6,295 research outputs found

    Renewable Electric Energy Integration: Quantifying the Value of Design of Markets for International Transmission Capacity

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    Integrating large quantities of supply-driven renewable electricity generation remains a political and operational challenge. One of the main obstacles in Europe to installing at least 200 GWs of power from variable renewable sources is how to deal with the insufficient network capacity and the congestion that will result from new flow patterns. We model the current methodology for controlling congestion at international borders and compare its results, under varying penetrations of wind power, with a model that simulates an integrated European network that utilises nodal/localised marginal pricing. The nodal pricing simulations illustrate that congestion - and price - patterns vary considerably between wind scenarios and within countries, and that a nodal price regime could make fuller use of existing EU network capacity, introducing substantial operational cost savings and reducing marginal power prices in the majority of European countries.Power market design, renewable power integration, congestion management, transmission economics

    Market and Economic Modelling of the Intelligent Grid: End of Year Report 2009

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    The overall goal of Project 2 has been to provide a comprehensive understanding of the impacts of distributed energy (DG) on the Australian Electricity System. The research team at the UQ Energy Economics and Management Group (EEMG) has constructed a variety of sophisticated models to analyse the various impacts of significant increases in DG. These models stress that the spatial configuration of the grid really matters - this has tended to be neglected in economic discussions of the costs of DG relative to conventional, centralized power generation. The modelling also makes it clear that efficient storage systems will often be critical in solving transient stability problems on the grid as we move to the greater provision of renewable DG. We show that DG can help to defer of transmission investments in certain conditions. The existing grid structure was constructed with different priorities in mind and we show that its replacement can come at a prohibitive cost unless the capability of the local grid to accommodate DG is assessed very carefully.Distributed Generation. Energy Economics, Electricity Markets, Renewable Energy

    Balancing and Intraday Market Design: Options for Wind Integration

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    EU Member States increase deployment of intermittent renewable energy sources to deliver the 20% renewable target formulated in the European Renewables Directive of 2008. To incorporate these intermittent sources, a power market needs to be flexible enough to accommodate short-term forecasts and quick turn transactions. This flexibility is particularly valuable with respect to wind energy, where wind forecast uncertainty decreases significantly in the final 24 hours before actual generation. Therefore, current designs of intraday and balancing markets need to be altered to make full use of the flexibility of the transmission system and the different generation technologies to effectively respond to increased uncertainty. This paper explores the current power market designs in European countries and North America and assesses these designs against criteria that evaluate whether they are able to adequately handle wind intermittency.Power market design, integrating renewables, wind energy, balancing, intraday

    Flexible Transmission Network Planning Considering the Impacts of Distributed Generation

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    The restructuring of global power industries has introduced a number of challenges, such as conflicting planning objectives and increasing uncertainties,to transmission network planners. During the recent past, a number of distributed generation technologies also reached a stage allowing large scale implementation, which will profoundly influence the power industry, as well as the practice of transmission network expansion. In the new market environment, new approaches are needed to meet the above challenges. In this paper, a market simulation based method is employed to assess the economical attractiveness of different generation technologies, based on which future scenarios of generation expansion can be formed. A multi-objective optimization model for transmission expansion planning is then presented. A novel approach is proposed to select transmission expansion plans that are flexible given the uncertainties of generation expansion, system load and other market variables. Comprehensive case studies will be conducted to investigate the performance of our approach. In addition, the proposed method will be employed to study the impacts of distributed generation, especially on transmission expansion planning.

    Modelling of firm offer from combined wind and hydro generations

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    This paper analyses the impact of a firm combined offer by wind and small hydro generators located in the river chain, with a view to address the intermittency of wind generators. Both generations are dispatchable and cleared against their offer prices. They offer a firm, hourly-schedule (WH schedule) for 24 hours ahead of real-time operation to an auction based locational marginal price (LMP) market with other generators offering to meet the system loads. The model network consists of other generators and loads at different buses. The scheduled power is taken off at a predetermined bus, as a load at the bus. This schedule must be met by the wind and hydro combined generations. If necessary, a notional thermal generation is available at a considerable higher price to meet the schedule, at the offtake point. The objective is to minimise the total supply cost for 24 hours and examine LMPs and constraint-on costs while respecting the given WH schedule, nodal power balance constraint, generation limits, branch flow and other limits. Discussion is based on New Zealand (NZ) Electricity Market rules, where generators are self-committed into the market. Three scenarios are studied and the results presented

    A Review of ISO New England's Proposed Market Rules

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    This report reviews the proposed rules for restructured wholesale electricity markets in New England. We review the market rules, both individually and collectively, and identify potential problems that might limit the efficiency of these markets. We examine alternatives and identify the key tradeoffs among alternative designs. We believe that the wholesale electricity market in New England can begin on December 1, 1998. However, improvements are needed for long-run success. We have identified four major recommendations: 1. Switch to a multi-settlement system. 2. Introduce demand-side bidding. 3. Adopt location-based transmission congestion pricing, especially for the import/export interfaces. 4. Fix the pricing of the ten minute spinning reserves.Auctions; Multiple Object Auctions; Electricity Auctions
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