33,867 research outputs found

    Combinatorial problems related to sequences with repeated entries

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    Student Number : 9708525G - PhD thesis - School of Mathematics - Faculty of ScienceSequences of numbers have important applications in the field of Computer Science. As a result they have become increasingly regarded in Mathematics, since analysis can be instrumental in investigating algorithms. Three concepts are discussed in this thesis, all of which are concerned with ‘words’ or ‘sequences’ of natural numbers where repeated letters are allowed: • The number of distinct values in a sequence with geometric distri- bution In Part I, a sample which is geometrically distributed is considered, with the objective of counting how many different letters occur at least once in the sample. It is concluded that the number of distinct letters grows like log n as n → ∞. This is then generalised to the question of how many letters occur at least b times in a word. • The position of the maximum (and/or minimum) in a sequence with geometric distribution Part II involves many variations on the central theme which addresses the question: “What is the probability that the maximum in a geometrically distributed sample occurs in the first d letters of a word of length n?” (assuming d ≤ n). Initially, d is considered fixed, but in later chapters d is allowed to grow with n. It is found that for 1 ≤ d = o(n), the results are the same as when d is fixed. • The average depth of a key in a binary search tree formed from a sequence with repeated entries Lastly, in Part III, random sequences are examined where repeated letters are allowed. First, the average left-going depth of the first one is found, and later the right-going path to the first r if the alphabet is {1, . . . , r} is examined. The final chapter uses a merge (or ‘shuffle’) operator to obtain the average depth of an arbitrary node, which can be expressed in terms of the left-going and right-going depths

    Structural origin of the midgap electronic states and the Urbach tail in pnictogen-chalcogenide glasses

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    We determine the electronic density of states for computationally-generated bulk samples of amorphous chalcogenide alloys Asx_{x}Se100x_{100-x}. The samples were generated using a structure-building algorithm reported recently by us ({J. Chem. Phys.} 147{\bf 147}, 114505). Several key features of the calculated density of states are in good agreement with experiment: The trend of the mobility gap with arsenic content is reproduced. The sample-to-sample variation in the energies of states near the mobility gap is quantitatively consistent with the width of the Urbach tail in the optical edge observed in experiment. Most importantly, our samples consistently exhibit very deep-lying midgap electronic states that are delocalized significantly more than what would be expected for a deep impurity or defect state; the delocalization is highly anisotropic. These properties are consistent with those of the topological midgap electronic states that have been proposed by Zhugayevych and Lubchenko as an explanation for several puzzling opto-electronic anomalies observed in the chalcogenides, including light-induced midgap absorption and ESR signal, and anomalous photoluminescence. In a complement to the traditional view of the Urbach states as a generic consequence of disorder in atomic positions, the present results suggest these states can be also thought of as intimate pairs of topological midgap states that cannot recombine because of disorder. Finally, samples with an odd number of electrons exhibit neutral, spin 1/21/2 midgap states as well as polaron-like configurations that consist of a charge carrier bound to an intimate pair of midgap states; the polaron's identity---electron or hole---depends on the preparation protocol of the sample.Comment: submitted to J Phys Chem

    A Monte Carlo exploration of threefold base geometries for 4d F-theory vacua

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    We use Monte Carlo methods to explore the set of toric threefold bases that support elliptic Calabi-Yau fourfolds for F-theory compactifications to four dimensions, and study the distribution of geometrically non-Higgsable gauge groups, matter, and quiver structure. We estimate the number of distinct threefold bases in the connected set studied to be 1048\sim { 10^{48}}. The distribution of bases peaks around h1,182h^{1, 1}\sim 82. All bases encountered after "thermalization" have some geometric non-Higgsable structure. We find that the number of non-Higgsable gauge group factors grows roughly linearly in h1,1h^{1,1} of the threefold base. Typical bases have 6\sim 6 isolated gauge factors as well as several larger connected clusters of gauge factors with jointly charged matter. Approximately 76% of the bases sampled contain connected two-factor gauge group products of the form SU(3)×\timesSU(2), which may act as the non-Abelian part of the standard model gauge group. SU(3)×\timesSU(2) is the third most common connected two-factor product group, following SU(2)×\timesSU(2) and G2×G_2\timesSU(2), which arise more frequently.Comment: 38 pages, 22 figure

    The Adaptive Sampling Revisited

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    The problem of estimating the number nn of distinct keys of a large collection of NN data is well known in computer science. A classical algorithm is the adaptive sampling (AS). nn can be estimated by R.2DR.2^D, where RR is the final bucket (cache) size and DD is the final depth at the end of the process. Several new interesting questions can be asked about AS (some of them were suggested by P.Flajolet and popularized by J.Lumbroso). The distribution of W=log(R2D/n)W=\log (R2^D/n) is known, we rederive this distribution in a simpler way. We provide new results on the moments of DD and WW. We also analyze the final cache size RR distribution. We consider colored keys: assume that among the nn distinct keys, nCn_C do have color CC. We show how to estimate p=nCnp=\frac{n_C}{n}. We also study colored keys with some multiplicity given by some distribution function. We want to estimate mean an variance of this distribution. Finally, we consider the case where neither colors nor multiplicities are known. There we want to estimate the related parameters. An appendix is devoted to the case where the hashing function provides bits with probability different from 1/21/2

    Quantum Fluctuations of a Coulomb Potential as a Source of Flicker Noise

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    The power spectrum of quantum fluctuations of the electromagnetic field produced by an elementary particle is determined. It is found that in a wide range of practically important frequencies the power spectrum of fluctuations exhibits an inverse frequency dependence. The magnitude of fluctuations produced by a conducting sample is shown to have a Gaussian distribution around its mean value, and its dependence on the sample geometry is determined. In particular, it is demonstrated that for geometrically similar samples the power spectrum is inversely proportional to the sample volume. It is argued also that the magnitude of fluctuations induced by external electric field is proportional to the field strength squared. A comparison with experimental data on flicker noise measurements in continuous metal films is made.Comment: 11 pages, substantially corrected and extende

    Geometrically necessary dislocation densities in olivine obtained using high-angular resolution electron backscatter diffraction

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    © 2016 The AuthorsDislocations in geological minerals are fundamental to the creep processes that control large-scale geodynamic phenomena. However, techniques to quantify their densities, distributions, and types over critical subgrain to polycrystal length scales are limited. The recent advent of high-angular resolution electron backscatter diffraction (HR-EBSD), based on diffraction pattern cross-correlation, offers a powerful new approach that has been utilised to analyse dislocation densities in the materials sciences. In particular, HR-EBSD yields significantly better angular resolution (<0.01°) than conventional EBSD (~0.5°), allowing very low dislocation densities to be analysed. We develop the application of HR-EBSD to olivine, the dominant mineral in Earths upper mantle by testing (1) different inversion methods for estimating geometrically necessary dislocation (GND) densities, (2) the sensitivity of the method under a range of data acquisition settings, and (3) the ability of the technique to resolve a variety of olivine dislocation structures. The relatively low crystal symmetry (orthorhombic) and few slip systems in olivine result in well constrained GND density estimates. The GND density noise floor is inversely proportional to map step size, such that datasets can be optimised for analysing either short wavelength, high density structures (e.g. subgrain boundaries) or long wavelength, low amplitude orientation gradients. Comparison to conventional images of decorated dislocations demonstrates that HR-EBSD can characterise the dislocation distribution and reveal additional structure not captured by the decoration technique. HR-EBSD therefore provides a highly effective method for analysing dislocations in olivine and determining their role in accommodating macroscopic deformation

    New activity pattern in human interactive dynamics

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    We investigate the response function of human agents as demonstrated by written correspondence, uncovering a new universal pattern for how the reactive dynamics of individuals is distributed across the set of each agent's contacts. In long-term empirical data on email, we find that the set of response times considered separately for the messages to each different correspondent of a given writer, generate a family of heavy-tailed distributions, which have largely the same features for all agents, and whose characteristic times grow exponentially with the rank of each correspondent. We furthermore show that this universal behavioral pattern emerges robustly by considering weighted moving averages of the priority-conditioned response-time probabilities generated by a basic prioritization model. Our findings clarify how the range of priorities in the inputs from one's environment underpin and shape the dynamics of agents embedded in a net of reactive relations. These newly revealed activity patterns might be present in other general interactive environments, and constrain future models of communication and interaction networks, affecting their architecture and evolution.Comment: 15 pages, 7 figure