2 research outputs found

    Vision-Based Finger Detection, Tracking, and Event Identification Techniques for Multi-Touch Sensing and Display Systems

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    This study presents efficient vision-based finger detection, tracking, and event identification techniques and a low-cost hardware framework for multi-touch sensing and display applications. The proposed approach uses a fast bright-blob segmentation process based on automatic multilevel histogram thresholding to extract the pixels of touch blobs obtained from scattered infrared lights captured by a video camera. The advantage of this automatic multilevel thresholding approach is its robustness and adaptability when dealing with various ambient lighting conditions and spurious infrared noises. To extract the connected components of these touch blobs, a connected-component analysis procedure is applied to the bright pixels acquired by the previous stage. After extracting the touch blobs from each of the captured image frames, a blob tracking and event recognition process analyzes the spatial and temporal information of these touch blobs from consecutive frames to determine the possible touch events and actions performed by users. This process also refines the detection results and corrects for errors and occlusions caused by noise and errors during the blob extraction process. The proposed blob tracking and touch event recognition process includes two phases. First, the phase of blob tracking associates the motion correspondence of blobs in succeeding frames by analyzing their spatial and temporal features. The touch event recognition process can identify meaningful touch events based on the motion information of touch blobs, such as finger moving, rotating, pressing, hovering, and clicking actions. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed vision-based finger detection, tracking, and event identification system is feasible and effective for multi-touch sensing applications in various operational environments and conditions

    Sistem Kontrol Pengering Makanan Berbasis LED Inframerah

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    Hasil perkebunan seperti buah dan sayur merupakan bahan yang memiliki kandungan air. Namun dengan banyaknya kandungan air menyebabkan buah dan sayur tidak dapat bertahan lama di tempat terbuka. Salah satu cara mengawetkan buah dan sayur tersebut dilakukan dengan proses pengeringan. Pengeringan merupakan cara menghilangkan air dalam makanan untuk memperlambat pertumbuhan mikroorganisme. Pada penelitian ini, pengeringan dilakukan terhadap biji coklat karena Indonesia negara pengekspor biji coklat. Sebelum diekspor, biji coklat terlebih dahulu difermentasi untuk menghasilkan aroma khas coklat dan dilakukan proses pengeringan untuk menghentikan fermentasi pada biji coklat. Jika menggunakan pengering konvensional, hasil pengeringan terlalu bergantung terhadap cuaca atau matahari. Oleh karena itu dibutuhkan suatu sistem pengering makanan yang tidak bergantung terhadap cuaca atau matahari dengan penggunaan daya yang realistis. Pada penelitian ini telah dirancang dan diuji sistem pengering berbasis inframerah. LED bank digunakan sebagai sumber sinar inframerah dengan merangkai LED inframerah secara seri dan paralel. Untuk mengetahui perubahan kandungan air yang terjadi pada biji coklat digunakan load cell yang keluarannya dikirimkan ke mikrokontroler untuk diolah lebih lanjut dengan sistem kontrol proportional. Mikrokontroler yang digunakan yaitu Arduino Uno. Selain biji coklat, objek yang diujikan adalah anggur. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan kecepatan pengeringan biji coklat lebih besar dibandingkan kecepatan pengeringan anggur. Kecepatan pengeringan anggur yaitu 0,27 gram/jam untuk 4 hingga 7-gram anggur dan kecepatan pengeringan biji coklat yaitu 0,75 gram/jam untuk berat yang sama. Dari hasil tersebut diharapkan sistem ini menghasilkan pengeringan yang lebih cepat dibandingkan dengan pengeringan konvensional. ================== Plantation products such as fruits and vegetables are substance that contain water. But with so many water contents in fruits and vegetables, it causes fruits and vegetables can not long-lasting in opened room. One of the ways to preserve fruits and vegetables is done by dehydrating process. Dehydration is the way of removing water in food to slow down the growth of microorganisms. In the research, dehydration is done to cocoa beans because Indonesia is the exporting country of cocoa beans. Before being exported, the cocoa beans are first frementated to produce a distinctive chocolate scent and a dehydration is done to stop fermentation process of the cocoa beans. If using a conventional dehydrator, the dehydration results are too depended on the weather or the sun. Therefore, a food dehydration system that is independent of the weather or the sun is required with realistic power consumption. This research has been designed and tested infrared dehydrator system. Bank LED is used as infrared light sources by assembling infrared LED in series and parallel. To know the changes in water content that occurs in the cocoa beans, load cell is used which its output is sent to microcontroller to be processed further with proportional control system. Microcontroller used is Arduino Uno. In addition to cocoa bean, the tested object is grape. The result showed the dehydrated speed of cocoa beans is higher than dehydrated speed of grapes. The dehydrated speed of grape is 0.27 gram per hour for 4 to 7 gram of grape and the dehydrated speed of cocoa beans is 0.75 gram/hour for the same weight. From these results, it is expected that the system produces faster dehydrating than conventional dehydrator