model (PGMM), we are able to compare the performance using alignments extracted from the deep neural networks (DNN) and the conventional hidden Markov model (HMM) in digit-prompted speaker verification. Based on the different characteristics of these two alignments, we present a novel content verification method to improve the system security without much computational overhead. Our experiments on the RSR2015 Part-3 digit-prompted task show that, the DNN based alignment performs on par with the HMM alignment. The results also demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed Kullback-Leibler (KL) divergence based scoring to reject speech with incorrect pass-phrases.Comment: accepted by APSIPA ASC 201

    CFAD: A Chinese Dataset for Fake Audio Detection

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    Fake audio detection is a growing concern and some relevant datasets have been designed for research. However, there is no standard public Chinese dataset under complex conditions.In this paper, we aim to fill in the gap and design a Chinese fake audio detection dataset (CFAD) for studying more generalized detection methods. Twelve mainstream speech-generation techniques are used to generate fake audio. To simulate the real-life scenarios, three noise datasets are selected for noise adding at five different signal-to-noise ratios, and six codecs are considered for audio transcoding (format conversion). CFAD dataset can be used not only for fake audio detection but also for detecting the algorithms of fake utterances for audio forensics. Baseline results are presented with analysis. The results that show fake audio detection methods with generalization remain challenging. The CFAD dataset is publicly available at: https://zenodo.org/record/8122764.Comment: FAD renamed as CFA

    Probing the Information Encoded in X-vectors

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    Deep neural network based speaker embeddings, such as x-vectors, have been shown to perform well in text-independent speaker recognition/verification tasks. In this paper, we use simple classifiers to investigate the contents encoded by x-vector embeddings. We probe these embeddings for information related to the speaker, channel, transcription (sentence, words, phones), and meta information about the utterance (duration and augmentation type), and compare these with the information encoded by i-vectors across a varying number of dimensions. We also study the effect of data augmentation during extractor training on the information captured by x-vectors. Experiments on the RedDots data set show that x-vectors capture spoken content and channel-related information, while performing well on speaker verification tasks.Comment: Accepted at IEEE Workshop on Automatic Speech Recognition and Understanding (ASRU) 201

    Time-Contrastive Learning Based Deep Bottleneck Features for Text-Dependent Speaker Verification

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    There are a number of studies about extraction of bottleneck (BN) features from deep neural networks (DNNs)trained to discriminate speakers, pass-phrases and triphone states for improving the performance of text-dependent speaker verification (TD-SV). However, a moderate success has been achieved. A recent study [1] presented a time contrastive learning (TCL) concept to explore the non-stationarity of brain signals for classification of brain states. Speech signals have similar non-stationarity property, and TCL further has the advantage of having no need for labeled data. We therefore present a TCL based BN feature extraction method. The method uniformly partitions each speech utterance in a training dataset into a predefined number of multi-frame segments. Each segment in an utterance corresponds to one class, and class labels are shared across utterances. DNNs are then trained to discriminate all speech frames among the classes to exploit the temporal structure of speech. In addition, we propose a segment-based unsupervised clustering algorithm to re-assign class labels to the segments. TD-SV experiments were conducted on the RedDots challenge database. The TCL-DNNs were trained using speech data of fixed pass-phrases that were excluded from the TD-SV evaluation set, so the learned features can be considered phrase-independent. We compare the performance of the proposed TCL bottleneck (BN) feature with those of short-time cepstral features and BN features extracted from DNNs discriminating speakers, pass-phrases, speaker+pass-phrase, as well as monophones whose labels and boundaries are generated by three different automatic speech recognition (ASR) systems. Experimental results show that the proposed TCL-BN outperforms cepstral features and speaker+pass-phrase discriminant BN features, and its performance is on par with those of ASR derived BN features. Moreover,....Comment: Copyright (c) 2019 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other work