5 research outputs found

    On the choosability of HH-minor-free graphs

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    Given a graph HH, let us denote by fΟ‡(H)f_\chi(H) and fβ„“(H)f_\ell(H), respectively, the maximum chromatic number and the maximum list chromatic number of HH-minor-free graphs. Hadwiger's famous coloring conjecture from 1943 states that fΟ‡(Kt)=tβˆ’1f_\chi(K_t)=t-1 for every tβ‰₯2t \ge 2. In contrast, for list coloring it is known that 2tβˆ’o(t)≀fβ„“(Kt)≀O(t(log⁑log⁑t)6)2t-o(t) \le f_\ell(K_t) \le O(t (\log \log t)^6) and thus, fβ„“(Kt)f_\ell(K_t) is bounded away from the conjectured value tβˆ’1t-1 for fΟ‡(Kt)f_\chi(K_t) by at least a constant factor. The so-called HH-Hadwiger's conjecture, proposed by Seymour, asks to prove that fΟ‡(H)=v(H)βˆ’1f_\chi(H)=\textsf{v}(H)-1 for a given graph HH (which would be implied by Hadwiger's conjecture). In this paper, we prove several new lower bounds on fβ„“(H)f_\ell(H), thus exploring the limits of a list coloring extension of HH-Hadwiger's conjecture. Our main results are: For every Ξ΅>0\varepsilon>0 and all sufficiently large graphs HH we have fβ„“(H)β‰₯(1βˆ’Ξ΅)(v(H)+ΞΊ(H))f_\ell(H)\ge (1-\varepsilon)(\textsf{v}(H)+\kappa(H)), where ΞΊ(H)\kappa(H) denotes the vertex-connectivity of HH. For every Ξ΅>0\varepsilon>0 there exists C=C(Ξ΅)>0C=C(\varepsilon)>0 such that asymptotically almost every nn-vertex graph HH with ⌈Cnlog⁑nβŒ‰\left\lceil C n\log n\right\rceil edges satisfies fβ„“(H)β‰₯(2βˆ’Ξ΅)nf_\ell(H)\ge (2-\varepsilon)n. The first result generalizes recent results on complete and complete bipartite graphs and shows that the list chromatic number of HH-minor-free graphs is separated from the natural lower bound (v(H)βˆ’1)(\textsf{v}(H)-1) by a constant factor for all large graphs HH of linear connectivity. The second result tells us that even when HH is a very sparse graph (with an average degree just logarithmic in its order), fβ„“(H)f_\ell(H) can still be separated from (v(H)βˆ’1)(\textsf{v}(H)-1) by a constant factor arbitrarily close to 22. Conceptually these results indicate that the graphs HH for which fβ„“(H)f_\ell(H) is close to (v(H)βˆ’1)(\textsf{v}(H)-1) are typically rather sparse.Comment: 14 page

    Limits of degeneracy for colouring graphs with forbidden minors

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    Motivated by Hadwiger's conjecture, Seymour asked which graphs HH have the property that every non-null graph GG with no HH minor has a vertex of degree at most ∣V(H)βˆ£βˆ’2|V(H)|-2. We show that for every monotone graph family F\mathcal{F} with strongly sublinear separators, all sufficiently large bipartite graphs H∈FH \in \mathcal{F} with bounded maximum degree have this property. None of the conditions that HH belongs to F\mathcal{F}, that HH is bipartite and that HH has bounded maximum degree can be omitted.Comment: 22 page

    Proper conflict-free list-coloring, odd minors, subdivisions, and layered treewidth

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    Proper conflict-free coloring is an intermediate notion between proper coloring of a graph and proper coloring of its square. It is a proper coloring such that for every non-isolated vertex, there exists a color appearing exactly once in its (open) neighborhood. Typical examples of graphs with large proper conflict-free chromatic number include graphs with large chromatic number and bipartite graphs isomorphic to the 11-subdivision of graphs with large chromatic number. In this paper, we prove two rough converse statements that hold even in the list-coloring setting. The first is for sparse graphs: for every graph HH, there exists an integer cHc_H such that every graph with no subdivision of HH is (properly) conflict-free cHc_H-choosable. The second applies to dense graphs: every graph with large conflict-free choice number either contains a large complete graph as an odd minor or contains a bipartite induced subgraph that has large conflict-free choice number. These give two incomparable (partial) answers of a question of Caro, Petru\v{s}evski and \v{S}krekovski. We also prove quantitatively better bounds for minor-closed families, implying some known results about proper conflict-free coloring and odd coloring in the literature. Moreover, we prove that every graph with layered treewidth at most ww is (properly) conflict-free (8wβˆ’1)(8w-1)-choosable. This result applies to (g,k)(g,k)-planar graphs, which are graphs whose coloring problems have attracted attention recently.Comment: Hickingbotham recently independently announced a paper (arXiv:2203.10402) proving a result similar to the ones in this paper. Please see the notes at the end of this paper for details. v2: add results for odd minors, which applies to graphs with unbounded degeneracy, and change the title of the pape

    Coloring Graphs with Forbidden Minors

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    A graph H is a minor of a graph G if H can be obtained from a subgraph of G by contracting edges. My research is motivated by the famous Hadwiger\u27s Conjecture from 1943 which states that every graph with no Kt-minor is (t βˆ’ 1)-colorable. This conjecture has been proved true for t ≀ 6, but remains open for all t β‰₯ 7. For t = 7, it is not even yet known if a graph with no K7-minor is 7-colorable. We begin by showing that every graph with no Kt-minor is (2t βˆ’ 6)- colorable for t = 7, 8, 9, in the process giving a shorter and computer-free proof of the known results for t = 7, 8. We also show that this result extends to larger values of t if Mader\u27s bound for the extremal function for Kt-minors is true. Additionally, we show that any graph with no Kβˆ’8 - minor is 9-colorable, and any graph with no K=8-minor is 8-colorable. The Kempe-chain method developed for our proofs of the above results may be of independent interest. We also use Mader\u27s H-Wege theorem to establish some sufficient conditions for a graph to contain a K8-minor. Another motivation for my research is a well-known conjecture of Erdos and Lovasz from 1968, the Double-Critical Graph Conjecture. A connected graph G is double-critical if for all edges xy ∈ E(G), Ο‡(Gβˆ’xβˆ’y) = Ο‡(G)βˆ’2. Erdos and Lovasz conjectured that the only double-critical t-chromatic graph is the complete graph Kt. This conjecture has been show to be true for t ≀ 5 and remains open for t β‰₯ 6. It has further been shown that any non-complete, double-critical, t-chromatic graph contains Kt as a minor for t ≀ 8. We give a shorter proof of this result for t = 7, a computer-free proof for t = 8, and extend the result to show that G contains a K9-minor for all t β‰₯ 9. Finally, we show that the Double-Critical Graph Conjecture is true for double-critical graphs with chromatic number t ≀ 8 if such graphs are claw-free