45 research outputs found

    Distance Perception in Virtual Environment through Head-mounted Displays

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    Head-mounted displays (HMDs) are popular and affordable wearable display devices which facilitate immersive and interactive viewing experience. Numerous studies have reported that people typically underestimate distances in HMDs. This dissertation describes a series of research experiments that examined the influence of FOV and peripheral vision on distance perception in HMDs and attempts to provide useful information to HMD manufacturers and software developers to improve perceptual performance of HMD-based virtual environments. This document is divided into two main parts. The first part describes two experiments that examined distance judgments in Oculus Rift HMDs. Unlike numerous studies found significant distance compression, our Experiment I & II using the Oculus DK1 and DK2 found that people could judge distances near-accurately between 2 to 5 meters. In the second part of this document, we describe four experiments that examined the influence of FOV and human periphery on distance perception in HMDs and explored some potential approaches of augmenting peripheral vision in HMDs. In Experiment III, we reconfirmed the peripheral stimulation effect found by Jones et al. using bright peripheral frames. We also discovered that there is no linear correlation between the stimulation and peripheral brightness. In Experiment IV, we examined the interaction between the peripheral brightness and distance judgments using peripheral frames with different relative luminances. We found that there exists a brightness threshold; i.e., a minimum brightness level that\u27s required to trigger the peripheral stimulation effect which improves distance judgments in HMD-based virtual environments. In Experiment V, we examined the influence of applying a pixelation effect in the periphery which simulates the visual experience of having a peripheral low-resolution display around viewports. The result showed that adding the pixelated peripheral frame significantly improves distance judgments in HMDs. Lastly, our Experiment VI examined the influence of image size and shape in HMDs on distance perception. We found that making the frame thinner to increase the FOV of imagery improves the distance judgments. The result supports the hypothesis that FOV influences distance judgments in HMDs. It also suggests that the image shape may have no influence on distance judgments in HMDs

    Improving everyday computing tasks with head-mounted displays

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    The proliferation of consumer-affordable head-mounted displays (HMDs) has brought a rash of entertainment applications for this burgeoning technology, but relatively little research has been devoted to exploring its potential home and office productivity applications. Can the unique characteristics of HMDs be leveraged to improve users’ ability to perform everyday computing tasks? My work strives to explore this question. One significant obstacle to using HMDs for everyday tasks is the fact that the real world is occluded while wearing them. Physical keyboards remain the most performant devices for text input, yet using a physical keyboard is difficult when the user can’t see it. I developed a system for aiding users typing on physical keyboards while wearing HMDs and performed a user study demonstrating the efficacy of my system. Building on this foundation, I developed a window manager optimized for use with HMDs and conducted a user survey to gather feedback. This survey provided evidence that HMD-optimized window managers can provide advantages that are difficult or impossible to achieve with standard desktop monitors. Participants also provided suggestions for improvements and extensions to future versions of this window manager. I explored the issue of distance compression, wherein users tend to underestimate distances in virtual environments relative to the real world, which could be problematic for window managers or other productivity applications seeking to leverage the depth dimension through stereoscopy. I also investigated a mitigation technique for distance compression called minification. I conducted multiple user studies, providing evidence that minification makes users’ distance judgments in HMDs more accurate without causing detrimental perceptual side effects. This work also provided some valuable insight into the human perceptual system. Taken together, this work represents valuable steps toward leveraging HMDs for everyday home and office productivity applications. I developed functioning software for this purpose, demonstrated its efficacy through multiple user studies, and also gathered feedback for future directions by having participants use this software in simulated productivity tasks

    Perceived Space in the HTC Vive

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    Underperception of egocentric distance in virtual reality has been a persistent concern for almost 20 years. Modern headmounted displays (HMDs) appear to have begun to ameliorate underperception. The current study examined several aspects of perceived space in the HTC Vive. Blind-walking distance judgments, verbal distance judgments, and size judgments were measured in two distinct virtual environments (VEs)—a high-quality replica of a real classroom and an empty grass field—as well as the real classroom upon which the classroom VE was modeled. A brief walking interaction was also examined as an intervention for improving anticipated underperception in the VEs. Results from the Vive were compared to existing data using two older HMDs (nVisor SX111 and ST50). Blind-walking judgments were more accurate in the Vive compared to the older displays, and did not differ substantially from the real world nor across VEs. Size judgments were more accurate in the classroom VE than the grass VE and in the Vive compared to the older displays. Verbal judgments were significantly smaller in the classroom VE compared to the real classroom and did not significantly differ across VEs. Blind-walking and size judgments were more accurate after walking interaction, but verbal judgments were unaffected. The results indicate that underperception of distance in the HTC Vive is less than in older displays but has not yet been completely resolved. With more accurate space perception afforded by modern HMDs, alternative methods for improving judgments of perceived space—such as walking interaction—may no longer be necessary

    Simulation Of Virtual Reality Display Characteristics: A Method For The Evaluation Of Motion Perception

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    Visual perception in virtual reality devices is a widely researched topic. Many newer experiments compare their results to those of older studies that may have used equipment which is now outdated, which can cause perceptual differences. These differences in hardware can be simulated to a degree in software, provided the capabilities of the current hardware meet or exceed those of the older hardware. I present the HMD Simulation Framework, a software package for the Unity3D engine that allows for quick modification of many commonly researched HMD characteristics through the Inspector GUI built into Unity. I also describe a human subjects experiment aimed at identifying perceptual equivalence classes between different sets of headset characteristics. Unfortunately, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, all human subjects research was suspended for safety reasons, and I was unable to collect any data

    A perceptual calibration method to ameliorate the phenomenon of non-size-constancy in hetereogeneous VR displays

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    The interception of the action-perception loop in virtual reality [VR] causes that understanding the effects of different display factors in spatial perception becomes a challenge. For example, studies have reported that there is not size-constancy, the perceived size of an object does not remain constant as its distance increases. This phenomenon is closely related to the reports of underestimation of distances in VR, which causes remain unclear. Despite the efforts improving the spatial cues regarding display technology and computer graphics, some interest has started to focus on the human side. In this study, we propose a perceptual calibration method which can ameliorate the effects of non-size-constancy in heterogeneous VR displays. The method was validated in a perceptual matching experiment comparing the performance between an HTC Vive HMD and a four-walls CAVE system. Results show that perceptual calibration based on interpupillary distance increments can solve partially the phenomenon of non-size-constancy in VR


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    Characteristics of head-mounted displays (HMDs) and their effects on simulator sickness (SS) and presence were investigated. Update delay and wide field of views (FOV) have often been thought to elicit SS. With the exception of Draper et al. (2001), previous research that has examined FOV has failed to consider image scale factor, or the ratio between physical FOV of the HMD display and the geometric field of view (GFOV) of the virtual environment (VE). The current study investigated update delay, image scale factor, and peripheral vision on SS and presence when viewing a real-world scene. Participants donned an HMD and performed active head movements to search for objects located throughout the laboratory. Seven out of the first 28 participants withdrew from the study due to extreme responses. These participants experienced faint-like symptoms, confusion, ataxia, nausea, and tunnel vision. Thereafter, the use of a hand-rail was implemented to provide participants something to grasp while performing the experimental task. The 2X2X2 ANOVA revealed a main effect of peripheral vision, F(1,72) = 6.90, p= .01, indicating peak Simulator Sickness Questionnaire (SSQ) scores were significantly higher when peripheral vision was occluded than when peripheral vision was included. No main effects or interaction effects were revealed on Presence Questionnaire (PQ version 4.0) scores. However, a significant negative correlation of peak SSQ scores and PQ scores, r(77) = -.28, p= .013 was revealed. Participants also were placed into \u27sick\u27 and \u27not-sick\u27 groups based on a median split of SSQ scores. A chi-square analysis revealed that participants who were exposed to an additional update delay of ~200 ms were significantly more likely to be in the \u27sick\u27 group than those who were exposed to no additional update delay. To reduce the occurrence of SS, a degree of peripheral vision of the external world should be included and attempts to reduce update delay should continue. Furthermore, participants should be provided with something to grasp while in an HMD VE. Future studies should seek to investigate a critical amount of peripheral vision and update delay necessary to elicit SS

    Frontal extents in virtual environments are not immune to underperception

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    Distance is commonly underperceived by up to 50% in virtual environments (VEs), in contrast to relatively accurate real world judgments. Experiments reported by Geuss, Stefanucci, Creem-Regehr, and Thompson (2012) indicate that the exocentric distance separating two objects in a VE is underperceived when the objects are oriented in the sagittal plane (depth extents), but veridically perceived when oriented in a frontoparallel plane (frontal extents). The authors conclude that, “distance underestimation in the [VE] generalizes to intervals in the depth plane, but not to intervals in the frontal plane.” The current experiment evaluated an alternative hypothesis that the accurate judgments of frontal extents reported by Geuss et al. were due to a fortunate balance of underperception caused by the VE and overperception of frontal relative to depth extents. Participants judged frontal and depth extents in the classroom VE used by Geuss et al. and in a sparser VE containing only a grass-covered ground plane. Judgments in the classroom VE replicated findings by Geuss et al., but judgments in the grass VE show underperception of both depth and frontal extents, indicating that frontal extents are not immune to underperception in VEs

    The impact of background and context on car distance estimation

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    It is well established that people underestimate the distance to objects depicted in virtual environments and two-dimensional (2D) displays. The reasons for the underestimation are still not fully understood. It is becoming more common to use virtual environment displays for driver training and testing and so understanding the distortion of perceived space that occurs in these displays is vital. We need to know what aspects of the display cause the observer to misperceive the distance to objects in the simulated environments. The research reported in this thesis investigated how people estimate distance between themselves and a car in front of them, within a number of differing environmental contexts. Four experiments were run using virtual environment displays of various kinds and a fifth experiment was run in a real-world setting. It was found that distance underestimation when viewing 2D displays is very common, even when familiar objects such as cars are used as the targets. The experiments also verified that people have a greater underestimation of distance in a virtual environment compared to a real-world setting. A surprising and somewhat counterintuitive result was that people underestimate distance more when the scene depicts forward motion of the observer compared to a static view. The research also identified a number of visual features in the display (e.g., texture information) and aspects of the display (e.g., field of view) that affected the perception of distance or that had no effect. The findings should help the designers of driver-training simulators and testing equipment to better understand the types of errors that can potentially occur when humans view two-dimensional virtual environment displays

    Comparison of Two Methods for Improving Distance Perception in Virtual Reality

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    Distance is commonly underperceived in virtual environments (VEs) compared to real environments. Past work suggests that displaying a replica VE based on the real surrounding environment leads to more accurate judgments of distance, but that work has lacked the necessary control conditions to firmly make this conclusion. Other research indicates that walking through a VE with visual feedback improves judgments of distance and size. This study evaluated and compared those two methods for improving perceived distance in VEs. All participants experienced a replica VE based on the real lab. In one condition, participants visually previewed the real lab prior to experiencing the replica VE, and in another condition they did not. Participants performed blind-walking judgments of distance and also judgments of size in the replica VE before and after walking interaction. Distance judgments were more accurate in the preview compared to no preview condition, but size judgments were unaffected by visual preview. Distance judgments and size judgments increased after walking interaction, and the improvement was larger for distance than for size judgments. After walking interaction, distance judgments did not differ based on visual preview, and walking interaction led to a larger improvement in judged distance than did visual preview. These data suggest that walking interaction may be more effective than visual preview as a method for improving perceived space in a VE