10 research outputs found

    Multi-level Contextual Type Theory

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    Contextual type theory distinguishes between bound variables and meta-variables to write potentially incomplete terms in the presence of binders. It has found good use as a framework for concise explanations of higher-order unification, characterize holes in proofs, and in developing a foundation for programming with higher-order abstract syntax, as embodied by the programming and reasoning environment Beluga. However, to reason about these applications, we need to introduce meta^2-variables to characterize the dependency on meta-variables and bound variables. In other words, we must go beyond a two-level system granting only bound variables and meta-variables. In this paper we generalize contextual type theory to n levels for arbitrary n, so as to obtain a formal system offering bound variables, meta-variables and so on all the way to meta^n-variables. We obtain a uniform account by collapsing all these different kinds of variables into a single notion of variabe indexed by some level k. We give a decidable bi-directional type system which characterizes beta-eta-normal forms together with a generalized substitution operation.Comment: In Proceedings LFMTP 2011, arXiv:1110.668

    Nominal Henkin Semantics: simply-typed lambda-calculus models in nominal sets

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    We investigate a class of nominal algebraic Henkin-style models for the simply typed lambda-calculus in which variables map to names in the denotation and lambda-abstraction maps to a (non-functional) name-abstraction operation. The resulting denotations are smaller and better-behaved, in ways we make precise, than functional valuation-based models. Using these new models, we then develop a generalisation of \lambda-term syntax enriching them with existential meta-variables, thus yielding a theory of incomplete functions. This incompleteness is orthogonal to the usual notion of incompleteness given by function abstraction and application, and corresponds to holes and incomplete objects.Comment: In Proceedings LFMTP 2011, arXiv:1110.668

    Permissive nominal terms

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    We present a simplified version of nominal terms with improved properties. Nominal terms are themselves a version of first-order terms, adapted to provide primitive support for names, binding, capturing substitution, and alpha-conversion. Nominal terms lack certain properties of first-order terms; it is always possible to 'choose a fresh variable symbol' for a first-order term and it is always possible to 'alpha-convert a bound variable symbol to a fresh symbol'. This is not the case for nominal terms. Permissive nominal terms preserve the flavour and the basic theory of nominal terms, including two levels of variable symbol, freshness, and permutation - but they recover the 'always fresh' and 'always alpha-rename' properties of first- and higher-order syntax, and they simplify the theory by eliding freshness contexts and by supporting a notion of term-unifier based on substitution alone, rather than the nominal terms' substitution and freshness conditions. No expressivity is lost moving to the permissive case

    Extensions of nominal terms

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    This thesis studies two major extensions of nominal terms. In particular, we study an extension with -abstraction over nominal unknowns and atoms, and an extension with an arguably better theory of freshness and -equivalence. Nominal terms possess two levels of variable: atoms a represent variable symbols, and unknowns X are `real' variables. As a syntax, they are designed to facilitate metaprogramming; unknowns are used to program on syntax with variable symbols. Originally, the role of nominal terms was interpreted narrowly. That is, they were seen solely as a syntax for representing partially-speci ed abstract syntax with binding. The main motivation of this thesis is to extend nominal terms so that they can be used for metaprogramming on proofs, programs, etc. and not just for metaprogramming on abstract syntax with binding. We therefore extend nominal terms in two signi cant ways: adding -abstraction over nominal unknowns and atoms| facilitating functional programing|and improving the theory of -equivalence that nominal terms possesses. Neither of the two extensions considered are trivial. The capturing substitution action of nominal unknowns implies that our notions of scope, intuited from working with syntax possessing a non-capturing substitution, such as the -calculus, is no longer applicable. As a result, notions of -abstraction and -equivalence must be carefully reconsidered. In particular, the rst research contribution of this thesis is the two-level - calculus, intuitively an intertwined pair of -calculi. As the name suggests, the two-level -calculus has two level of variable, modelled by nominal atoms and unknowns, respectively. Both levels of variable can be -abstracted, and requisite notions of -reduction are provided. The result is an expressive context-calculus. The traditional problems of handling -equivalence and the failure of commutation between instantiation and -reduction in context-calculi are handled through the use of two distinct levels of variable, swappings, and freshness side-conditions on unknowns, i.e. `nominal technology'. The second research contribution of this thesis is permissive nominal terms, an alternative form of nominal term. They retain the `nominal' rst-order avour of nominal terms (in fact, their grammars are almost identical) but forego the use of explicit freshness contexts. Instead, permissive nominal terms label unknowns with a permission sort, where permission sorts are in nite and coin nite sets of atoms. This in nite-coin nite nature means that permissive nominal terms recover two properties|we call them the `always-fresh' and `always-rename' properties that nominal terms lack. We argue that these two properties bring the theory of -equivalence on permissive nominal terms closer to `informal practice'. The reader may consider -abstraction and -equivalence so familiar as to be `solved problems'. The work embodied in this thesis stands testament to the fact that this isn't the case. Considering -abstraction and -equivalence in the context of two levels of variable poses some new and interesting problems and throws light on some deep questions related to scope and binding

    Polarities & Focussing: a journey from Realisability to Automated Reasoning

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    This dissertation explores the roles of polarities and focussing in various aspects of Computational Logic.These concepts play a key role in the the interpretation of proofs as programs, a.k.a. the Curry-Howard correspondence, in the context of classical logic. Arising from linear logic, they allow the construction of meaningful semantics for cut-elimination in classical logic, some of which relate to the Call-by-Name and Call-by-Value disciplines of functional programming. The first part of this dissertation provides an introduction to these interpretations, highlighting the roles of polarities and focussing. For instance: proofs of positive formulae provide structured data, while proofs of negative formulae consume such data; focussing allows the description of the interaction between the two kinds of proofs as pure pattern-matching. This idea is pushed further in the second part of this dissertation, and connected to realisability semantics, where the structured data is interpreted algebraically, and the consumption of such data is modelled with the use of an orthogonality relation. Most of this part has been proved in the Coq proof assistant.Polarities and focussing were also introduced with applications to logic programming in mind, where computation is proof-search. In the third part of this dissertation, we push this idea further by exploring the roles that these concepts can play in other applications of proof-search, such as theorem proving and more particularly automated reasoning. We use these concepts to describe the main algorithm of SAT-solvers and SMT-solvers: DPLL. We then describe the implementation of a proof-search engine called Psyche. Its architecture, based on the concept of focussing, offers a platform where smart techniques from automated reasoning (or a user interface) can safely and trustworthily be implemented via the use of an API

    The lambda-context calculus (extended version)

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    AbstractWe present the Lambda Context Calculus. This simple lambda-calculus features variables arranged in a hierarchy of strengths such that substitution of a strong variable does not avoid capture with respect to abstraction by a weaker variable. This allows the calculus to express both capture-avoiding and capturing substitution (instantiation). The reduction rules extend the ‘vanilla’ lambda-calculus in a simple and modular way and preserve the look and feel of a standard lambda-calculus with explicit substitutions.Good properties of the lambda-calculus are preserved. The LamCC is confluent, and a natural injection into the LamCC of the untyped lambda-calculus exists and preserves strong normalisation.We discuss the calculus and its design with full proofs. In the presence of the hierarchy of variables, functional binding splits into a functional abstraction λ (lambda) and a name-binder и (new). We investigate how the components of this calculus interact with each other and with the reduction rules, with examples. In two more extended case studies we demonstrate how global state can be expressed, and how contexts and contextual equivalence can be naturally internalised using function application