4,620 research outputs found

    The geometry of low-rank Kalman filters

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    An important property of the Kalman filter is that the underlying Riccati flow is a contraction for the natural metric of the cone of symmetric positive definite matrices. The present paper studies the geometry of a low-rank version of the Kalman filter. The underlying Riccati flow evolves on the manifold of fixed rank symmetric positive semidefinite matrices. Contraction properties of the low-rank flow are studied by means of a suitable metric recently introduced by the authors.Comment: Final version published in Matrix Information Geometry, pp53-68, Springer Verlag, 201

    Contact-Aided Invariant Extended Kalman Filtering for Legged Robot State Estimation

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    This paper derives a contact-aided inertial navigation observer for a 3D bipedal robot using the theory of invariant observer design. Aided inertial navigation is fundamentally a nonlinear observer design problem; thus, current solutions are based on approximations of the system dynamics, such as an Extended Kalman Filter (EKF), which uses a system's Jacobian linearization along the current best estimate of its trajectory. On the basis of the theory of invariant observer design by Barrau and Bonnabel, and in particular, the Invariant EKF (InEKF), we show that the error dynamics of the point contact-inertial system follows a log-linear autonomous differential equation; hence, the observable state variables can be rendered convergent with a domain of attraction that is independent of the system's trajectory. Due to the log-linear form of the error dynamics, it is not necessary to perform a nonlinear observability analysis to show that when using an Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) and contact sensors, the absolute position of the robot and a rotation about the gravity vector (yaw) are unobservable. We further augment the state of the developed InEKF with IMU biases, as the online estimation of these parameters has a crucial impact on system performance. We evaluate the convergence of the proposed system with the commonly used quaternion-based EKF observer using a Monte-Carlo simulation. In addition, our experimental evaluation using a Cassie-series bipedal robot shows that the contact-aided InEKF provides better performance in comparison with the quaternion-based EKF as a result of exploiting symmetries present in the system dynamics.Comment: Published in the proceedings of Robotics: Science and Systems 201

    Nonlinear Attitude Filtering: A Comparison Study

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    This paper contains a concise comparison of a number of nonlinear attitude filtering methods that have attracted attention in the robotics and aviation literature. With the help of previously published surveys and comparison studies, the vast literature on the subject is narrowed down to a small pool of competitive attitude filters. Amongst these filters is a second-order optimal minimum-energy filter recently proposed by the authors. Easily comparable discretized unit quaternion implementations of the selected filters are provided. We conduct a simulation study and compare the transient behaviour and asymptotic convergence of these filters in two scenarios with different initialization and measurement errors inspired by applications in unmanned aerial robotics and space flight. The second-order optimal minimum-energy filter is shown to have the best performance of all filters, including the industry standard multiplicative extended Kalman filter (MEKF)

    Invariant EKF Design for Scan Matching-aided Localization

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    Localization in indoor environments is a technique which estimates the robot's pose by fusing data from onboard motion sensors with readings of the environment, in our case obtained by scan matching point clouds captured by a low-cost Kinect depth camera. We develop both an Invariant Extended Kalman Filter (IEKF)-based and a Multiplicative Extended Kalman Filter (MEKF)-based solution to this problem. The two designs are successfully validated in experiments and demonstrate the advantage of the IEKF design

    A detectability criterion and data assimilation for non-linear differential equations

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    In this paper we propose a new sequential data assimilation method for non-linear ordinary differential equations with compact state space. The method is designed so that the Lyapunov exponents of the corresponding estimation error dynamics are negative, i.e. the estimation error decays exponentially fast. The latter is shown to be the case for generic regular flow maps if and only if the observation matrix H satisfies detectability conditions: the rank of H must be at least as great as the number of nonnegative Lyapunov exponents of the underlying attractor. Numerical experiments illustrate the exponential convergence of the method and the sharpness of the theory for the case of Lorenz96 and Burgers equations with incomplete and noisy observations