24,173 research outputs found

    Force feedback pushing scheme for micromanipulation applications

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    Pushing micro-objects using point contact provides more flexibility and less complexity compared to pick and place operation. Due to the fact that in micro-world surface forces are much more dominant than inertial forces and these forces are distributed unevenly, pushing through the center of mass of the micro-object may not yield a pure translational motion. In order to translate a micro-object, the line of pushing should pass through the center of friction. In this paper, a semi-autonomous scheme based on hybrid vision/force feedback procedure is proposed to push micro-objects with human assistance using a custom built tele-micromanipulation setup to achieve translational motion. In the semi-autonomous pushing process, velocity controlled pushing with force feedback is realized along x-axis by the human operator while y-axis orientation is undertaken automatically using visual feedback. This way the desired line of pushing for the micro-object is controlled to pass through the varying center of friction. Experimental results are shown to prove nano-Newton range force sensing, scaled bilateral teleoperation with force feedback and snapshot of pushing operation

    Semi-autonomous scheme for pushing micro-objects

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    -In many microassembly applications, it is often desirable to position and orient polygonal micro-objects lying on a planar surface. Pushing micro-objects using point contact provides more flexibility and less complexity compared to pick and place operation. Due to the fact that in micro-world surface forces are much more dominant than inertial forces and these forces are distributed unevenly, pushing through the center of mass of the micro-object will not yield a pure translational motion. In order to translate a micro-object, the line of pushing should pass through the center of friction. In this paper, a semi-autonomous scheme based on hybrid vision/force feedback is proposed to push microobjects with human assistance using a custom built telemicromanipulation setup to achieve pure translational motion. The pushing operation is divided into two concurrent processes: In one process human operator who acts as an impedance controller alters the velocity of the pusher while in contact with the micro-object through scaled bilateral teleoperation with force feedback. In the other process, the desired line of pushing for the micro-object is determined continuously using visual feedback procedures so that it always passes through the varying center of friction. Experimental results are demonstrated to prove nanoNewton range force sensing, scaled bilateral teleoperation with force feedback and pushing microobjects

    The KIT swiss knife gripper for disassembly tasks: a multi-functional gripper for bimanual manipulation with a single arm

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    © 20xx IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.This work presents the concept of a robotic gripper designed for the disassembly of electromechanical devices that comprises several innovative ideas. Novel concepts include the ability to interchange built-in tools without the need to grasp them, the ability to reposition grasped objects in-hand, the capability of performing classic dual arm manipulation within the gripper and the utilization of classic industrial robotic arms kinematics within a robotic gripper. We analyze state of the art grippers and robotic hands designed for dexterous in-hand manipulation and extract common characteristics and weak points. The presented concept is obtained from the task requirements for disassembly of electromechanical devices and it is then evaluated for general purpose grasping, in-hand manipulation and operations with tools. We further present the CAD design for a first prototype.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    A Convex Polynomial Force-Motion Model for Planar Sliding: Identification and Application

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    We propose a polynomial force-motion model for planar sliding. The set of generalized friction loads is the 1-sublevel set of a polynomial whose gradient directions correspond to generalized velocities. Additionally, the polynomial is confined to be convex even-degree homogeneous in order to obey the maximum work inequality, symmetry, shape invariance in scale, and fast invertibility. We present a simple and statistically-efficient model identification procedure using a sum-of-squares convex relaxation. Simulation and robotic experiments validate the accuracy and efficiency of our approach. We also show practical applications of our model including stable pushing of objects and free sliding dynamic simulations.Comment: 2016 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA