13,091 research outputs found

    Classification with Asymmetric Label Noise: Consistency and Maximal Denoising

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    In many real-world classification problems, the labels of training examples are randomly corrupted. Most previous theoretical work on classification with label noise assumes that the two classes are separable, that the label noise is independent of the true class label, or that the noise proportions for each class are known. In this work, we give conditions that are necessary and sufficient for the true class-conditional distributions to be identifiable. These conditions are weaker than those analyzed previously, and allow for the classes to be nonseparable and the noise levels to be asymmetric and unknown. The conditions essentially state that a majority of the observed labels are correct and that the true class-conditional distributions are "mutually irreducible," a concept we introduce that limits the similarity of the two distributions. For any label noise problem, there is a unique pair of true class-conditional distributions satisfying the proposed conditions, and we argue that this pair corresponds in a certain sense to maximal denoising of the observed distributions. Our results are facilitated by a connection to "mixture proportion estimation," which is the problem of estimating the maximal proportion of one distribution that is present in another. We establish a novel rate of convergence result for mixture proportion estimation, and apply this to obtain consistency of a discrimination rule based on surrogate loss minimization. Experimental results on benchmark data and a nuclear particle classification problem demonstrate the efficacy of our approach

    Topologies for intermediate logics

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    We investigate the problem of characterizing the classes of Grothendieck toposes whose internal logic satisfies a given assertion in the theory of Heyting algebras, and introduce natural analogues of the double negation and De Morgan topologies on an elementary topos for a wide class of intermediate logics.Comment: 21 page

    Operators for transforming kernels into quasi-local kernels that improve SVM accuracy

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    Motivated by the crucial role that locality plays in various learning approaches, we present, in the framework of kernel machines for classification, a novel family of operators on kernels able to integrate local information into any kernel obtaining quasi-local kernels. The quasi-local kernels maintain the possibly global properties of the input kernel and they increase the kernel value as the points get closer in the feature space of the input kernel, mixing the effect of the input kernel with a kernel which is local in the feature space of the input one. If applied on a local kernel the operators introduce an additional level of locality equivalent to use a local kernel with non-stationary kernel width. The operators accept two parameters that regulate the width of the exponential influence of points in the locality-dependent component and the balancing between the feature-space local component and the input kernel. We address the choice of these parameters with a data-dependent strategy. Experiments carried out with SVM applying the operators on traditional kernel functions on a total of 43 datasets with di®erent characteristics and application domains, achieve very good results supported by statistical significance