26 research outputs found

    Temporal Structure of Human Gaze Dynamics is Invariant During Free Viewing

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    We investigate the dynamic structure of human gaze and present an experimental study of the frequency components of the change in gaze position over time during free viewing of computer-generated fractal images. We show that changes in gaze position are scale-invariant in time with statistical properties that are characteristic of a random walk process. We quantify and track changes in the temporal structure using a well-defined scaling parameter called the Hurst exponent, H. We find H is robust regardless of the spatial complexity generated by the fractal images. In addition, we find the Hurst exponent is invariant across all participants, including those with distinct changes to higher order visual processes due to neural degeneration. The value we find for H of 0.57 shows that the gaze dynamics during free viewing of fractal images are consistent with a random walk process with persistent movements. Our research suggests the human visual system may have a common strategy that drives the dynamics of human gaze during exploration

    Human mobility and spatial disease dynamics

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    The understanding of human mobility and the development of qualitative models as well as quantitative theories for it is of key importance to the research of human infectious disease dynamics on large geographical scales. In our globalized world, mobility and traffic have reached a complexity and volume of unprecedented degree. Long range human mobility is now responsible for the rapid geographical spread of emergent infectious diseases. Multiscale human mobility networks exhibit two prominent features: (1) Networks exhibit a strong heterogeneity, the distribution of weights, traffic fluxes and populations sizes of communities range over many orders of magnitude. (2) Although the interaction magnitude in terms of traffic intensities decreases with distance, the observed power-laws indicate that long range interactions play a significant role in spatial disease dynamics. We will review how the topological features of traffic networks can be incorporated in models for disease dynamics and show, that the way topology is translated into dynamics can have a profound impact on the overall disease dynamics. We will also introduce a class of spatially extended models in which the impact and interplay of both spatial heterogeneity as well as long range spatial interactions can be investigated in a systematic fashion. Our analysis of multiscale human mobility networks is based on a proxy network of dispersing US dollar bills, which we incorporated in a model to produce real-time epidemic forecasts that projected the spatial spread of the recent outbreak of Influenza A(H1N1)

    Scale-free bursting in human cortex following hypoxia at birth

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    The human brain is fragile in the face of oxygen deprivation. Even a briefinterruption of metabolic supply at birth challenges an otherwise healthy neonatal cortex, leading to a cascade of homeostatic responses. During recovery from hypoxia, cortical activity exhibits a period of highly irregular electrical fluctuations known as burst suppression. Here we show that these bursts have fractal properties, with power-law scaling of burst sizes across a remarkable 5 orders of magnitude and a scale-free relationship between burst sizes and durations. Although burst waveforms vary greatly, their average shape converges to a simple form that is asymmetric at long time scales. Using a simple computational model, we argue that this asymmetry reflects activity-dependent changes in the excitatory-inhibitory balance of cortical neurons. Bursts become more symmetric following the resumption of normal activity, with a corresponding reorganization of burst scaling relationships. These findings place burst suppression in the broad class of scale-free physical processes termed crackling noise and suggest that the resumption of healthy activity reflects a fundamental reorganization in the relationship between neuronal activity and its underlying metabolic constraints

    Scanpath modeling and classification with Hidden Markov Models

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    How people look at visual information reveals fundamental information about them; their interests and their states of mind. Previous studies showed that scanpath, i.e., the sequence of eye movements made by an observer exploring a visual stimulus, can be used to infer observer-related (e.g., task at hand) and stimuli-related (e.g., image semantic category) information. However, eye movements are complex signals and many of these studies rely on limited gaze descriptors and bespoke datasets. Here, we provide a turnkey method for scanpath modeling and classification. This method relies on variational hidden Markov models (HMMs) and discriminant analysis (DA). HMMs encapsulate the dynamic and individualistic dimensions of gaze behavior, allowing DA to capture systematic patterns diagnostic of a given class of observers and/or stimuli. We test our approach on two very different datasets. Firstly, we use fixations recorded while viewing 800 static natural scene images, and infer an observer-related characteristic: the task at hand. We achieve an average of 55.9% correct classification rate (chance = 33%). We show that correct classification rates positively correlate with the number of salient regions present in the stimuli. Secondly, we use eye positions recorded while viewing 15 conversational videos, and infer a stimulus-related characteristic: the presence or absence of original soundtrack. We achieve an average 81.2% correct classification rate (chance = 50%). HMMs allow to integrate bottom-up, top-down, and oculomotor influences into a single model of gaze behavior. This synergistic approach between behavior and machine learning will open new avenues for simple quantification of gazing behavior. We release SMAC with HMM, a Matlab toolbox freely available to the community under an open-source license agreement.published_or_final_versio

    Oculomotor control in a sequential search task

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    AbstractUsing a serial search paradigm, we observed several effects of within-object fixation position on spatial and temporal control of eye movements: the preferred viewing location, launch site effect, the optimal viewing position, and the inverted optimal viewing position of fixation duration. While these effects were first identified by eye-movement studies in reading, our approach permits an analysis of the functional relationships between the effects in a different paradigm. Our results demonstrate that the fixation position is an important predictor of the subsequent saccade by influencing both fixation duration and the selection of the next saccade target

    Ecological Sampling of Gaze Shifts

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    Using Gaze for Behavioural Biometrics

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    A principled approach to the analysis of eye movements for behavioural biometrics is laid down. The approach grounds in foraging theory, which provides a sound basis to capture the unique- ness of individual eye movement behaviour. We propose a composite Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process for quantifying the exploration/exploitation signature characterising the foraging eye behaviour. The rel- evant parameters of the composite model, inferred from eye-tracking data via Bayesian analysis, are shown to yield a suitable feature set for biometric identification; the latter is eventually accomplished via a classical classification technique. A proof of concept of the method is provided by measuring its identification performance on a publicly available dataset. Data and code for reproducing the analyses are made available. Overall, we argue that the approach offers a fresh view on either the analyses of eye-tracking data and prospective applications in this field