5 research outputs found

    Information Technology Implementation in SMEs: A Comparison of Indonesia and Malaysia

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    Objective: The purpose of the study is to compare SMEs in Indonesia and Malaysia regarding the implementation of information technology, especially on the sustainable competitive advantage factors, IT adoption, perceived simplicity, green technology capability, and performance. Design/Methods/Approach: Survey data are collected from 269 SME leaders and managers SMEs in Indonesia and 241 respondents in Malaysia. The sampling model is purposive sampling while analysis involved a non-parametric test (Mann-Whitney U-test).  Findings:  The results show that there are significant differences for the variables SCA, SMEs performance expectation, and IT adoption. There are no significant differences between Indonesian and Malaysian SMEs for the variables of perceived simplicity and green technology capability. Originality: The paper contributes to the growing research on information technology implementation by using factors within Sustainable Competitive Advantage, IT adoption, perceived simplicity, green technology capability, and performance. Practical/Policy implication: This finding can encourage SMEs in Indonesia and Malaysia to work together to develop important variables to improve the implementation of information technology to increase competitiveness

    El impacto de la flexibilidad estrat?gica en la transformaci?n digital de las entidades autorizadas a captar dep?sitos en el sector financiero en Per?

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    La transformaci?n digital es un t?rmino muy popular en los ?ltimos a?os, el cual sirve para explicar los procesos de cambio basados en las tecnolog?as digitales que afectan a la sociedad y a las organizaciones de todos los sectores. Sin embargo, la misi?n de la transformaci?n digital no se trata ?nicamente del uso de la tecnolog?a, sino que nos lleva a profundizar en c?mo utilizar diferentes herramientas que la potencien, comenzando por los trabajadores. Luego de una exhaustiva revisi?n de evidencia cient?fica existente, podemos afirmar que la flexibilidad estrat?gica juega un papel importante en el proceso de transformaci?n digital. Por ello, el objetivo principal de la presente investigaci?n es ver c?mo la variable flexibilidad estrat?gica juega un papel mediador entre la fuerza laboral y las capacidades din?micas en la transformaci?n digital, ya que dichas variables no se han estudiado en la regi?n latinoamericana. De esta manera, se propone un modelo incorporando la transformaci?n de la fuerza laboral y las capacidades din?micas como variables importantes para el presente estudio que ser? de tipo explicativo con corte transversal y con muestreo no probabil?stico

    Strategies Used by Cloud Security Managers to Implement Secure Access Methods

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    Cloud computing can be used as a way to access services and resources for many organizations; however, hackers have created security concerns for users that incorporate cloud computing in their everyday functions. The purpose of this qualitative multiple case study was to explore strategies used by cloud security managers to implement secure access methods to protect data on the cloud infrastructure. The population for this study was cloud security managers employed by 2 medium size businesses in the Atlanta, Georgia metropolitan area and that have strategies to implement secure access methods to protect data on the cloud infrastructure. The technology acceptance model was used as the conceptual framework for the study. Data were collected from semi-structured interviews of 7 security managers and review of 21 archived documents that reflected security strategies from past security issues that occurred. Data analysis was performed using methodological triangulation and resulted in the identification of three major themes: implementing security policies, implementing strong authentication methods, and implementing strong access control methods. The findings from this research may contribute to positive social by decreasing customers\u27 concerns regarding personal information that is stored on the cloud being compromised

    Investigation of factors that affect the willingness of individuals to share knowledge in the virtual organisation of Taiwanese non-governmental organisations

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    With the advent of knowledge-intensive economies, plus the ever-accelerating development of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs), organisational knowledge has become the key driver of an organisation’s value and ultimately, an important source of an organisation’s sustainable competitive edge. Thus, numerous organisations have started to invest heavily in establishing knowledge management systems (KMSs). Subsequently, they wish to access knowledge from individuals in order to enhance their acquisition of knowledge and ultimately transform this into organisational knowledge. Even though existing research studies have evidenced extensively the intrinsic and extrinsic motivators of individuals’ knowledge-sharing behaviour in organisations from diverse perspectives (e.g. organisational behaviour, sociology and psychology), individuals still seem inclined to hoard their knowledge, rather than share it with others in organisations. To this end, this research aims to investigate and identify essential elements related to individuals’ knowledge-sharing behaviour within the complex context of the virtual organisation of Taiwanese Non-governmental Organisations (NGOs), comprising the whole system of Taiwanese Farmers’ Associations, by integrating multilevel perspectives of individuals in organisations (the micro-level), workplace networks in organisations (the meso-level) and organisational culture (the macro-level). [Continues.