6 research outputs found

    Easy and nearly simultaneous proofs of the Ergodic Theorem and Maximal Ergodic Theorem

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    We give a short proof of a strengthening of the Maximal Ergodic Theorem which also immediately yields the Pointwise Ergodic Theorem.Comment: Published at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/074921706000000266 in the IMS Lecture Notes--Monograph Series (http://www.imstat.org/publications/lecnotes.htm) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    The context-tree weighting method: extensions

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    First we modify the basic (binary) context-tree weighting method such that the past symbols x1-D, x2-D, …, x 0 are not needed by the encoder and the decoder. Then we describe how to make the context-tree depth D infinite, which results in optimal redundancy behavior for all tree sources, while the number of records in the context tree is not larger than 2T-1. Here T is the length of the source sequence. For this extended context-tree weighting algorithm we show that with probability one the compression ratio is not larger than the source entropy for source sequence length T¿8 for stationary and ergodic source

    Kodierung von Gaußmaßen

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    Es sei gammagamma ein Gaußmaß auf der Borelschen sigmasigma-Algebra mathcalBmathcal B des separablen Banachraums BB. Für X:OmegaoBX:Omega o B gelte PX=gammaP_X=gamma. Wir untersuchen den mittleren Fehler, der bei Kodierung von gammagamma respektive XX mit NinmathbbNNinmathbb N Punkten entsteht, und bestimmen untere und obere Abschätzungen für die Asymptotik (NoinftyN oinfty) dieses Fehlers. Hierbei betrachten wir zu r>0r>0 Gütekriterien wie folgt: Deterministische Kodierung delta2(N,r):=infy1,ldots,yNinBEmink=1,ldots,NX−ykr.delta_2(N,r) := inf_{y_1,ldots,y_Nin B}Emin_{k=1,ldots,N}X-y_k^r. Zufällige Kodierung delta3(N,r):=infuEmink=1,ldots,NX−Ykr.delta_3(N,r) := inf_ u Emin_{k=1,ldots,N}X-Y_k^r. Die (Yk)(Y_k) seien hierbei i.i.d., unabhängig von XX, und nach u u verteilt. Das Infimum wird über alle Wahrscheinlichkeitsmaße u u gebildet. Für das Gütekriterium delta4(cdot,r)delta_4(cdot,r) wird ausgehend von der Definition von delta3(cdot,r)delta_3(cdot,r) u u nicht optimal, sondern u=gamma u=gamma gewählt. Das Gütekriterium delta1(cdot,r)delta_1(cdot,r) ergibt sich aus der Quellkodierungstheorie nach Shannon. Es gilt delta1(cdot,r)ledelta2(cdot,r)ledelta3(cdot,r)ledelta4(cdot,r).delta_1(cdot,r) le delta_2(cdot,r) le delta_3(cdot,r) le delta_4(cdot,r). Wir stellen folgenden Zusammenhang zwischen der Asymptotik von delta4(cdot,r)delta_4(cdot,r) und den logarithmischen kleinen Abweichungen von gammagamma her: Es gebe kappa,a>0kappa,a>0 und binRbinR mit psi(varepsilon) := -log P{X1.Let gammagamma be a Gaussian measure on the Borel sigmasigma-algebra mathcalBmathcal B of the separable Banach space BB. Let X:OmegaoBX:Omega o B with PX=gammaP_X=gamma. We investigate the average error in coding gammagamma resp. XX with NinmathbbNNinmathbb N points and obtain lower and upper bounds for the error asymptotics (NoinftyN oinfty). We consider, given r>0r>0, fidelity criterions as follows: Deterministic Coding delta2(N,r):=infy1,ldots,yNinBEmink=1,ldots,NX−ykr.delta_2(N,r) := inf_{y_1,ldots,y_Nin B}Emin_{k=1,ldots,N}X-y_k^r. Random Coding delta3(N,r):=infuEmink=1,ldots,NX−Ykr.delta_3(N,r) := inf_ u Emin_{k=1,ldots,N}X-Y_k^r. The (Yk)(Y_k) above are i.i.d., independent of XX, and distributed according to u u. The infimum is taken with respect to all probability measures u u. For the fidelity criterion delta4(cdot,r)delta_4(cdot,r), starting from the definition of delta3(cdot,r)delta_3(cdot,r), u u is not chosen optimal, but as u=gamma u=gamma. The fidelity criterion delta1(cdot,r)delta_1(cdot,r) is given according to the source coding theory of Shannon. The fidelity criterions are connected through delta1(cdot,r)ledelta2(cdot,r)ledelta3(cdot,r)ledelta4(cdot,r).delta_1(cdot,r) le delta_2(cdot,r) le delta_3(cdot,r) le delta_4(cdot,r). We obtain the following connection between the asymptotics of delta4(cdot,r)delta_4(cdot,r) and the den logarithmic small deviations of gammagamma: Let kappa,a>0kappa,a>0 and binRbinR with psi(varepsilon) := -log P{X1