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    The Great Gatsby の一考察

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    The academic Great Gatsby Curve

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    The Great Gatsby Curve measures the relationship between income inequality and intergenerational income persistence. By using genealogical data of over 245 000 mentor–mentee pairs and their academic publications from 22 different disciplines, this study demonstrates that an academic Great Gatsby Curve exists as well, in the form of a positive correlation between academic impact inequality and the persistence of impact across academic generations. We also provide a detailed breakdown of academic persistence, showing that the correlation between the impact of mentors and that of their mentees has increased over time, indicating an overall decrease in academic intergenerational mobility. We analyse such persistence across a variety of dimensions, including mentorship types, gender and institutional prestige

    Great Gatsby [11th grade]

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    This unit focuses on exploring The Great Gatsby and how the time period and culture in which the novel is written plays a vital part in the author s overall message in the novel. One of the key understandings to this unit is how good literature makes a statement on culture, but great literature is timeless and universal and provides a lens to view our own lives and society. Through an examination of the 1920s culture, the students will be able to understand Fitzgerald s message about the 1920s. They will further examine this through a group project where they will take The Great Gatsby and compare it with Fitzgerald s short stories. Since the stories were written as precursors to The Great Gatsby and as failed attempts to write The Great Gatsby, the groups will examine the differences in plot, characters, and setting along with how each uses themes and imagery to portray Fitzgerald s message about the 1920s. The groups will compare the message of each story to each other and create a poster that depicts their results. In order to show how these messages can reflect today s society, each student will choose a central theme in The Great Gatsby and show/tell how it is present in today s society. The student can choose between a variety of mediums and must include a one-page explanation of the project. Along with exploring the author s message through literature, the students will also explore the major themes in The Great Gatsby. They will explore the themes of identity and reality versus illusion. They will begin to think about these themes through the chalk talk questions (How can it be possible to not know oneself? How is one s life affected either by the process of self-discovery or by the failure to try to understand oneself? Why do some people have difficulty distinguishing between what is reality and what is illusion?) and the discussion about The Great Gatsby

    Inferiority Complex in F. Scott Fitzgeralds The Great Gatsby

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    ABSTRACT     Inferiority Complex in F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby   Name : Ita Husniyati Reg. Number : 1320154024 Study Program / Year : S1 English Literature / 2013 Faculty : Language and Arts Institution : Surabaya State University Advisor : Hujuala Rika Ayu SS., M. Pd.   The Great Gatsby, by F. Scott Fitzgerald is a classic story of the 20th century. Social status at that time was very influential on the lives of people in America which have significant differences in social classes, especially in terms of socialization. As a result of the differences in social class, there are many problems, whether in social or economic status. This study focuses on how the two characters in The Great Gatsby reflect inferiority complex and what drives the characters to have an inferiority complex. Inferiority complex is the feeling of inferiority is the basic factor of what Alfred Adler refers to as the conflict, included inferiority complex; because this feeling is, happen to the psychological characteristics of person who have bad experience in their life. The first problem talks about how Gatsby and Daisy reflect inferiority complex. The second is what drives Gatsby and Daisy to have an inferiority complex. To answer the problems, this study uses the theory of individual psychoanalytic by Alfred Adler and uses his inferiority concept to analyses Gatsby and Daisy’s problem. The result of the study shows that the inferiority complex is happening to Gatsby in reaching for his ambition. He does everything he can to make his life change which was originally nothing and become known. This feeling made him succeed in achieving his goal of getting wealth, but not only wealth became his goal, but love was also a top priority in his life. While Daisy wants to get everything in her life. She is a cunning woman, she uses her inferiority to protect herself and keep her surrounded by wealth. Therefore inferiority complex is a very detrimental thing for those who experience, as successful as anything he gets from this feeling will also fall later on. Key words: Inferiority complex, individual psychoanalytic, social classes, the Great Gatsby. Gatsby, Daisy.                                                     ABSTRAK     Inferiority Complex in F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby   Name : Ita Husniyati Reg. Number : 1320154024 Study Program / Year : S1 English Literature / 2013 Faculty : Language and Arts Institution : Surabaya State University Advisor : Hujuala Rika Ayu SS., M. Pd.     The Great Gatsby, oleh F. Scott Fitzgerald adalah kisah klasik dari abad ke-20. Status sosial pada waktu itu sangat berpengaruh pada kehidupan orang-orang di Amerika yang memiliki perbedaan signifikan dalam kelas sosial, terutama dalam hal sosialisasi. Akibat perbedaan kelas sosial, ada banyak masalah, baik dalam status sosial maupun ekonomi. Studi ini berfokus pada bagaimana dua karakter dalam The Great Gatsby mencerminkan inferiority complex dan apa yang mendorong karakter untuk memiliki inferiority complex. Inferioriti yang kompleks adalah perasaan inferioritas yang merupakan faktor dasar dari apa yang disebut Alfred Adler sebagai konflik, termasuk kompleks inferioritas; karena perasaan ini, terjadi pada karakteristik psikologis orang yang memiliki pengalaman buruk dalam hidup mereka. Masalah pertama berbicara tentang bagaimana Gatsby dan Daisy mencerminkan inferiority complex. Yang kedua adalah apa yang mendorong Gatsby dan Daisy untuk memiliki kompleks inferioritas. Untuk menjawab permasalahan, penelitian ini menggunakan teori psikoanalitik individu oleh Alfred Adler dan menggunakan konsep inferioritasnya untuk menganalisis masalah Gatsby dan Daisy. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa inferiority complex terjadi pada Gatsby dalam meraih ambisinya. Dia melakukan semua yang dia bisa untuk membuat perubahan hidupnya yang semula tidak ada dan menjadi dikenal. Perasaan ini membuatnya sukses dalam mencapai tujuannya untuk mendapatkan kekayaan, tetapi tidak hanya kekayaan yang menjadi tujuannya, tetapi cinta juga menjadi prioritas utama dalam hidupnya. Sementara Daisy ingin mendapatkan segalanya dalam hidupnya. Dia adalah wanita yang licik, dia menggunakan inferioritasnya untuk melindungi dirinya sendiri dan membuatnya tetap dikelilingi oleh kekayaan. Oleh karena itu inferiority complex adalah hal yang sangat merugikan bagi mereka yang mengalami, sesukses apapun yang ia dapatkan dari perasaan ini juga akan jatuh kemudian hari. Kata kunci: inferioritas yang kompleks, psikoanalitik individu, kelas sosial, Great Gatsby. Gatsby, Daisy

    Sex and aggression in f. Scott fitzgerrald’s novel The great gatsby (1925): a psychoanalytic criticism

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    The major issue of this study is what and how causes of sex and aggression reflected in The Great Gatsby novel (1925) by F. Scott Fitzgerrald?. The objective of this study is, 1) to describe The Great Gatsby novel based on structural elements of novel, and 2) to analyze sex and aggression in The Great Gatsby novel(1925 by F. Scott Fitzgerrald based on a Psychoanalytic Criticism. The research is qualitative study. The researcher uses primary data source and secondary data source. The primary data sources The Great Gatsby novel by F. Scott Fitzgerrald and the secondary data sources related the study, such as: website, dictionary, some books that support the analysis. The data collection method used by the researcher is reading the novel, taking notes, arranging the data, selecting particular parts of the script, determining the character that will be analyzed, classifying and determining the relevant data and browsing on internet. The data analysis method is descriptive qualitative analysis descriptive analysis concerns with structural element of the novel on sex and aggression. The results of the study shows the following conclusions. First, based on the structural analysis, it can be concluded that there are several moral messages appear in The Great Gatsby novel, the author conveys a moral messages that this novel involve the love and lust sometimes cannot be distinguished from one another. Second based on psychoanalytic analysis it can be found that in this novel the author illustatees the psychological phenomenon related with causes of sex and aggression

    Symbolism in the Great Gatsby

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    This is a paper that focuses on different symbols in F. Scott's Fitzgerald novel The Great Gatsby. The novel makes a link between different symbols employed in the novel, the Jazz Age and The American Dream. The major symbols that the paper focuses on are: the green light, the eyes of Doctor. T.J. Eckleburg and The Valley of Ashes.These symbols play an important role in developing the plot of the novel and distinguish it as a great masterpiece in English literature. Key Words: Symbols, Gatsby, Daisy, American Dream, Jazz Age, Fitzgerald

    From American Dream to American Reality: The Effect of Educational Expenditures on Intergenerational Mobility and the Great Gatsby Curve

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    Income inequality and intergenerational mobility are two common measures of economic fairness in society. While they measure distinct ideas, they are significantly related in an inverse way across countries as well as across regions in the United States. This relationship is illustrated on the Great Gatsby Curve. Unequal access to education is one factor that has been found to drive the negative relationship between these two measures and therefore create the negatively sloping Great Gatsby Curve. Therefore, creating more equal access to education, such as through government spending, could lessen the connection between these two factors. The primary purpose of this research is to explore the effect of public educational expenditure on intergenerational mobility as well as on the slope of the Great Gatsby Curve. At the primary/secondary education level, this study finds that places with higher public spending on education tend to have higher levels of intergenerational mobility. However, no significant relationship is found between spending on tertiary education and intergenerational mobility. In addition, while higher primary/secondary educational spending is associated with a flatter Great Gatsby Curve at the school district level, these results were not consistent at the commuting zone level, so no strong conclusions can be made about the effect of public educational expenditures as a mediating factor of the Great Gatsby Curve

    A Pragmatic Study of Exaggeration in British and American Novels

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    The main concern of this study is to tackle exaggeration in British and American situations taken from Mrs. Dalloway and The Great Gatsby novels. From a pragmatic point of view, exaggeration in the field of literature has not been given enough attention. Accordingly, this study is an attempt to develop a model for the analysis of exaggeration pragmatically. Thus, it concerns itself with achieving the following aims:(1)investigating the kinds of speech acts through which the exaggeration language occurs in Mrs. Dalloway and The Great Gatsby novels.(2)identifying  the devices of exaggeration used in Mrs. Dalloway and The Great Gatsby novels.(3)showing how exaggerators pragmatically proceed the Politeness Principle and the Cooperative Principle in these two novels.(4)figuring out the pragmatic functions of exaggeration used in these two novels. In relation to the abovementioned aims, the following hypotheses are tested:(1) various kinds of speech acts through which the exaggeration language occurs can be used in Mrs. Dalloway and The Great Gatsby novels.(2)a variety of devices of exaggeration are used in these two novels.(3)the Politeness Principle and the Cooperative Principle are violated in The Great Gatsby more than in Mrs. Dalloway.(4)there are different pragmatic functions for exaggeration in these novels.To achieve the aforementioned aims, the following procedures are followed:(1)surveying the relevant literature on exaggeration in general and its pragmatic perspective in particular.(2)analyzing the exaggeration language pragmatically in Mrs. Dalloway and The Great Gatsby according to a model developed by this study.The results of the analysis prove the first, second, and fourth hypotheses, whereas they partially reject the third hypothesis and partially verify it. Keywords: Exaggeration, Pragmatics, Speech acts

    The academic Great Gatsby Curve

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    The Great Gatsby Curve measures the relationship between income inequality and intergenerational income persistence. By utilizing genealogical data of over 245,000 mentor-mentee pairs and their academic publications from 22 different disciplines, this study demonstrates that an academic Great Gatsby Curve exists as well, in the form of a positive correlation between academic impact inequality and the persistence of impact across academic generations. We also provide a detailed breakdown of academic persistence, showing that the correlation between the impact of mentors and that of their mentees has increased over time, indicating an overall decrease in academic intergenerational mobility. We analyze such persistence across a variety of dimensions, including mentorship types, gender, and institutional prestige