109,854 research outputs found

    Random subcube intersection graphs I: cliques and covering

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    We study random subcube intersection graphs, that is, graphs obtained by selecting a random collection of subcubes of a fixed hypercube QdQ_d to serve as the vertices of the graph, and setting an edge between a pair of subcubes if their intersection is non-empty. Our motivation for considering such graphs is to model `random compatibility' between vertices in a large network. For both of the models considered in this paper, we determine the thresholds for covering the underlying hypercube QdQ_d and for the appearance of s-cliques. In addition we pose some open problems.Comment: 38 pages, 1 figur

    Moment-based parameter estimation in binomial random intersection graph models

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    Binomial random intersection graphs can be used as parsimonious statistical models of large and sparse networks, with one parameter for the average degree and another for transitivity, the tendency of neighbours of a node to be connected. This paper discusses the estimation of these parameters from a single observed instance of the graph, using moment estimators based on observed degrees and frequencies of 2-stars and triangles. The observed data set is assumed to be a subgraph induced by a set of n0n_0 nodes sampled from the full set of nn nodes. We prove the consistency of the proposed estimators by showing that the relative estimation error is small with high probability for n0≫n2/3≫1n_0 \gg n^{2/3} \gg 1. As a byproduct, our analysis confirms that the empirical transitivity coefficient of the graph is with high probability close to the theoretical clustering coefficient of the model.Comment: 15 pages, 6 figure

    Tur\'an and Ramsey Properties of Subcube Intersection Graphs

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    The discrete cube {0,1}d\{0,1\}^d is a fundamental combinatorial structure. A subcube of {0,1}d\{0,1\}^d is a subset of 2k2^k of its points formed by fixing kk coordinates and allowing the remaining d−kd-k to vary freely. The subcube structure of the discrete cube is surprisingly complicated and there are many open questions relating to it. This paper is concerned with patterns of intersections among subcubes of the discrete cube. Two sample questions along these lines are as follows: given a family of subcubes in which no r+1r+1 of them have non-empty intersection, how many pairwise intersections can we have? How many subcubes can we have if among them there are no kk which have non-empty intersection and no ll which are pairwise disjoint? These questions are naturally expressed as Tur\'an and Ramsey type questions in intersection graphs of subcubes where the intersection graph of a family of sets has one vertex for each set in the family with two vertices being adjacent if the corresponding subsets intersect. Tur\'an and Ramsey type problems are at the heart of extremal combinatorics and so these problems are mathematically natural. However, a second motivation is a connection with some questions in social choice theory arising from a simple model of agreement in a society. Specifically, if we have to make a binary choice on each of nn separate issues then it is reasonable to assume that the set of choices which are acceptable to an individual will be represented by a subcube. Consequently, the pattern of intersections within a family of subcubes will have implications for the level of agreement within a society. We pose a number of questions and conjectures relating directly to the Tur\'an and Ramsey problems as well as raising some further directions for study of subcube intersection graphs.Comment: 18 page

    On String Graph Limits and the Structure of a Typical String Graph

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    We study limits of convergent sequences of string graphs, that is, graphs with an intersection representation consisting of curves in the plane. We use these results to study the limiting behavior of a sequence of random string graphs. We also prove similar results for several related graph classes.Comment: 18 page
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