14,651 research outputs found

    Social-cultural aspects of the functioning of an institutional network, which is the base for the regional pro-innovating strategy implementation

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    A technology transfer is a key to an efficient innovating strategy implementation process. The institutional network should support this process. The aim of the paper is to point out the 'soft' circumstances which appear when institutions start to co-operate in such network. Furthermore some directions will be given how to face with negative circumstances. In the first part of the paper the social cultural aspects of cooperation between institutions within the network will be presented. The analyse will be mainly focused on processes of autonomisation and enclosing on an external cooperation in these institutions. The second part of the paper is a case study. A creation process of technological parks at the Silesian region will be analysed. Using this example the methods of dealing with difficulties which are discussed will be demonstrated.

    GestiĂłn de la No-Racionalidad mediante Nudos Decisionales en la Sociedad de Proyectos I

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    The Project Methodology has been impacted by the intense digital transformation of the last decade, made possible not only by the evolution of microcomputers, intranets, networks and decentralized computing, but also by the maturity of digital corporate spaces based on robust digital platforms. In this article the previous phenomena are related; product of performative mechanisms with linguistic, social and political characteristics that are impacted by constant transformations and redefinitions adjusted to a Connective Non-Rationality that modifies ends and modifies means according to external pressures; with project structures that reflect a social imaginary or that respond to socially accepted demands or the imposition derived from administrative fashions that give rise to organizations and quality assurance systems that help to generate management modes that are more related to Non-Rationality that adjusts the media to the permanent changes of the environment and solves this through decisional knots that invoke standardized mechanisms that package Lego-type decisional routines.La Metodología de Proyectos ha estado impactada con la intensa transformación digital de la última década, posibilitada no solo por la evolución de los microcomputadores, las intraredes, las redes y la computación descentralizada, sino por la madurez de espacios corporativos digitales basados en robustas plataformas digitales. En el presente artículo se relacionan los anteriores fenómenos; producto de mecanismos performativos con características lingüísticas, sociales y políticas que son impactados por constantes transformaciones y redefiniciones ajustadas a una No Racionalidad Conectiva que modifica fines y modifica medios de acuerdo a las presiones externas; con las estructuras de proyectos que reflejan un imaginario social o que responden a las exigencias aceptadas socialmente o a la imposición derivada de modas administrativas que hacen emerger organizaciones y sistemas de garantía de calidad que ayudan a generar modos de gestión que se relacionan más con la No Racionalidad que ajusta los medios a los cambios permanentes del entorno y resuelve esto a través de nudos decisionales que invocan mecanismos estandarizados que empaquetan rutinas decisionales tipo Lego

    Cognitive Capitalism as a Financial Economy of Production

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    The structural changes that occurred in the last 30 years have substantially modified the capitalistic organization of society, both at national and international level. In order to understand the evolution of social and economic systems it is necessary to focus on the relations of production, that is on those social relationships that explain the valorisation process. Since the economic crisis of the 1970's until the late 1990's the structure of production in the developed countries has been characterised by the development of highly flexible forms of production. The organizational revolution that occurred within production activity has been achieved through introducing new information technologies and restructuring of production within increasingly wider territories. A new regime of accumulation devoid of a stable mode of regulation and centred on financial valorisation of new socio-economic growth perspectives has been consolidating. Conditions imposed by financial markets in order to create the shareholder's value consisted of promoting downsizing, reengineering, outsourcing and Merger & Acquisitions processes. The flexibilization of labour force and precarization of existence has thus been the result of the established valorization norm. But why should the corporate restructuring sustain the enterprise value by creating income stock ? In order to answer this question it is necessary to analyse the importance of knowledge in the production process. For this purpose, we shall use some categories of the so called French Regulation School. The definition of a new regime of accumulation involves a research on the criteria of valorisation and the prevailing technological paradigm. The main changes of new capitalism concern mainly two spheres: the role played by knowledge in the new technological paradigm and valorisation process and the importance of finance. The dominant technological paradigm and the role played by knowledge within it are not enough to explain the evolution of the accumulation regime. It is needed to introduce further elements necessary to explain the expectations that sustain the investment choices made by capitalists; these are the conventions or collective beliefs. Then, after describing the main features of the accumulation paradigm that many scholars have named as Cognitive Capitalism , we shall attempt to provide a theoretical framework of it intended as a financial economy of production. We shall therefore proceed to the reformulation of the schemes of monetary circuit.Cognitive Capitalism; French Regulation School; Monetary Circuit; Knowledge; Crisis; Financial Convention.

    Wash Corporate Heads! Business Practice can be Changed via the Dispositions of Executives: Re-socialization towards Implicit Eco-sustainability

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    The present paper is the synopsis of my doctoral dissertation, which assumes that – in addition to rational factors – the dispositions of management also decisively affect business decisions, and thus business executives' mindset and behavioral patterns (their 'habitus') should be the target of the influence of society whenever societally important changes depend on current business practice. I outlined an institutionalized framework of re-socialization to influence the CEO subculture (and suggest it as part of the CSR agenda). The ecological sensitivity and awareness of industry are treated as a societal issue in the thesis. I have carried out research into the presence and functioning of dispositional logic (the Bourdieusian habitus) in managerial practice with the help of a few narrative interviews.disposition, Habitus, business practice, executive subculture, ecological responsibility, CSR, eco-sustainability, voluntary standard, logic of collective action, mindset, interplay as collusion, controlled influence, practice constructing community, auxiliary socialization, re-socialization, strategy-as-practice, stewardship, fiduciary duty, social engagement, organizational choreography, professional identity, executive mask, meaning negotiation

    GestiĂłn de la No Racionalidad mediante Nudos Decisionales en la Sociedad de Proyectos II

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    Project Methodology has been impacted by the intense digital transformation of the last decade, made possible not only by the evolution of microcomputers, intra-networks, networks and decentralized computing, but also by the maturity of digital corporate spaces based on robust digital platforms. This article relates the above phenomena, product of performative mechanisms with linguistic, social and political characteristics that are impacted by constant transformations and redefinitions adjusted to a Connective Non-Rationality that modifies ends and modifies means according to external pressures, The methodology of structuring and management of projects called Logical Framework, with the idea of applying it in organizations with quality assurance systems, focusing the analysis on the permanent changes of the environment and solving problems associated with decisional knots leading to standardized mechanisms that package Lego-like decisional routines.La Metodología de Proyectos ha estado impactada con la intensa transformación digital de la última década, posibilitada no solo por la evolución de los microcomputadores, las intraredes, las redes y la computación descentralizada; sino por la madurez de espacios corporativos digitales basadas en robustas plataformas digitales. En el presente artículo se relacionan los anteriores fenómenos, producto de mecanismos performativos con características lingüísticas, sociales y políticas que son impactados por constantes transformaciones y redefiniciones ajustadas a una No Racionalidad Conectiva que modifica fines y modifica medios de acuerdo a las presiones externas, con la metodología de estructuración y gestión de proyectos denominada de Marco Lógico, en la idea de aplicarla en organizaciones con sistemas de garantía de calidad centrando el análisis en los cambios permanentes del entorno y resolver problemas asociados con nudos decisionales conducentes a mecanismos estandarizados que empaquetan rutinas decisionales tipo Lego

    Cognitive Capitalism as a Financial Economy of Production

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    The structural changes that occurred in the last 30 years have substantially modified the capitalistic organization of society, both at national and international level. A new regime of accumulation devoid of a stable mode of regulation and centred on financial valorisation of new socio-economic growth perspectives has been consolidating. Conditions imposed by financial markets in order to create the shareholder's value consisted of promoting downsizing, reengineering, outsourcing and M&A processes. The flexibilization of labour force and precarization of existence has thus been the result of the established valorization norm. But why should the corporate restructuring sustain the enterprise value by creating income stock ? The definition of a new regime of accumulation involves a research on the criteria of valorisation and the prevailing technological paradigm. The main changes of new capitalism concern mainly two spheres: the role played by knowledge in the new technological paradigm and valorisation process and the importance of finance. The dominant technological paradigm and the role played by knowledge within it are not enough to explain the evolution of the accumulation regime. It is needed to introduce further elements necessary to explain the expectations that sustain the investment choices made by capitalists; these are the conventions or collective beliefs. Then, after describing the main features of the accumulation paradigm that many scholars have not hesitated to name as Cognitive Capitalism , we shall attempt to provide a theoretical framework of it intended as a financial economy of production. We shall therefore proceed to the reformulation of the schemes of monetary circuit (Graziani 2003).

    On transparency in organizations

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    Non-transparency both in the form of incomplete information disclosure and in the form of coarse feedback disclosure is optimal in virtual all organizational arrangements of interest. Speci�cally, in moral hazard interactions, some form of non-transparency is always desirable, as soon as the dimensionality of the problem exceeds the dimensionality of the action spaces of the various agents

    The corporate managers and stockholders relationship: the moral hazard issue, case of Moroccan listed companies

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    This paper deals with the moral hazard problem associated with the behavior of corporate managers. The stockholders (shareholders) cannot control ex ante the managers, because the latter’s action is unobservable to the former, and the stockholders cannot oblige the managers to choose an action which is effective and benefit both parties. The stockholders may not modify the impact of action taken by managers if and only if they decide to condition the action payment to the final observable income. In the specific context of emerging markets listed companies in where the level of opacity and the inefficiency to monitor are very high, the revelation principle does not play correctly. Therefore, it is not interesting to the Agent to show his true type. In this Paper we will specifically deal with this type of problem within the framework of companies listed in the Casablanca Stock Exchange. Our approach consists to show the moral hazard issue existing between two parties: the stockholders (i.e., uninformed “Principal”) and the manager namely the Chief Executive Officer (i.e., informed “Agent”).Asymmetrical Information; Moral Hazard; Non-fulfilment of Contract; Governance of Listed Companies; Collusion; Cooperative Game; Stockholders; Corporate Managers; Casablanca Stock Exchange.
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