168 research outputs found

    Eccentric connectivity index

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    The eccentric connectivity index ξc\xi^c is a novel distance--based molecular structure descriptor that was recently used for mathematical modeling of biological activities of diverse nature. It is defined as ξc(G)=vV(G)deg(v)ϵ(v)\xi^c (G) = \sum_{v \in V (G)} deg (v) \cdot \epsilon (v)\,, where deg(v)deg (v) and ϵ(v)\epsilon (v) denote the vertex degree and eccentricity of vv\,, respectively. We survey some mathematical properties of this index and furthermore support the use of eccentric connectivity index as topological structure descriptor. We present the extremal trees and unicyclic graphs with maximum and minimum eccentric connectivity index subject to the certain graph constraints. Sharp lower and asymptotic upper bound for all graphs are given and various connections with other important graph invariants are established. In addition, we present explicit formulae for the values of eccentric connectivity index for several families of composite graphs and designed a linear algorithm for calculating the eccentric connectivity index of trees. Some open problems and related indices for further study are also listed.Comment: 25 pages, 5 figure

    Problems on Matchings and Independent Sets of a Graph

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    Let GG be a finite simple graph. For XV(G)X \subset V(G), the difference of XX, d(X):=XN(X)d(X) := |X| - |N (X)| where N(X)N(X) is the neighborhood of XX and max{d(X):XV(G)}\max \, \{d(X):X\subset V(G)\} is called the critical difference of GG. XX is called a critical set if d(X)d(X) equals the critical difference and ker(G)(G) is the intersection of all critical sets. It is known that ker(G)(G) is an independent (vertex) set of GG. diadem(G)(G) is the union of all critical independent sets. An independent set SS is an inclusion minimal set with d(S)>0d(S) > 0 if no proper subset of SS has positive difference. A graph GG is called K\"onig-Egerv\'ary if the sum of its independence number (α(G)\alpha (G)) and matching number (μ(G)\mu (G)) equals V(G)|V(G)|. It is known that bipartite graphs are K\"onig-Egerv\'ary. In this paper, we study independent sets with positive difference for which every proper subset has a smaller difference and prove a result conjectured by Levit and Mandrescu in 2013. The conjecture states that for any graph, the number of inclusion minimal sets SS with d(S)>0d(S) > 0 is at least the critical difference of the graph. We also give a short proof of the inequality |ker(G)+(G)| + |diadem(G)2α(G)(G)| \le 2\alpha (G) (proved by Short in 2016). A characterization of unicyclic non-K\"onig-Egerv\'ary graphs is also presented and a conjecture which states that for such a graph GG, the critical difference equals α(G)μ(G)\alpha (G) - \mu (G), is proved. We also make an observation about kerG)G) using Edmonds-Gallai Structure Theorem as a concluding remark.Comment: 18 pages, 2 figure

    On the extremal properties of the average eccentricity

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    The eccentricity of a vertex is the maximum distance from it to another vertex and the average eccentricity ecc(G)ecc (G) of a graph GG is the mean value of eccentricities of all vertices of GG. The average eccentricity is deeply connected with a topological descriptor called the eccentric connectivity index, defined as a sum of products of vertex degrees and eccentricities. In this paper we analyze extremal properties of the average eccentricity, introducing two graph transformations that increase or decrease ecc(G)ecc (G). Furthermore, we resolve four conjectures, obtained by the system AutoGraphiX, about the average eccentricity and other graph parameters (the clique number, the Randi\' c index and the independence number), refute one AutoGraphiX conjecture about the average eccentricity and the minimum vertex degree and correct one AutoGraphiX conjecture about the domination number.Comment: 15 pages, 3 figure