23 research outputs found

    ChainQueen: A Real-Time Differentiable Physical Simulator for Soft Robotics

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    Physical simulators have been widely used in robot planning and control. Among them, differentiable simulators are particularly favored, as they can be incorporated into gradient-based optimization algorithms that are efficient in solving inverse problems such as optimal control and motion planning. Simulating deformable objects is, however, more challenging compared to rigid body dynamics. The underlying physical laws of deformable objects are more complex, and the resulting systems have orders of magnitude more degrees of freedom and therefore they are significantly more computationally expensive to simulate. Computing gradients with respect to physical design or controller parameters is typically even more computationally challenging. In this paper, we propose a real-time, differentiable hybrid Lagrangian-Eulerian physical simulator for deformable objects, ChainQueen, based on the Moving Least Squares Material Point Method (MLS-MPM). MLS-MPM can simulate deformable objects including contact and can be seamlessly incorporated into inference, control and co-design systems. We demonstrate that our simulator achieves high precision in both forward simulation and backward gradient computation. We have successfully employed it in a diverse set of control tasks for soft robots, including problems with nearly 3,000 decision variables.Comment: In submission to ICRA 2019. Supplemental Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4IWD4iGIsB4 Project Page: https://github.com/yuanming-hu/ChainQuee

    Lagrangian Neural Style Transfer for Fluids

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    Artistically controlling the shape, motion and appearance of fluid simulations pose major challenges in visual effects production. In this paper, we present a neural style transfer approach from images to 3D fluids formulated in a Lagrangian viewpoint. Using particles for style transfer has unique benefits compared to grid-based techniques. Attributes are stored on the particles and hence are trivially transported by the particle motion. This intrinsically ensures temporal consistency of the optimized stylized structure and notably improves the resulting quality. Simultaneously, the expensive, recursive alignment of stylization velocity fields of grid approaches is unnecessary, reducing the computation time to less than an hour and rendering neural flow stylization practical in production settings. Moreover, the Lagrangian representation improves artistic control as it allows for multi-fluid stylization and consistent color transfer from images, and the generality of the method enables stylization of smoke and liquids likewise.Comment: ACM Transaction on Graphics (SIGGRAPH 2020), additional materials: http://www.byungsoo.me/project/lnst/index.htm

    Neural Stress Fields for Reduced-order Elastoplasticity and Fracture

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    We propose a hybrid neural network and physics framework for reduced-order modeling of elastoplasticity and fracture. State-of-the-art scientific computing models like the Material Point Method (MPM) faithfully simulate large-deformation elastoplasticity and fracture mechanics. However, their long runtime and large memory consumption render them unsuitable for applications constrained by computation time and memory usage, e.g., virtual reality. To overcome these barriers, we propose a reduced-order framework. Our key innovation is training a low-dimensional manifold for the Kirchhoff stress field via an implicit neural representation. This low-dimensional neural stress field (NSF) enables efficient evaluations of stress values and, correspondingly, internal forces at arbitrary spatial locations. In addition, we also train neural deformation and affine fields to build low-dimensional manifolds for the deformation and affine momentum fields. These neural stress, deformation, and affine fields share the same low-dimensional latent space, which uniquely embeds the high-dimensional simulation state. After training, we run new simulations by evolving in this single latent space, which drastically reduces the computation time and memory consumption. Our general continuum-mechanics-based reduced-order framework is applicable to any phenomena governed by the elastodynamics equation. To showcase the versatility of our framework, we simulate a wide range of material behaviors, including elastica, sand, metal, non-Newtonian fluids, fracture, contact, and collision. We demonstrate dimension reduction by up to 100,000X and time savings by up to 10X

    Learning Meaningful Controls for Fluids

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    A moving least square reproducing kernel particle method for unified multiphase continuum simulation

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    In physically based-based animation, pure particle methods are popular due to their simple data structure, easy implementation, and convenient parallelization. As a pure particle-based method and using Galerkin discretization, the Moving Least Square Reproducing Kernel Method (MLSRK) was developed in engineering computation as a general numerical tool for solving PDEs. The basic idea of Moving Least Square (MLS) has also been used in computer graphics to estimate deformation gradient for deformable solids. Based on these previous studies, we propose a multiphase MLSRK framework that animates complex and coupled fluids and solids in a unified manner. Specifically, we use the Cauchy momentum equation and phase field model to uniformly capture the momentum balance and phase evolution/interaction in a multiphase system, and systematically formulate the MLSRK discretization to support general multiphase constitutive models. A series of animation examples are presented to demonstrate the performance of our new multiphase MLSRK framework, including hyperelastic, elastoplastic, viscous, fracturing and multiphase coupling behaviours etc

    Cell-Constrained Particles for Incompressible Fluids

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    Incompressibility is a fundamental condition in most fluid models. Accumulation of simulation errors violates it and causes volume loss. Past work suggested correction methods to battle it. These methods, however, are imperfect and in some cases inadequate. We present a method for fluid simulation that strictly enforces incompressibility based on a grid-related definition of discrete incompressibility. We formulate a linear programming (LP) problem that bounds the number of particles that end up in each grid cell. A variant of the band method is offered for acceleration, which requires special constraints to ensure volume preservation. Further acceleration is achieved by simplifying the problem and adding a special band correction step that is formulated as a minimum-cost flow problem (MCFP). We also address coupling with solids in our framework and demonstrate advantages over prior work

    Towards a predictive multi-phase model for alpine mass movements and process cascades

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    Alpine mass movements can generate process cascades involving different materials including rock, ice, snow, and water. Numerical modelling is an essential tool for the quantification of natural hazards. Yet, state-of-the-art operational models are based on parameter back-calculation and thus reach their limits when facing unprecedented or complex events. Here, we advance our predictive capabilities for mass movements and process cascades on the basis of a three-dimensional numerical model, coupling fundamental conservation laws to finite strain elastoplasticity. In this framework, model parameters have a true physical meaning and can be evaluated from material testing, thus conferring to the model a strong predictive nature. Through its hybrid Eulerian–Lagrangian character, our approach naturally reproduces fractures and collisions, erosion/deposition phenomena, and multi-phase interactions, which finally grant accurate simulations of complex dynamics. Four benchmark simulations demonstrate the physical detail of the model and its applicability to real-world full-scale events, including various materials and ranging through five orders of magnitude in volume. In the future, our model can support risk-management strategies through predictions of the impact of potentially catastrophic cascading mass movements at vulnerable sites