7 research outputs found

    The fundamentals of unimodal palmprint authentication based on a biometric system: A review

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    Biometric system can be defined as the automated method of identifying or authenticating the identity of a living person based on physiological or behavioral traits. Palmprint biometric-based authentication has gained considerable attention in recent years. Globally, enterprises have been exploring biometric authorization for some time, for the purpose of security, payment processing, law enforcement CCTV systems, and even access to offices, buildings, and gyms via the entry doors. Palmprint biometric system can be divided into unimodal and multimodal. This paper will investigate the biometric system and provide a detailed overview of the palmprint technology with existing recognition approaches. Finally, we introduce a review of previous works based on a unimodal palmprint system using different databases

    Fourier spectral of PalmCode as descriptor for palmprint recognition

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    Study on automatic person recognition by palmprint is currently a hot topic. In this paper, we propose a novel palmprint recognition method by transforming the typical palmprint phase code feature into its Fourier frequency domain. The resulting real-valued Fourier spectral features are further processed by horizontal and vertical 2DPCA method, which proves highly efficient in terms of computational complexity, storage requirement and recognition accuracy. This paper also gives a contrast study on palm code and competitive code under the proposed feature extraction framework. Besides, experimental results on the Hongkong PolyU Palmprint database demonstrate that the proposed method outperforms many currently reported local Gabor pattern approaches for palmprint recognition

    A digital signature system based on hand geometry - Survey

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     In recent years large number of emerging automated applications faces the need to have recognition abilities of persons using their own self biometrics, before they can access the applications services. Nowadays, Biometric recognition is used, it can be used as automatic identification or automatic verification of persons based on their physiological or behavioral characteristics. There are no perfect biometric measurements; each biometry has its advantages and limitations. Each biometry requires specific vital identity to answer the identification or verification question. The suitability of a particular biometry for a particular application depends on many factors. Hand geometry/shape is a very simple biometric technology that uses the measurements of human hand to verify the identity of the individuals. The measurements include the distance between certain mark points, shape and width of fingers and size of palm. The biometric systems that employing hand geometry become widely used since they have high public acceptance. This article aims to survey several articles found in literature about hand based biometric system, and to compare different methods of biometric recognition that based on hand geometry.

    Multi-spectral palmprint recognition based on oriented multiscale log-Gabor filters

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    Among several palmprint recognition methods proposed recently, coding-based approaches using multi-spectral palmprint images are attractive owing to their high recognition rates. Aiming to further improve the performance of these approaches, this paper presents a novel multi-spectral palmprint recognition approach based on oriented multiscale log-Gabor filters. The proposed method aims to enhance the recognition performances by proposing novel solutions at three stages of the recognition process. Inspired by the bitwise competitive coding, the feature extraction employs a multi-resolution log-Gabor filtering where the final feature map is composed of the winning codes of the lowest filters’ bank response. The matching process employs a bitwise Hamming distance and Kullback–Leibler divergence as novel metrics to enable an efficient capture of the intra- and inter-similarities between palmprint feature maps. Finally, the decision stage is carried pout using a fusion of the scores generated from different spectral bands to reduce overlapping. In addition, a fusion of the feature maps through two proposed novel feature fusion techniques to allow us to eliminate the inherent redundancy of the features of neighboring spectral bands is also proposed. The experimental results obtained using the multi-spectral palmprint database MS-PolyU have shown that the proposed method achieves high accuracy in mono-spectral and multi-spectral recognition performances for both verification and identification modes; and also outperforms the state-of-the-art methods

    The Multiscale Competitive Code via Sparse Representation for Palmprint Verification

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    Palm lines are the most important features for palmprint recognition. They are best considered as typical multiscale features, where the principal lines can be represented at a larger scale while the wrinkles at a smaller scale. Motivated by the success of coding-based palmprint recognition methods, this paper investigates a compact representation of multiscale palm line orientation features, and proposes a novel method called the sparse multiscale competitive code (SMCC). The SMCC method first defines a filter bank of second derivatives of Gaussians with different orientations and scales, and then uses the l1-norm sparse coding to obtain a robust estimation of the multiscale orientation field. Finally, a generalized competitive code is used to encode the dominant orientation. Experimental results show that the SMCC achieves higher verification accuracy than state-of-the-art palmprint recognition methods, yet uses a smaller template size than other multiscale methods. 1