6 research outputs found

    Generalized (edge-)connectivity of join, corona and cluster graphs

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    The generalized k k -connectivity κk(G) \kappa_k(G) of a graph G G , introduced by Hager in 1985, is a natural generalization of the classical connectivity. As a natural counterpart, Li et al. proposed the concept of generalized k k -edge-connectivity λk(G) \lambda_k(G) . In this paper, we obtain exact values or sharp upper and lower bounds of κk(G) \kappa_k(G) and λk(G) \lambda_k(G) for join, corona and cluster graphs

    The generalized 4-connectivity of burnt pancake graphs

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    The generalized kk-connectivity of a graph GG, denoted by κk(G)\kappa_k(G), is the minimum number of internally edge disjoint SS-trees for any S⊆V(G)S\subseteq V(G) and ∣S∣=k|S|=k. The generalized kk-connectivity is a natural extension of the classical connectivity and plays a key role in applications related to the modern interconnection networks. An nn-dimensional burnt pancake graph BPnBP_n is a Cayley graph which posses many desirable properties. In this paper, we try to evaluate the reliability of BPnBP_n by investigating its generalized 4-connectivity. By introducing the notation of inclusive tree and by studying structural properties of BPnBP_n, we show that κ4(BPn)=n−1\kappa_4(BP_n)=n-1 for n≥2n\ge 2, that is, for any four vertices in BPnBP_n, there exist (n−1n-1) internally edge disjoint trees connecting them in BPnBP_n