932 research outputs found

    Technical approaches, chapter 3, part E

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    Radar altimeters, scatterometers, and imaging radar are described in terms of their functions, future developments, constraints, and applications

    Radiometric correction of scatterometric wind measurements

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    Use of a spaceborne scatterometer to determine the ocean-surface wind vector requires accurate measurement of radar backscatter from ocean. Such measurements are hindered by the effect of attenuation in the precipitating regions over sea. The attenuation can be estimated reasonably well with the knowledge of brightness temperatures observed by a microwave radiometer. The NASA SeaWinds scatterometer is to be flown on the Japanese ADEOS2. The AMSR multi-frequency radiometer on ADEOS2 will be used to correct errors due to attenuation in the SeaWinds scatterometer measurements. Here we investigate the errors in the attenuation corrections. Errors would be quite small if the radiometer and scatterometer footprints were identical and filled with uniform rain. However, the footprints are not identical, and because of their size one cannot expect uniform rain across each cell. Simulations were performed with the SeaWinds scatterometer (13.4 GHz) and AMSR (18.7 GHz) footprints with gradients of attenuation. The study shows that the resulting wind speed errors after correction (using the radiometer) are small for most cases. However, variations in the degree of overlap between the radiometer and scatterometer footprints affect the accuracy of the wind speed measurements

    Dependence of the Normalized Radar Cross Section of Water Waves on Bragg Wavelength-Wind Speed Sensitivity

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    Measurements of the normalized radar cross section (sigma(sup o)) made by the YSCAT ultrawideband scatterometer during an extended deployment on the Canada Centre for Inland Waters(CCIW) Research Tower located at Lake Ontario are analyzed and compared with anemometer wind measurements to study the sensitivity of (sigma(sup o)) to the wind speed as a function of the Bragg wavelength. This paper concentrates on upwind and downwind azimuth angles in the wind speed range of 4.5-12 m/s. While YSCAT collected measurements of sigma(sup o) at a variety of frequencies and incidence angles, this paper focuses on frequencies of 2.0, 3.05, 5.30, 10.02, and 14.0 GHz and incidence angles within the Bragg regime, 30-50 deg. Adopting a power law model to describe the relationship between sigma(sup o) and wind speed, both wind speed exponents and upwind/downwind (u/d) ratios of sigma(sup o) are found using least squares linear regression. The analysis of the wind speed exponents and u/d ratios show that shorter Bragg wavelengths (Lambda less than 4 cm) are the most sensitive to wind speed and direction. Additionally, vertical polarization (V-pol) sigma(sup o) is shown to be more sensitive to wind speed than horizontal polarization (H-pol) sigma(sup o), while the H-pol u/d ratio is larger than the V-pol u/d ratio

    Toward RADSCAT measurements over the sea and their interpretation

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    Investigations into several areas which are essential to the execution and interpretation of suborbital observations by composite radiometer - scatterometer sensor (RADSCAT) are reported. Experiments and theory were developed to demonstrate the remote anemometric capability of the sensor over the sea through various weather conditions. It is shown that weather situations found in extra tropical cyclones are useful for demonstrating the all weather capability of the composite sensor. The large scale fluctuations of the wind over the sea dictate the observational coverage required to correlate measurements with the mean surface wind speed. Various theoretical investigations were performed to establish a premise for the joint interpretation of the experiment data. The effects of clouds and rains on downward radiometric observations over the sea were computed. A method of predicting atmospheric attenuation from joint observations is developed. In other theoretical efforts, the emission and scattering characteristics of the sea were derived. Composite surface theories with coherent and noncoherent assumptions were employed

    Theoretical modeling of dual-frequency scatterometer response: improving ocean wind and rainfall effects

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    Ocean surface wind is a key parameter of the Earth’s climate system. Occurring at the interface between the ocean and the atmosphere, ocean winds modulate fluxes of heat, moisture and gas exchanges. They reflect the lower branch of the atmospheric circulation and represent a major driver of the ocean circulation. Studying the long-term trends and variability of the ocean surface winds is of key importance in our effort to understand the Earth’s climate system and the causes of its changes. More than three decades of surface wind data are available from spaceborne scatterometer/radiometer missions and there is an ongoing effort to inter-calibrate all these measurements with the aim of building a complete and continuous picture of the ocean wind variability. Currently, spaceborne scatterometer wind retrievals are obtained by inversion algorithms of empirical Geophysical Model Functions (GMFs), which represent the relationship between ocean surface backscattering coefficient and the wind parameters. However, by being measurement-dependent, the GMFs are sensor-specific and, in addition, they may be not properly defined in all weather conditions. This may reduce the accuracy of the wind retrievals in presence of rain and it may also lead to inconsistencies amongst winds retrieved by different sensors. Theoretical models of ocean backscatter have the big potential of providing a more general and understandable relation between the measured microwave backscatter and the surface wind field than empirical models. Therefore, the goal of our research is to understand and address the limitations of the theoretical modeling, in order to propose a new strategy towards the definition of a unified theoretical model able to account for the effects of both wind and rain. In this work, it is described our approach to improve the theoretical modeling of the ocean response, starting from the Ku-band (13.4 GHz) frequency and then broadening the analysis at C-band (5.3 GHz) frequency. This research has revealed the need for new understanding of the frequency-dependent modeling of the surface backscatter in response to the wind-forced surface wave spectrum. Moreover, our ocean wave spectrum modification introduced to include the influences of the surface rain, allows the interpretation/investigation of the scatterometer observations in terms not only of the surface winds but also of the surface rain, defining an additional step needed to improve the wind retrievals algorithms as well as the possibility to jointly estimate wind and rain from scatterometer observations

    A Roughness Correction for Aquarius Ocean Brightness Temperature Using the CONAE MicroWave Radiometer

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    Aquarius/SAC-D is a joint NASA/CONAE (Argentine Space Agency) Earth Sciences satellite mission to measure global sea surface salinity (SSS), using an L-band radiometer that measures ocean brightness temperature (Tb). The application of L-band radiometry to retrieve SSS is a difficult task, and therefore, precise Tb corrections are necessary to obtain accurate measurements. One of the major error sources is the effect of ocean roughness that warms the ocean Tb. The Aquarius (AQ) instrument (L-band radiometer/scatterometer) baseline approach uses the radar scatterometer to provide this ocean roughness correction, through the correlation of radar backscatter with the excess ocean emissivity. In contrast, this dissertation develops an ocean roughness correction for AQ measurements using the MicroWave Radiometer (MWR) instrument Tb measurements at Ka-band to remove the errors that are caused by ocean wind speed and direction. The new ocean emissivity radiative transfer model was tuned using one year (2012) of on-orbit combined data from the MWR and the AQ instruments that are collocated in space and time. The roughness correction in this paper is a theoretical Radiative Transfer Model (RTM) driven by numerical weather forecast model surface winds, combined with ancillary satellite data from WindSat and SSMIS, and environmental parameters from NCEP. This RTM provides an alternative approach for estimating the scatterometer-derived roughness correction, which is independent. The theoretical basis of the algorithm is described and results are compared with the AQ baseline scatterometer method. Also results are presented for a comparison of AQ SSS retrievals using both roughness corrections

    Effect of precipitation on choice of frequency for SEASAT scatterometer

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    Precipitation backscatter limits the effectiveness of a remote sensing radar in a satellite. Scatterometer operation on SEASAT is considered in one of the following frequency ranges: 12.5 GHz; 13.4-14.0 GHz; and 14.4-15.35 GHz. The effect of backscatter from precipitation in these frequency ranges is compared

    The planning of a South African airborne synthetic aperture radar measuring campaign

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    Bibliography: leaves 153-163.This thesis sets out the results of work done in preparation for a South African Airborne Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) measuring campaign envisaged for 1994/5. At present both airborne and spaceborne SARs have found a niche in remote sensing with applications in subsurface mapping, surface moisture mapping, vegetation mapping, rock type discrimination and Digital Elevation Modelling. Since these applications have considerable scientific and economic benefits, the Radar Remote Sensing Group at the University of Cape Town committed themselves to an airborne SAR campaign. The prime objective of the campaign is to provide the South African users with airborne SAR data and enable the Radar Remote Sensing Group to evaluate the usefulness of SAR as a remote sensing tool in South Africa

    S-193 scatterometer backscattering cross section precision/accuracy for Skylab 2 and 3 missions

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    Procedures for measuring the precision and accuracy with which the S-193 scatterometer measured the background cross section of ground scenes are described. Homogeneous ground sites were selected, and data from Skylab missions were analyzed. The precision was expressed as the standard deviation of the scatterometer-acquired backscattering cross section. In special cases, inference of the precision of measurement was made by considering the total range from the maximum to minimum of the backscatter measurements within a data segment, rather than the standard deviation. For Skylab 2 and 3 missions a precision better than 1.5 dB is indicated. This procedure indicates an accuracy of better than 3 dB for the Skylab 2 and 3 missions. The estimates of precision and accuracy given in this report are for backscattering cross sections from -28 to 18 dB. Outside this range the precision and accuracy decrease significantly
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