12 research outputs found

    Wide spread spectrum watermarking with side information and interference cancellation

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    Nowadays, a popular method used for additive watermarking is wide spread spectrum. It consists in adding a spread signal into the host document. This signal is obtained by the sum of a set of carrier vectors, which are modulated by the bits to be embedded. To extract these embedded bits, weighted correlations between the watermarked document and the carriers are computed. Unfortunately, even without any attack, the obtained set of bits can be corrupted due to the interference with the host signal (host interference) and also due to the interference with the others carriers (inter-symbols interference (ISI) due to the non-orthogonality of the carriers). Some recent watermarking algorithms deal with host interference using side informed methods, but inter-symbols interference problem is still open. In this paper, we deal with interference cancellation methods, and we propose to consider ISI as side information and to integrate it into the host signal. This leads to a great improvement of extraction performance in term of signal-to-noise ratio and/or watermark robustness.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figure

    Watermarking for multimedia security using complex wavelets

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    This paper investigates the application of complex wavelet transforms to the field of digital data hiding. Complex wavelets offer improved directional selectivity and shift invariance over their discretely sampled counterparts allowing for better adaptation of watermark distortions to the host media. Two methods of deriving visual models for the watermarking system are adapted to the complex wavelet transforms and their performances are compared. To produce improved capacity a spread transform embedding algorithm is devised, this combines the robustness of spread spectrum methods with the high capacity of quantization based methods. Using established information theoretic methods, limits of watermark capacity are derived that demonstrate the superiority of complex wavelets over discretely sampled wavelets. Finally results for the algorithm against commonly used attacks demonstrate its robustness and the improved performance offered by complex wavelet transforms

    An Artificial Neural Network for Wavelet Steganalysis

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    Hiding messages in image data, called steganography, is used for both legal and illicit purposes. The detection of hidden messages in image data stored on websites and computers, called steganalysis, is of prime importance to cyber forensics personnel. Automating the detection of hidden messages is a requirement, since the shear amount of image data stored on computers or websites makes it impossible for a person to investigate each image separately. This paper describes research on a prototype software system that automatically classifies an image as having hidden information or not, using a sophisticated artificial neural network (ANN) system. An ANN software package, the ISU ACL NetWorks Toolkit, is trained on a selection of image features that distinguish between stego and nonstego images. The novelty of this ANN is that it is a blind classifier that gives more accurate results than previous systems. It can detect messages hidden using a variety of different types of embedding algorithms. A Graphical User Interface (GUI) combines the ANN, feature selection, and embedding algorithms into a prototype software package that is not currently available to the cyber forensics community

    Binary Hypothesis Testing Game with Training Data

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    We introduce a game-theoretic framework to study the hypothesis testing problem, in the presence of an adversary aiming at preventing a correct decision. Specifically, the paper considers a scenario in which an analyst has to decide whether a test sequence has been drawn according to a probability mass function (pmf) P_X or not. In turn, the goal of the adversary is to take a sequence generated according to a different pmf and modify it in such a way to induce a decision error. P_X is known only through one or more training sequences. We derive the asymptotic equilibrium of the game under the assumption that the analyst relies only on first order statistics of the test sequence, and compute the asymptotic payoff of the game when the length of the test sequence tends to infinity. We introduce the concept of indistinguishability region, as the set of pmf's that can not be distinguished reliably from P_X in the presence of attacks. Two different scenarios are considered: in the first one the analyst and the adversary share the same training sequence, in the second scenario, they rely on independent sequences. The obtained results are compared to a version of the game in which the pmf P_X is perfectly known to the analyst and the adversary

    Spread-Spectrum Substitution watermarking Game

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    Data Hiding in Digital Video

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    With the rapid development of digital multimedia technologies, an old method which is called steganography has been sought to be a solution for data hiding applications such as digital watermarking and covert communication. Steganography is the art of secret communication using a cover signal, e.g., video, audio, image etc., whereas the counter-technique, detecting the existence of such as a channel through a statistically trained classifier, is called steganalysis. The state-of-the art data hiding algorithms utilize features; such as Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) coefficients, pixel values, motion vectors etc., of the cover signal to convey the message to the receiver side. The goal of embedding algorithm is to maximize the number of bits sent to the decoder side (embedding capacity) with maximum robustness against attacks while keeping the perceptual and statistical distortions (security) low. Data Hiding schemes are characterized by these three conflicting requirements: security against steganalysis, robustness against channel associated and/or intentional distortions, and the capacity in terms of the embedded payload. Depending upon the application it is the designer\u27s task to find an optimum solution amongst them. The goal of this thesis is to develop a novel data hiding scheme to establish a covert channel satisfying statistical and perceptual invisibility with moderate rate capacity and robustness to combat steganalysis based detection. The idea behind the proposed method is the alteration of Video Object (VO) trajectory coordinates to convey the message to the receiver side by perturbing the centroid coordinates of the VO. Firstly, the VO is selected by the user and tracked through the frames by using a simple region based search strategy and morphological operations. After the trajectory coordinates are obtained, the perturbation of the coordinates implemented through the usage of a non-linear embedding function, such as a polar quantizer where both the magnitude and phase of the motion is used. However, the perturbations made to the motion magnitude and phase were kept small to preserve the semantic meaning of the object motion trajectory. The proposed method is well suited to the video sequences in which VOs have smooth motion trajectories. Examples of these types could be found in sports videos in which the ball is the focus of attention and exhibits various motion types, e.g., rolling on the ground, flying in the air, being possessed by a player, etc. Different sports video sequences have been tested by using the proposed method. Through the experimental results, it is shown that the proposed method achieved the goal of both statistical and perceptual invisibility with moderate rate embedding capacity under AWGN channel with varying noise variances. This achievement is important as the first step for both active and passive steganalysis is the detection of the existence of covert channel. This work has multiple contributions in the field of data hiding. Firstly, it is the first example of a data hiding method in which the trajectory of a VO is used. Secondly, this work has contributed towards improving steganographic security by providing new features: the coordinate location and semantic meaning of the object

    Joint Compression and Digital Watermarking: Information-Theoretic Study and Algorithms Development

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    In digital watermarking, a watermark is embedded into a covertext in such a way that the resulting watermarked signal is robust to certain distortion caused by either standard data processing in a friendly environment or malicious attacks in an unfriendly environment. The watermarked signal can then be used for different purposes ranging from copyright protection, data authentication,fingerprinting, to information hiding. In this thesis, digital watermarking will be investigated from both an information theoretic viewpoint and a numerical computation viewpoint. From the information theoretic viewpoint, we first study a new digital watermarking scenario, in which watermarks and covertexts are generated from a joint memoryless watermark and covertext source. The configuration of this scenario is different from that treated in existing digital watermarking works, where watermarks are assumed independent of covertexts. In the case of public watermarking where the covertext is not accessible to the watermark decoder, a necessary and sufficient condition is determined under which the watermark can be fully recovered with high probability at the end of watermark decoding after the watermarked signal is disturbed by a fixed memoryless attack channel. Moreover, by using similar techniques, a combined source coding and Gel'fand-Pinsker channel coding theorem is established, and an open problem proposed recently by Cox et al is solved. Interestingly, from the sufficient and necessary condition we can show that, in light of the correlation between the watermark and covertext, watermarks still can be fully recovered with high probability even if the entropy of the watermark source is strictly above the standard public watermarking capacity. We then extend the above watermarking scenario to a case of joint compression and watermarking, where the watermark and covertext are correlated, and the watermarked signal has to be further compressed. Given an additional constraint of the compression rate of the watermarked signals, a necessary and sufficient condition is determined again under which the watermark can be fully recovered with high probability at the end of public watermark decoding after the watermarked signal is disturbed by a fixed memoryless attack channel. The above two joint compression and watermarking models are further investigated under a less stringent environment where the reproduced watermark at the end of decoding is allowed to be within certain distortion of the original watermark. Sufficient conditions are determined in both cases, under which the original watermark can be reproduced with distortion less than a given distortion level after the watermarked signal is disturbed by a fixed memoryless attack channel and the covertext is not available to the watermark decoder. Watermarking capacities and joint compression and watermarking rate regions are often characterized and/or presented as optimization problems in information theoretic research. However, it does not mean that they can be calculated easily. In this thesis we first derive closed forms of watermarking capacities of private Laplacian watermarking systems with the magnitude-error distortion measure under a fixed additive Laplacian attack and a fixed arbitrary additive attack, respectively. Then, based on the idea of the Blahut-Arimoto algorithm for computing channel capacities and rate distortion functions, two iterative algorithms are proposed for calculating private watermarking capacities and compression and watermarking rate regions of joint compression and private watermarking systems with finite alphabets. Finally, iterative algorithms are developed for calculating public watermarking capacities and compression and watermarking rate regions of joint compression and public watermarking systems with finite alphabets based on the Blahut-Arimoto algorithm and the Shannon's strategy